Jumapili ya tarehe 06/18/2023, mida ya 12:30 asubuhi (masaa ya AfricaMashariki). Mchungaji Aketch wa kanisa la Menonite lililopo Dar es salaam, Tanzania, jimbo la Segerea; alifanya ubatizo wa kuzaliwa upya kwa njia ya maji mengi kwenye bwawa la Golden Tulip hotel, Oysterbay. Miongoni mwa waumini wapya hao katika Bwana, alikuwemo Mzee Otieno Olung’a Igogo ambaye ni baba yangu mzazi.
Juu ni Mzee O.O Igogo akibatwizwa kwa maji mengi. Hongera sana kwake, Mwenyezi Mungu azidi tembea naye kwenye safari hii ya kiroho.
Mchungaji Aketch pamoja na mama Mchungaji (mwenye nguo nyekundu) wakiwa na mtoto aliyezaliwa upya siku ya leo mzee O.O Igogo na mama Igogo.
Baadhi ya wanafamilia ya mzee O.O Igogo kutoka Segerea siku ya jana jioni waliungana na wanafamilia ya mzee O.O Igogo ya Kibada, wakapata chakula cha jioni pamoja, wakapumzika, na leo asubuhi waliamka mapema sana kwaajili ya kumsindikiza baba /Babu yao kipenzi kwenye safari yake mpya ya kiroho ambapo atabatizwa kwa maji mengi. …. Sifa na utukufu vyote twamrudishia yeye aliye umba Mbingu na nchi. Amen.
Andrews university ndio chuo kilichonipa nafasi mimi ya kuja Marekani. Ngoja niwape story fupi ya safari yangu ya kuingia hapa.
Siku zote nilikuwa natamani kusoma /kuishi nje ya Tanzania. Na mara nyingi nilikuwa napenda Australia, UK, na Marekani. Ilikuwa rahisi kujenga hisia zangu na maeneo hayo kwani mara nyingi nilivahatika kupata vijuzuu vinavyoonesha shule mbalimbali za nchi hizo. Basi, nikiwa katika muhula wa mwisho wa kumaliza chuo pale C.B.E siku moja nikiwa kanisani Temeke SDA, katika matangazo nikasikia wakitangaza kuwa chuo cha Andrew wanapokea wanafunzi kwa muhula wa Fall (Fall semester), na wakasema kuna vijuzuu kama kuna mtu angependa kwenda akachukue ili ujuwe jinsi ya kujiunga. Mara baada tu ya ibada, nikaenda kuchukua kijizuu. Baada ya siku kadhaa nikaenda kwenye intranet Cafe fulani ilikuwa karibu na chuo cha C.B.E. Ndio kwa mara yakwanza nafungua email akaunti yangu 🙈 Nikajaza fomu siku hiyo. Baada ya muda wa miezi kadhaa nilitumiwa barua kwa njia ya posta kuwa wamenikubali kuingia chuoni hapo kwaajili ya degree ya kwanza. Wakati huo nilikuwa nimesha hitimu C.B.E sasa natafuta chuo cha kwenda.
Nakumbuka mmoja wa wadogo zangu (cousin sister) aitwaye Detta alikuwa akipenda kunitania kuwa “aah wewe ni wa hapa hapa tu” namwambia mie nakwenda zangu Marekani subiri utaona. Hapo sijajua kama nitachaguliwa au la! Ila yeye alikuwa anasema hivyo kwasababu dada yangu mkubwa alisoma China, kaka yangu alikuwa UK, na mdogo wangu yeye alikuwa anasoma South Africa. Hivyo akawa anasema mie nitabaki Bongo.
