All posts by Alpha Igogo

what do your friends say about you?

In this world there are so many choices one can choose. When you choose wrong friends chances are you might mess your life. I am glad for the gift of friendship that God has blessed me with these two wonderful and God fearing women,  Anna Shayo and Gertrude Mallya. Our journey started in 1993 when we both went to Weruweru High School. Despite the different directions that life took us to,  but when we reunited it was as if there was no gap in between.  You have been more than friends, sisters and I can not imagine life without one of you. Together we talk,  laugh, mourn and become young girls again. We have come too far for me not to cherish this bond. I can not say I love you enough because I think what I feel is more than love. I wish you all a very long, happy, healthy, wealthy and peaceful life filled with God’s blessings. May God bless you abundantly with all that your hearts ‘ desires and also may he bless you with all that he knows you need but you don’t know. You are my friends, sisters and companions and your worth and value to me can only be measured by my heart. I loved you yesterday, love you today and will spend the rest of my life loving and praying for you.  Happy birthday wapenzi wangu na wala nundu wenzangu Anna and Gertrude. You bring so much joy in my life. May God’s goodness, mercy and peace surround you all the days of your lives! …by Foster M.MFB_IMG_1458760650455

Alpha’s view:……… “I can not say I love you enough because I think what I feel is more than love.”!! Mmh! Do you have friends? What do they say about you? Have you wonder about it?….Evaluate your friendship it’s not too late!

Happy 80th birthday Mzee Sarungi

Screenshot_2016-03-23-17-27-31-1Wow! 80 and still going strong! Happy birthday Prof. Sarungi. Mungu azidi kukubariki ufike 100+. Ukaone watoto wa wajukuu wako na wajukuu wa wajukuu wako …….Hongera sana pia kwa mama Sarungi kwa matunzo bora anayo kupa. Ubarikiwe sana baba yangu mkubwa. Happy birthday!

David Latterman miezi 11 baada ya kustahafu…!


Ni miezi 11 tangu kustahafu kwa kungwi wa talk show iliyo julikana kama “The Late Show”. Ameonekana leo akiwa akifanya mazoezi wakati akiwa vacation. David, ameonekana tofauti sana na jinsi alivyo zoeleka (tazama Video ?). Ameongezeka sana, kafuga ndevu, naule u-smart wake umeisha kabisa.

Kuna professor mmoja hivi alisema kama mtu umekuwa ukifanya kazi kwa muda mrefu na ukaamua kustahafu ni vizuri kuwa na ‘plan B’ ambayo itakuwa unafanya ili ku keep your mind fresh and a little bit busy. Lasivyo utajikuta unaugua au kufa haraka sana. Kwa mfano kuwa na vacation plan, utumie muda wako wa kustahafu kuona dunia. Au kuwa una volunteer kazi somewhere yani kitu fulani cha kukufanya una amka na kutoka ndani ya nyumba. Pia mazoezi ni muhimu…………Screenshot_2016-03-23-19-20-11-1anyway, we wish him the best!

Mama zetu..!


My sister

FB_IMG_1458736669556-1Awii! My sister! Dada Pendo doing what she always do best!  The amount of love and respect I have for her is big cannot explain. May God keep blessing her, protect her, and give her long happy-healthy life. ❤❤❤

#KikaziZaidi #UtegiTechnicalEnterprisesForLife

My mama








#KikaziZaidi  #HolleyPharmTanzania


IMG-20160322-WA0009Ya leo leo hii….. Namuona Sir Igogo kwa kule pembeni, akifatiwa na Mwenyekiti wa TAFFA, Mkuu wa mkowa wa Dar Paul Makonda, na Waziri Mkuu Kassim Majaliwa. Kazi bado inaendelea. Majipu ya bandarini yanaendelea kutumbuliwa hayajamalizika. Ni makubwa sana yanahitaji  utulivu na ufundi wa hali ya juu ??

Eeh Mungu linda wazazi wetu, kaka zetu, na viongozi wetu walioamua kutetea haki za wanyonge wa taifa la Tanzania kwa kupambana na mafisadi na wala rushwa ?

