All posts by Alpha Igogo

Father’s Day Message

FB_IMG_1434993516376I believe that you can hear me when I tell you about my life. I believe that you are listening to my troubles and my strife.
I believe that you are with me when the sorrow is too much. I believe that you reach out to me, I know I can feel your touch.
I believe that you can see me when I celebrate and smile. I believe that you are happy, that joy comes once in a while.
I believe that you still love me, from your place of eternal rest. I believe that love travels far, and for this; I feel blessed… I miss you so much daddy. Happy Fathers Day! ‪#‎RIP‬

FB_IMG_1430665174126That was Father’s Day msg from Mh. ShyRose Bhanji. Pole sana dada yetu and R.I.P mzee Bhanji

Happy Father’s Day to my father!

2015-06-19 12.06.47Honestly, I will never be able to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to you-dad; for your constant support and all the love you have been given me throughout my life. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you, thank you so much dad.

FB_IMG_1434728366535 Thank you for always being there whenever I needed you, even in times when I thought I don’t need you you’ve been there! Teaching me respect, gave me confidence, let me find my own way to become a woman that God has created me to be, and inspire me to strive to be the best version of myself each and every day!

FB_IMG_1434728651919 I’m not lucky but blessed, and if today God ask me to pick a brand new father of my  own desire? Wow! Definitely! Without a doubt I will pick you over and over and over again, because you are the BEST!

FB_IMG_1434728281405IMG-20150405-WA0006Thank you for being the best father to me and my sisters!

FB_IMG_1434728683664FB_IMG_1434728086813Thank you so much for being such a caring and loving uncle to your nieces and nephews

FB_IMG_1434728017710Thank you so very much for being such a great grandpa to our lovely children

FB_IMG_1433865137548IMG-20150608-WA0012Thank you a million times for being a great father to all of us and Happy Father’s Day to the best father in the world! Love You Deep!

Happy Father’s Day to my brother!

2015-06-21 00.55.16Happy Father’s Day to my dearest elder brother! Surely parenting doesn’t come with manual but I have never doubted you because I know you have the best teacher ever-our father! I wish you the joy and happiness that fatherhood comes with, abundant blessings!

2015-06-21 01.09.01A lot of people have misunderstood you, they think you are such a quiet guy, but we (your inner circle) know you are the “undercover comedian” and I’m truly missing your vituko so badly! Happy Father’s Day brother, love you!

Happy Father’s Day to my shemejiz

FB_IMG_1434797203117IMG-20150620-WA0003Happy Father’s Day to my very 1st shemeji! I knew you will be one of the best father since the day you married my elder sister; the amount of love and respect you have toward my sister is everything that every children wishes to see in their parents! Though I’m not there with you guys in a daily bases but I’ve been fortune enough to see you how you love and care for your ‘soldiers’! And may the Almighty God continue to bless and be the best father to my nephews. Happy Father’s Day shemeji yangu, love you so much!


2015-06-20 07.02.222015-06-20 07.14.01Happy Father’s Day to my  2nd shemeji. How lucky my niece and nephew are to have such a great father like you. Such a humble gentle father any child could ask for! May Almighty God continue to bless you and your family, wishing you the best of all! Happy Father’s Day shemeji, love you big!

Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1434575640808Nimependa sana picha hii ya Mr. and Mrs. Ngonyani. Wamependeza sana. Ubarikiwe sana

Nesi Wangu:Harriet Shangarai RN,BSN

FB_IMG_1434730172377Harriet Shangarai ni Mtanzania aishie Maryland, U.S.A Yeye ni Registered Nurse (RN) mwenye Bachelor degree of  science in nursing (BSN).  Harriet pia ni  mmiliki wa blog ya, ambapo katika blog hiyo anaongelea na kufafanua magonjwa mbali mbali kwa njia ya lugha ya Kiswahili kwani yeye anaamini information is powerful  (yani kuwa na ufahamu juu ya jambo linakufenya au linakupa ujasiri) hivyo anajaribu kuwapa Watanzania hujasiri wakujua miili yetu na kuwa na ufahamu wa mabadiliko ya miili yetu mara tuu utakapoona kitu chochote au hali yoyote ambao si yakawaida hivyo inakupa nafasi ya kuchukua hatua muhimu kama kumuona doctor.