Ghafla, siku moja naletewa barua nikiwa job (niliajiriwa na Utegi Technical Enterprises Ltd baada ya kumaliza chuo), kuangalia ilipotoka nakuta ni Andrews University. Nikaifungua haraka sana! Nikakuta ni barua ya kukubaliwa kujiunga na chuo ila sasa muda ulikuwa umebaki wiki 2 tu shule ianze 🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️ Nikachanganyikiwa maana hizo hela zinazo hitajika na muda uliobaki, dah! Yule mzee kutoka kanda maalum nitamuingiaje?! 🤣 Mtu wakwanza kumwambia alikuwa ni mama. Yeye akanipa moyo akasema hongera sana, mwambie baba haraka sana. Sasa kesho yake hasubui tumesha maliza kunywa chai tunataka kwenda kazini, mama akalipua bomu kimtindo. 🙆🏽♀️
Akasema “Umesha mwambia baba?”, nikajifanya kutoa macho 😅 baba akauliza nini unataka kusema? Akasema (Akaniita kwa jina langu la kilugha) kaa chini “let’s talk ni nini”. Ikabidi nimwambie. Akasema sasa kwanini naogopa kusema jambo zuri kama hilo. Nikamwambie mzee nikienda siku yakwanza tu inatakiwa malipo ya awali ya nusu semester (muhula) au ada nzima. Kanijibu sasa tatizo ni nini? Kwani wewe ndio unatoa hizo pesa? Basi mzee wa watu siku hiyo akasimamisha shughuli zake zote, kuhakikisha napata documents zote zinazohitajika na kuzituma kwa njia ya fax na DHL. Chuo nao walikuwa shapu walipoamka tu wakatuma email kua sawa wanasubiria documents za DHL halafu watatuma I-20 (form maalum yakuombea viza ya shule). Mzee aliwaambia kutoka na muda watume kwa DHL halafu atawalipa hiyo pesa. Basi baada ya wiki 1-20 imefika. Nikaweka appointment ya kuomba viza. Tukaenda kwenye Viza, kumbuka nina siku tu zakuripoti shule, hivyo ticket ya ndege ilibidi nikate kabla hata ya kupata viza. Kwenye viza si kidogo watuzingue! 🤣🤣
Basi, tumefika kwenye viza wala sikuhojiwa maswali mengi, wakasema kila kitu kipo vizuri lakini cheti changu cha form 4 ni “Fake”! 🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️ Wakadai tumepiga simu wizara ya elimu wamesema hizo namba sio zake. 🥺🥺 Wakasema kama mnaweza kwenda wizarani mkahakiki nendeni kisha mrudi hapa. Wakatupa reference namba, na jina la mtu walie ongea naye hapo wizarani. Basi, tukatoka mbio kwenda wizarani, tunafika getini tukasema jina la mtu tunayekwenda kumuona, wakampigia simu huyo mtu kumwambia kua kuna wageni hapa wanahitaji kukuona. Yule mtu akaomba aongee na baba, akasema samahani rudini ubalozini wanawasubiria kule tumesha tatua tatizo. Alikosea kusoma namba. 🤣🤣🤣 Baba akasema lakini nilimuuliza unahuwakika kuwa cheti cha binti yangu ni feki na akanijibu kuwa “100% sure”. Mzee hasira zikamshika lakini sasa atafanyaje inabidi turudi tena ubalozini. Sasa wakati baba anamaliza kuongea na yule.mtu wa wizarani, secretary wake akapiga simu muda huo huo akasema “baba mnatafutwa na ubalozi wa Marekani wamesema mwende sasa hivi”, baba akamwambia ndio tunaelekea huko, lakini hawa watu leo ndio watanijua mimi ni nani! 🤣🤣🤣 Usichezee mzee wa kutoka kanda maalum.
Basi tukafika ubalozini, tukapokelewa vizuri, yule mdada akaomba msamaha kwa usumbufu, akachukua passport yangu akasema kesho asubuhi uje uchukue na nakutakia masomo mema. Mzee Igogo sasa akaanza, “young lady I need an official oppology letter” 🤣🤣 Eti huwezi kunifedhehesha mbele za watu halafu unaomba msamaha kiholela holela namna hiyo. 🙈🙈 Yani mie I was like just give my passport am ready to board. Nyie muendelee na drama yenu kimpango wenu. 🤣🤣 Nilipata passport asubuhi, usiku nikaondoka zangu siku hiyo hiyo.
