Birthday inspiration msg: “Don’t run or hide from pain, use the pain from your experiences to make you great!”

FB_IMG_1462978806989On this day , the 8th of May a baby girl was welcomed into this world and named Shalom Peaceful. It is on this day that I won my first battle. I was born crying and it surely was not a sign of weakness or to show life, but victory as I defeated death. The babies that fail to fight and conquer their first battle usually don’t make it to life but I am glad that I won victory with the little strength of an infant. My mother’s womb could not hold me any longer and neither could anything stop me from coming into this world because it was God’s appointed time for me. I became unstoppable and every time I feel like giving up , I reflect upon this day and remember that I won my first battle on my first day with little strength, and now with God in me, I can survive any situation.

Over the years i have learnt that many of life’s lessons come from the pain we feel of seeing things not go as expected. It seems that life hurts us most when we are willing to take the risk of putting ourselves out there, only to find that doing so put us in the position of being discouraged and let down after a while. Take heed, for it is in these times we can truly see some tremendous growth in our lives. Choose to look at the lessons that life is teaching you when things aren’t seeming to go your way. The pain of being disappointed is unavoidable. But the manner in which we solve getting over the suffering we feel is closely related to gaining strength that we can use to help deal with discouraging moments for the rest of our lives. Don’t run or hide from pain, use the pain from your experiences to make you great! There are happy endings in everything we do if we are willing to believe that we are tremendous souls who can leave a valiant impression upon this world if we refuse to give into doubting unfavorable thoughts. Instead of being a person who lets life trample their spirit over and over, be a person who continues to climb their obstacles no matter how high they seem to be. You can make your life a great life! Shock the world by keeping a can-do attitude in every possible moment ?

Regardless of what happens to you, never say you are having a bad day…say you are having a character building day. All the things that you are going through are building your character. You are being shaped and designed for your greatness. You have something special! You have GREATNESS within you!!

I would like to thank you all for taking your time to congratulate me and celebrate this life with me. As my name says it all, I say Shalom to you, may there be peace to every area of your life, family, ministry, relationship/marriage and business.

Credit: get-inspired with Tysha

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