2015-06-19 12.55.42Harriet si tuu anafafanua kuhusu magonjwa na dalili zake, bali pia anasaidia watu kujua wapi unaweza kwenda kupata msaada au huduma unayo hitaji haswa kwa Watanzania waishio Maryland. Yeye pia ni Makamu wa Rais wa jumuiya ya District of Columbia,  Maryland , na Virginia (DMV),  anatumia sana elimu na experience aliyo nayo kuweza kusaidia wana diaspora wenzake ambao wanahitaji msaada wa kijamii.  Kwa mfano, (bonyeza link hapo chini) unaona jinsi alivyo fafanua ugonjwa ya saratani ya shingo ya kizazi, dalili zake na hatua za kuchukua.

2015-06-15 20.31.12Jamani, hivi ushawahi kukutana na mtu kwa mara ya kwanza halafu ukahisi kama ndugu yako au rafiki uliyemfahamu kwa muda mrefu?! Basi hivyo ndivyo nilivyo jisikia siku ambayo nilikutana na Harriet. Ni mwanamke shujaa na mnyenyekevu wa hali ya juu, mwenye ukarimu usio elezeka. Yani kwakweli huyu dada ANA MOYO WA MALAIKA! Ubarikiwe sanaaaaa Harriet, najua tabia yako na moyo ulionao si wakuiga bali ndio hualisia wako na naamini hivyo ndivyo utakuwa mpaka siku Mungu akikuita. Naamini watu wengi wataponjwa kwa kupitia wewe, Mungu ameamua kukutumia wewe kuonyesha upendo na ukarimu wake ambao dunia kwa sasa unahuitaji kuliko ilivyo kuwa zamani!

Hivi karibuni mtakuja kumsikia Harriet kwa mdomo wake mwenye akiongelea maisha yake, changamoto, na mambo mengi aliyopitia na kufanya mwanamke, mama, na mke aliye sasa. Ninini kilimfanya akaamua kuingia katika field ya afya na mambo mengine mengi yahusiyo jamii.

Basi kwa kujifunza zaidi kuhusu afya yako tembele blog yake ya

Mother and daughter Moments

2015-06-18 00.19.55                  Magreth na mama mzazi

FB_IMG_1434575658633Mrs Ngonyani na mwanae Cynthia

FB_IMG_1433704139041Tabu na binti zake Jacqueline na Julia

Kutoka Facebook

Leo kutoka Facebook nimeipenda sana hii picha ya Cecilia Lyegi a.k.a mama watatu. Kavaa kinyumbani zaidi, kikwetu kwetu. Kapendeza sana!


Black & White party by Eddah Elegant Catering

IMG_0967Wiki iliyo pita nilikuwa nimebahatika kua katika state ya Maryland ambapo nilifanikiwa kufanya mambo kadhaa muhimu, na pia nilipata nafasi ya kushiriki Black and White party ambayo iliandaliwa na Eddah Elegant Catering, siku ya Jumamosi ya tarehe 13 mwezi huu.  Kwakweli ilikuwa party ndogo lakini nzuri sana. Kila kitu kilikuwa on point, kuanzia mapambo, vyakula, na vinywaji.