Ilikuwa mara yangu yakwanza kutoka nje ya East Africa. Niliondoka na ndege ya British Airways, business class 😍😍 mzee Igogo sijui alifikiri nikipanda economy nitachelewa 🙈 Mwe! Nilifurahi sana. Tukafika UK, tukapelekwa hotelini kwa ajili ya kupumzika mpaka asubuhi kuanza safari ya kuelekea Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Baada ya kufika Chicago shulenilinielekeza kuchukua basi lakuelea Indiana. Waliniambia nishuke kituo cha mwisho ambapo ni Indiana Airport na hapo nitakuta gari la chuo cha Andrews likinisubiria. Nilifata maelekezo nikafika shule salama kabisa.
Nilifikia kwenye dormitories za chuo. Jamani acha tu! Unaingia kwenye dormitory ya chuo kama hotel vile. 😍 Nilikuwa na roommate mzungu kutoka Canada, alikuwa anaitwa Melissa Gonzalez. Vyumba ni self contained, mna bathroom na shower yenu kwa chumba, for a minute nikakumbuka mabafu ya C.B.E mabafu 3 watu zaidi ya 20 ni mwendo wa kusubiriana wengine wanaamua kuoga< kwenye kolido🤣🤣 Kwakweli,.Andrews ni shule nzuri sana sema gharama zake sasa! 🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️Pasua kichwa.
Maisha yamejaa changamoto ambazo hazikwepeki, na mbaya zaidi zinakuja bila taharifa. Mwezi wa kumi.mwaka huu dada yangu mkubwa (pichani juu) alipatwa na ajali ya kuungua moto.
Akiwa hospitalini
Nisingependa kuelezea undani wa ajali hii kwani huo ni ushuhuda wake yeye, mimi namshukuru Mungu kwa miujiza ya uponyaji wa haraka ambao kwa imani yetu haba hatukuweza kuona ukija. Hali ilikuwa mbaya sana sema ni vile tu siwezi kuweka picha zake humu kwani kama nilivyosema ni ushuda wake yeye. Alilazwa hospitali ya Tabora (Tabora ndipo makazi yao yalipo kwa sasa) kwa muda kisha akahamishiwa Muhimbili ambapo alilazwa takribani zaidi ya mwezi mmoja.
Baada ya kutoka hospitali wanandugu walikusanyika nyumbani kwao huko Yombo Vituka kwaajili ya kumshukuru Mungu kwa maajabu ya uponyaji wake aliyompatia dada yetu.
Mungu ni mwema sana na siku zote anajibu maombi yetu zaidi ya imani yetu. Tutalisifu na kulitukuza jina lake milele na milele.
Namshukuru Mungu sana kwa kuniwezesha kuonana na marafiki zangu wanguvu! Ulikuwa ni wakati wanfuraha sana nilipo onana na kaka yangu Jerry Minja. Kwakweli Mungu yu mwema sana. Huyu kaka yangu ni tuliishi naye huko Kalamazoo, Michigan kabla ya yeye kuamua kurudi Tanzania na kuanzisha familia huko.
Pia nilifurahi sana kuonana na rafiki dada yangu Dr Flora Myamba. Huyu bidada naweza andika kitabu kizimaaaa kwaajili yake 😅😅 she’s my ride or die friend l! Yani hata kumuita rafiki naona kama nakosea jamani acha tu nimuite ninavyo jisikia, dada yangu! Wenye wivu wakanywe sumu wafe 😅😅😅 Huyu bidada na familia yake na ndugu zake wote ni binadamu na nusu!! Yani roho zao ni mfano wa Malaika!! Nafikiri ndio urafiki wetu umeweza kudumu kwa kiwango kilekile cha “grade A” muda huu wote kwasababu tabia na roho zetu zinafafana kwa kiwango kikubwa sema mie SINA uvumilivu wa watu wasiojitambua / wanafiki kama alionao Dr. Flora. 😅😅😅 Yani mie nikakujua wewe ni “wakichina” nakupa mkno wakwaheri haraka sanaaaaaaa. 😅😅😅 Sijui ku-vibe na fake people. Hiyo imenishinda kabisa mpaka leo hii. 🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️🙈 Hapo tulikuwa nje ya ofisi yake.