Feather pulled from baby Mya

Mother Saw Something Strange On Her Baby’s Neck. What Actually Came Out Is Shocking. All Parents Should See This …… Screenshot_2016-03-22-13-47-33-1

There are many strange things happening around the world which cannot be explained.  That is why we can say that this world and universe are hiding mysteries in which it is hard to believe even if they happen right before our nose. Often we are left in shock and speechless.

Mya’s story is quite a mystery.  One day she woke up with a swelling on her cheek and neck area. At first her parents thought that it was a swollen gland but they took her to a pediatrician. The doctor said that it was probably a minor infection and the body will be able to defeat it by itself. So Mya was sent home. After a few days, the swelling was still there so they visited the doctor again. The doctor noticed that something is sticking out from Mya’s cheek. Again, they thought that it was a pimple but it was growing bigger every day.

Can you imagine how shocked they were, when they found out that it was actually a feather? Everyone was asking how this could be possible? Was it due to GMO causing mutation or because of radiation? No one can say for sure but watch the video and you can find some logical explanation!

Happy birthday Aidan Nyongo

FB_IMG_1458672797225-1Happy birthday mume mwema, shemeji yake na mimi. Ubarikiwe sanaaaaaa milele zote. Enjoy your day. ❤❤❤

Happy birthday Baraka!

Screenshot_2016-03-22-09-38-21-1Happy birthday cousin, ubarikiwe sana wewe na ubavu wako ❤❤❤

Hot shot of the day

FB_IMG_1458631238733Haijalishi unatoka wapi bali unapokwenda. Nyota njema huonekana asubuhi na hung’aa gizani!! Mungu mjalie huyu mtoto ili kesho aweze kutoka katika mazingira haya yaliyo duni. Mjalie awe kiongozi mkubwa popote pale atakapo kuwa. Akafundishe watu elimu ya dunia na elimu ya kimbingu. Akatawale tawala zote za inchi atokayo. Katika jina la Yesu, Amen!

A word of wisdom

As we grow older, and hence wiser, we slowly realize that wearing a $300. or $30.00 watch   – – – – – – they both tell the same time…

Whether we carry a $300 or $30.00 wallet/handbag – – – – – – –  the amount of money inside is the same;

Whether we drink a bottle of $300 or $10 wine – – – – – – – – – –  – -the hang over  is the same;

Whether the house we live in is 300 or 3000 sq.ft. – – – – – – – – loneliness is the same.

You will realize, your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world.

Whether you fly First, Business or Economy class, if the plane goes down – – – – – – –you go down with it………

Therefore, I hope you realize, when you have mates, buddies and old friends, brothers and sisters, who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, have sing songs with, talk about north-south-east-west or heaven & earth, …. That is true happiness!!

Five Undeniable Facts of Life

1. Don’t educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know  the value of things not the price.

2. Best awarded words in London … “Eat your food as your medicines, Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food.”

3. The One who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he or she will find one reason to hold on.

4. There is a big difference between a human being and being human. Only a few really understand it.

5. You are loved when you are born.   You will be loved when you die. In between, You have to manage! If you just want to Walk Fast, Walk Alone!  But if you want to Walk Far, Walk Together!

 Six Best Doctors in the World

1. Sunlight

2. Rest

3. Exercise

4. Diet

5. Self Confidence and

6. Friends

Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life.

Author Unknown ?

Cheka uwongeze siku za kuishi

FB_IMG_1458608375822Mgabe amesema kweli kabisa. Na picha inaonyesha kuwa mtu ambaye anatamani watoto wa shule lazima ana matatizo ya akili!!

Parents Day!