                                                                                                   Eddah Gachuma

Eddah Elegant Catering ni kampuni inayo milikiwa na Eddah Mwita Gachuma, mwana Diaspora, mtanzania aishie Maryland, U.S.A  Yeye ni mama, mke, na mjasiriamali anaye jihusisha na maswala ya mapambo, upishi, na uwandaaaji wa shughuli mbali mbali. Anapokea order za watu mmoja mmoja, group, za dini zote, na corporate events.IMG_6557Vincent  ni mume wa Eddah, naye alikuwepo na kushiriki maandalizi yote ya shughuli hiyo.IMG_6630                                                 Gatty Gachuma na mumewe

IMG_6594                                            Elvis Saria na mkewe LuluIMG_6622IMG_6599IMG_6613IMG_6518IMG_6487Hongera sana Eddah kwa kazi nzuri. Picha zote kwa hisani ya Vijimambo Entertainment

There’s No Competition in Destiny

I was jogging this morning and I noticed a person about 1/2 a kilometre ahead. I could tell he was running a little slower than me and I thought, good, I shall try to catch him. I had about a kilometre before Ineeded to turn off. So I started running faster and faster. Every block, I was gaining on him just a little bit. After just a few minutes I was only about 100 metres behind him, so I really picked up the pace and pushed myself. You would have thought I was running in the last leg of an Olympic competition. I was determined to catch him. Finally, I did it! I caught and passed him. On the inside I felt so good. “I beat him” Of course, he didn’t even know we were racing. After I passed him, I realised I had been so focused on competing against him that I had missed my turn. I had gone nearly six blocks past my turn and I had to turn and go back.

Isn’t that what happens in life when we focus on competing with co-workers, neighbours, friends, family, trying to outdo them or trying to prove that we are more successful or more important? We spend our time and energy running after them and we miss out on our own paths to our God given destinies. The problem with unhealthy competition is that its a never ending cycle.

There will always be somebody ahead of you, someone with a better job, nicer car, more money in the bank, more education, a prettier wife, a more handsome husband, better behaved children, etc. But realize that “You can be the best that you can be, you are not competing with no one.”

Some people are insecure because they pay too much attention to what others are , where others are going, wearing and driving. Take what God has given you, the height, weight and personality. Dress well and wear it proudly, you’ll be blessed by it. Stay focused and live a healthy life.

There is no competition in Destiny. Run your own race and wish others well!!——-by anonymous

Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1433864240731Nimependa sana hizi picha za mama Blessing. Kapendeza kwakweli!


Family Time

FB_IMG_1433687760639Ni juma Pili, na kama kawaida ni siku ya kurusha picha za  ‘family time’. Na leo nawaletea familia mama na baba watatu.

FB_IMG_1433687766038Mama watatu naye hakubaki nyuma, kapendeza sana

FB_IMG_1433687748357Hongera sana baba watatu kazi nzuri sana

2015-06-07 11.56.07Wanapendeza kwa kweli

FB_IMG_1433687699336Family that plays together stick to gother! Mbarikiwe sana mama na baba watatu.

Aika got talent!

FB_IMG_1433690474163Wow! Aika! Yani umenifurahisha sana my doll! Mungu akubariki ufike mbali na ndoto zako zote zitimie!Amazing!

FB_IMG_1433690469242Aika ni binti wa Mr and Mrs Lyimo ambao wanaishi  San Francisco, California. Nafurahia sana kuona kipaji alichonacho Aika na inakuwa kama mshangao kidogo kwa jinsi watoto wanavyo kuwa haraka. Aika ni mtoto ninaye mfahamu tangu mdogo kwani wazazi wake walikuwa wakiishi Michigan kabla ya kuhamia California, na pia ni watu ambao tulikuwa karibu sana. Hongera sana Regina na Lyimo kwa kukuza.

FB_IMG_1433690463136Keep it up Aika, and remember to put aunty Alpha in your payroll once you get that contract ha! ha! ha!

Kutoka Facebook

Nimependa sana hii picha ya dada Tuma. She said she dress-up for her Jesus yesterday. Alikuwa anakwenda kanisani jana siku ya Sabato. Ubarikiwe sana dada yangu!