Tukiwa ofisini kwa Dr. Flora Tukiwa site
Baada ya kutoka ofisini kwake akanipeleka site kuona mjengo wao watakao hamia hivi karibuni. Jamani, furaha niliyokuwanayo utasema mjengo wangu mimi!! 😍😍 this mansion is 🔥🔥🔥 Can’t wait kuanza kufanya party zetu like the way we used to do it in Michigan yoo! 😍😍💃💃
Ma’am! My friend got money, yo! Msimchukulie poa kabisa, ni level nyingine hii wengi wenu bado sanaaaaaaa kufika level yake! 😅😅 Happy and proud of her💃💃💃
Siku ambayo nilikwenda limsalimia kaka yangu Jerry huyu mpwa wangu hakuwepo. Alitamani kumuona aunt Alpha naye aunt Alpha hakusita kufunga safari kwenda kumuona. Ndio mtoto wa kwanza na wapekee (kwasasa 😜) wa Mr and Mrs Jerry Minja.
Muheshimiwa ndio alikuwa nami siku hiyo, hivyo Kristos alionana na aunt Alpha na aunt Magreth. Mungu ni mwema sana.
Hapa ilikuwa siku nyingine mimi na Dr. Flora tulikwenda kula mishikaki ya Samaki pale Container, Mikocheni. 😍😍 love you Dr.
Mwaka 2021 niliufunga vyema na kuufungua 2022 vizuri sana. Namshukuru Mungu kwani umekua mwaka mwema sana wenye mibaraka mingi. Changamoto katika maisha hazikosekani kwani hatuwezi kujua tu imara kiasi gani kama hatutapitishwa katika changamoto hizo.
Wanasema dhahabu au madini yoyote ya thamani hayapatikani juu ya barabara wala kando kando ya maji! Nilazima yachimbwe chini ya ardhi na yapitishwe kwenye moto mkali ndipo yawe haya madini tunayofurahia kuyaona. Hivyo, sikuzote tukipata changamoto tusikimbilie kusema “kwanini mimi?” Bali tumwambie Mungu najua hili ni darasa unanipitisha japo somo bado sijalielewa, naomba unipe HEKIMA ya kuweza kulielewa somo hili ili nifuzu mafunzo yangu vyema. Najua maumivu ninayopitia nikwaajili ya utukufu wako na mimi ndiye uliyenichagua kuwa kielelezo cha utukufu wako.
Basi kwa kusema hayo, naomba niweke kumbukunbu ya matukio yaliyozunguka maisha yangu mwaka huu wa 2022. Tukumbushane kushukuru katika kila jambo. Sikuzote tuhesabu mibaraka yetu kwani ni mingi mno sema tunafunikwa na upofu kwa kuangalia maisha ya watu wengine na kudhani kuwa wamebarikiwa kutuzidi. Hapana! Mungu anatubari sote kwa jinsi impendavyo yeye kwa wakati wake.
Hizi ni baadhi ya picha tulipiga mwanzoni mwa Dec 2021 tulikuwa maeneo ya tunako ishi karibu na NASA Space Center, Houston, Texas
Baadhi ya picha tulizopiga kwenye Christmas party 20021 iliyofanyika Hilton hotel, Houston, Texas.
2021 THC Thanksgiving GalaApril 2nd 2022
Mwenyezi Mungu alitubariki tukafurahia kuona mwanangu ameongeza mwaka mwingine. Ilikuwa siku ya Jumosi tarehe mbili mwezi wa Nne! Na zifuatazo ni baadhi ya picha ya siku hiyo.
Mama Igogo akitazama kwa furaha picha iliyochorwa kwa taswira yake.