IMG-20160321-WA0059Jana ilikuwa siku ya wazazi shuleni kwao na Blessing. Hivyo baba alikwenda kutimiza wajibu wake ? IMG-20160321-WA0058watoto wakisikiliza kwa makini IMG-20160321-WA0054Wazazi wanachangia sana maendeleo ya watoto kwa kuonyesha kuwajali kwa kuchukua muda kukaa nao hata kama wako busy kiasi gani. Sio lazima ukae au ushinde na mtoto wako muda wote, bali ni nini unafanya naye wakati ukiwa free ndiyo inajalisha. The quality time you spend with your children is what matters not the time span. Kuna wazazi wako nyumbani 24 / 7 na bado watoto wao wako ‘homeless’!! Yani watoto hawapati quality time na wazazi wao. Watoto hawapewi wala hawa fundishwa upendo na wazazi wao. Watoto wana lelewa na video games au wana lelewa na mahouse girl wakati wazazi wanaishi hapo hapo nyumbani. Mzazi hata hajali wakina nani wanao mzunguka mwanaye hata mtoto anafanyiwa unyanyasaji hajui. Mtoto si mdoli (toy)! Mtoto ni mama / baba, mke / mume na kiongozi wa taifa la kesho. Je wewe kama mzazi umemuandaa vipi kushika nyathiwa hizo?! Tafakari na uchukue hatua. IMG-20160321-WA0055

Kagua mazingira kabla ya kuondoka!

FB_IMG_1458313806744Wapendwa, naomba nikumbushe swala la kukagua mazingira ya tulipo kabla ya kuondoka. Kwa mfano angalia hiyo picha juu jinsi mtoto alivyo jificha. Sasa mtu kama hatojali kukagua mazingira yake kabla ya kuondoa gari inamaana mtoto huyu anaweza poteza maisha yake.

Haya mambo yameshatokea sana. Na ndio maana nakumbushia. Hata kama wewe hauna mtoto hakikisha kuwa unaangalia kabla ya kuondoka kwani huwenda mtoto wa jirani yako yupo kwenye hatari. Tena hakikisha unasema / uliza kwa sauti ili hata kama mtoto hajakuona basi atasikia sauti ikiuliza kama kuna mtu.

Kagua hata majiko (umeme / gas) ndani ya nyumba yako kabla ya kuondoka uwezi jua haswa kama unawatoto ndani. Usiweke vitu ovyo ovyo kwani ni hatari sana. Kwa mfano dawa au hela za chumba ambazo mtoto anaweza meza. Kuwa sensitive na mazingira kwa usalama wa watoto na pia wako mwenyewe.

Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1458631070268-1Nimependa sana nywele za Neema. Naona watu wengi siku hizi wameamua kuwa na nywele fupi. Kwakweli bado tunapendeza sana na vipili pili vyetu, inaonyesha kujikubali na kujiamini. Ubarikiwe sana Neema.

Hello Single ladies!


Single Ladies, why seek already made men! Why don’t you be your husbands backbone! Trust me you can make your man be who you want him to be, that’s when you are his strength. Michelle Obama always knew that Barrack was going to be a great man someday and held him firmly! She did not meet him with the most xpensive cloth or car or whatever; why don’t we start supporting our men, inspire them, tell them words that will make them challenge themselves!

Let’s learn from her, don’t wait until he is rich before you get hooked up; which may lead to divorce, beating, misunderstanding, lack of respect many many more. Now Barrack Obama is the President of the United States, in charge of everything and holding Michelle so tight cause she was there with him from the scratch! Let’s be wise ladies and stop depending on the rich fellows. We have supernatural power that can be visible only when we believe in ourselves. FB_IMG_1458609047423If you meet the rich ones that’s fine but don’t bring him down instead, be determined to get him to the top same to the average and poor. We women are incharge the earlier you know, the better for us all.

Credit to: Wedding flash

A word of wisdom

FB_IMG_1458607040295Time tells the story. How we spend our time determines if we’re moving toward or away from our goal. Do a time inventory today. Maybe you’re not really as passionate about your goal as you say you are. Find out. Align your schedule so it reflects your passion. You might have a 9 to 5 day job but you can still allocate evenings and weekends to working on your craft. Talent takes time don’t let your time management squander your gift. #DeVonFranklin #Truth #Inspiration


Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1458606901031Leo nimependa sana hii picha ya my cousin-sister kutoka Kamunyonge, Musoma, Tanzania. Kitu natural beauty! So beautiful.  Ubarikiwe sana

Sister sister

FB_IMG_1458607124079-1Sister sister! Mmependeza sana my nieces July na Jackie. Mungu awapiganie katika kila jema mlifanyalo. Mbarikiwe sana