Congratulations baby Monica-Sue

FB_IMG_1433690628361Wow! Wow! I would like to congratulate Monica-Sue Mashimi a.k.a Monie for this  achievement! Monie has graduated  from kindergarten and now heading to start her Elementary school in Fall semester. Good job cutie! Let me keep encouraging you by this quote:
nelson-mandela-quote-education-is-the-great-engine-of-personal-development-itCongratulations Monica-Sue!

Mother and daughter Moments!

Nimependa hizi picha za mama na mwana. Wamependeza kwakweli.

FB_IMG_1433102950900Penny na binti yake Nandi,  very nice!

FB_IMG_1433690419497Regina na binti yake Aika…..beautiful! Btw Happy belated birthday Regina. Ubarikiwe sana.

FB_IMG_1433687589403Mwajuma na binti yake Rougaitou, lovely!

Its Fathers’ Month

IMG-20150607-WA0031Namshukuru Mungu kwa mambo mengi sana! Na moja ya vitu au mambo ambayo siku zote huwa nashukuru ni hii zawadi ya mtoto ambayo alinipatia, sina lugha yakuelezea ni jinsi gani huwa namshukuru Mungu sanaaaaa!

IMG-20150607-WA0034Mungu alinizawadia zawadi ya mtoto katika umri ambao sikujua vizuri thamani yake au umuhimu wa uwepo wake katika maisha yangu lakini nilijua kuwa its worthy to keep her alive! Na leo hii ndiyo naelewa haswa thamani halisi na umihimu wa mwanangu kwa maisha yangu! Sitachoka kumshukuru Mungu siku zangu zote!

IMG-20150607-WA0052Kwa maneno naweza sema mwanangu ni rafiki yangu mkuu, lakini kimatendo au kiuhalisia mimi ni mama yake na ndingependa siku zote bond ambayo nitakuwa nayo ni bond ya mama na mwana na wala si bond ya best friend! Yeye anamarafiki zake ambao anawa consider kama best friends  zake,  na mimi ni mama yake ambaye uhusiano wetu ni wakaribu na uwazi kiasi ya kwamba yupo huru kuongea nami kitu chochote! Best friends sometime can’t tell you the truth but your mother always will!

2015-05-30 10.31.51Najua kuna wamama wengi ambao wako single  (not married) ambao mara nyingi huwa wanapenda kusema “mimi ndio mama, na mimi ndio baba!” Kwakweli mimi binafsi huwa sipendi huo msemo hata kama I’m a single mother, kwani naamini baba yake siku zote ataendelea kuwa baba yake na hata siku moja mimi kama mama siwezi kuchukua nafasi ya baba yake maishani mwake! Yote yale mazuri ambayo ninamfanyia mwanangu mimi nafanya kama mama ambaye anamapenzi ya dhati na mwanae na si kwamba nafanya kwa niaba ya baba yake!

FB_IMG_1433696440826Sasa basi ni influence ya kiasi gani ambayo baba mzazi anaweza kuwa nayo kwa mtoto hapo inategemea na kiasi gani huyo baba alijihusisha na maisha ya mwanae. Na hapo ndipo kunakitu kinaitwa “father figure” au “mother figure.” Yani hawa ni walezi walio simama kama wazazi katika maisha ya mtoto.

Kuzaa kunakufanya kuwa baba au mama lakini haikufanyi kuwa mzazi! Mzazi is earned not given!! Those who nurtured and inspired you to  be the person whom you’re today hao ndio wazazi wako. Kwa maana hiyo tunapo sherekea au kufurahi baba zetu katika mwezi huu wa Sita kama ilivyo desturi ya hii dunia; basi napenda kumshukuru sana baba yangu mzazi si tuu kwa kanilea mimi bali pia kwa kusimama kama baba mlezi wa binti yangu (father figure). Niukweli usio pingika kuwa kupata baba mwenye roho ya utu, hekima, busara, na upendo kama alio kuwa nao baba yangu ni nadra sana katika jamii ya Waafrika haswa Tanzania. I’m more than blessed!! Asante sana baba yangu. Mungu azidi kukubariki sanaaaaa mpaka ushangae hahaha!

Kama una picha yako na baba yako  ungependa kushare nasi basi kuwa huru na tutumie kwa [email protected]

Asante sana.

Kutoka Facebook

Nimependa sana hiinpicha ya mama double G (George Jr and Georgina Faith) a.k.a Fina Nyongo. Yupo simple lakini kapendeza sana.


Hongera Millen Magese

FB_IMG_1433089819632Naomba nichukuwe fursa hii kumpongeza mrembo, mwanamitindo wa kimataifa , na Miss Tanzania 2001-Millen Magese (mwanzo alijulikana kama Happiness Magese) kwa kutununikiwa tunzo ya “Global Good Award” na kituo cha television cha BET (Black Entertainment Television) cha Marekani.

28412_387312786985_591511985_4463172_5687224_nTuzo za BET ni moja ya tuzo kubwa sana duniani, najambo la kujivunia sana kama Watanzania ni kutokana na ukweli wa kwamba kipengele cha Global Good Award ni kipengele kipya kabisa ambacho kimeanzishwa na kituo hicho mwaka huu 2015 na Millen Magese amekuwa mtu wakwanza kutunukiwa tuzo hiyo!

FB_IMG_1433309087240Millen Magese ametukiwa tuzo hiyo kutokana na kuwa mmoja wa wanaharakati duniani watokao bara la Africa ambao wanapigania awareness na kinga ya ugonjwa ujulikanao kama ‘Endometriosis.’ Kwakweli mie siyo mtaalamu sana wa maswala haya ila nakuhaidi kumtafuta ntu ambaye ataweza kutufafanulia kwa kina kuhusu ugonjwa huu.Millen ameungelea kwa kadri awezavyo jinsi anavyoteseka, na matumaini yake ya kupata mtoto yalivyo shuka kabisa kwenye interview aliyofanya na Sporah Show (tazama video hapa chini).

Nimesoma kutoka katika mtandao wa Endometriosis Association kuwa ugonjwa huu unatesa mamilioni ya wanawake duniani na wengi wao huwa wanaishia kutokuwa na uwezo wa kupata watoto kama hawata pata matibabu mapema. Pole sana Millen.

Mmoja wa marafiki zake ambaye pia ni shabiki wake mkubwa aitwae Loveness Hoyange alimpongeza Millen kwa maneno haya  “Africa please help me to congratulate our very own former Miss Tanzania, International model, The statute of Tanzania, Icon of the nation and humanitarian Millen Happiness Magese who has been honored and nominated to receive BET Global good award 2015 for her incredible work in educating and empowering women about Endometriosis. This is a new category at the BET awards this year and Millen will be the very first person globally to receive it. What an honor to Tanzania and the entire African continent! Millen has been the symbol of hope and courage to many women across the continent through her Endometriosis work. Millen you humbled yourself and today GOD has lifted you up. When we mocked your efforts in educating women about endo you called us sisters. You loved Tanzania even when we gave you a reason to hate us. You have a heart of GOLD and today God has decided to make your name shine among nations. Congratulations my love I am super proud of you”

Kwa mara nyingine napenda kusema pole sana kwa mauumivu unayopitia, na pia hongera sana kwa tuzo uliyopata kwani unastahili.

Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1433284639517Nimependa sana hii picha ya hawa public figures! Hapa walikuwa huko Mwitongo, Butiama, Mara ambapo Muheshimiwa Makongoro Nyerere a.k.a Mako alikuwa amekwenda kutangaza nia ya kugombea urais kwa tiketi ya CCM. Muheshimiwa Shy-Rose Bhanji pamoja na mwanamuziki Lady Jaydee walikuwa miongoni mwa watu waliokwenda kumpa support. Kila la kheri Muheshimiwa Makongoro!