Wanao onekana kwenye video hapo juu ni baadhi ya wafanyakazi wa Temeke SDA Nursery and Primary School walifika nyumbani kwa mama Igogo mchana wa jana tarehe 09/27/2021, masaa ya Africa Mashariki, kwaajili ya kutoa shukrani zao za dhati kwa mchango wake wa hali na mali ambao aliutoa toka kuwaza yakwamba kanisa la Temeke SDA linahitaji kuwa na shule, kuisimamia kuanzishwa kwakwe toka elimu ya awali ya chekechea (Nursery school) mpaka kufikia kuwa na darasa la kwanza mpaka la saba.
Kuhakikisha kuna kuwa na boarding (hostel) kwa wanafunzi wanao kaa mbali haswa wanafunzi wa jinsia ya kike! Mama Igogo alikuwa full time Mkurugenzi mkuu (Director) ambaye hakuwai kulipwa mshahara hata mara moja kwa miaka 7! Alifanya kazi ya kujitolea kwa asilimia 100%! Na baada ya miaka 7 aliomba “kung’atuka” na kuwaachia vijana waikimbize. Yeye alibakia kuwa mshauri kwenye bodi ya shule. Mungu ni mwema shule ilisimama na inaendelea vizuri! Mwanangu ni mmoja wa wanafunzi wa mwanzo kabisa wa shule hii! Alianzia Nursery hadi darasa la sita. Mungu azidi wabariki wote walimu, wanafunzi, pamoja na watu wote wanaojitoa kwaajili ya huduma hii muhimu sana kwa jamii. ????
Kwenye video ya pili ni Mama Igogo akitoa shukrani zake za dhati baada ya kupokea shukrani na zawadi ya picha kutoka kwa wafanyakazi wa Temeke SDA Nursery and Primary School.
Na hapa, mama Igogo akitoa ufafanuzi wa zawadi ya picha iliyochorwa kutoka kwenye moja ya picha zake ambazo alipiga akiwa kwenye Makao Makuu ya Wasabato ulimwenguni yaliopo Silver Springs, Maryland/ Washington DC eneo la kumbukumbu za Ellen G. White (mmoja wa waasisi wa dhehebu la Wasabato). Mama yangu hajatembea dunia nzima, Mungu ni mwema amembariki kutembelea nchi kadhaa hapa dunia na ameona mengi; lakini safari ya kutembelea kijiji cha history ya Wasabato huko Battle Creek, Michigan na safari ya kutembelea Makao makuu ya Wasabato ulimwenguni kwakweli ni moja ya safari ambazo zimemgusa sana moyo wake na siku zote huwa anaziongelea kwa hisia sana! Namshukuru Mungu kuwa amenichagua mimi binti yake kuwa kiungo kikuu cha mbaraka huo. Si kwamba asingeweza kufika Marekani hapana! Naamini Mungu kama alimpangia kufika angefika tu bila ya mimi kuwepo kama hizo nchi zingine alizo tembelea bila mimi kuwepo! Lakini kufika sehemu kama hizo kwa urahisi na kwa furaha kupitia mwanae naamini nikitu kinampa faraja kubwa sana moyoni! ?? No mama ain’t done yet! Mungu atupe uhai utakula more good time very soon! ?????
Mzee O.O Igogo, Magreth Otieno Igogo, na mama Igogo
Hapa juu ni moja ya picha waliyopiga wakati walikuwa wamekwenda kutembelea kijiji cha historia ya Wasabato huko Battle Creek, Michigan mwaka 2014 mwezi wa 11. Picha A siku hii zipo nyingi lakini zipo kwenye Flashdisk, sijapata muda wa kuziangalia.
Siku ya leo tarehe 08/16/2021 majira ya mchana masaa ya Africa Mashariki, mwanangu katimiza moja ya shahuku yake kubwa au nawezasema moja ya ndoto yake!
Amekutana na mmoja wa madaktari walio nihudumia na kuhakikisha anaingia katika dunia hii akiwa salama! ?? Marehemu Dr Amood alikuwa ndio my primary Dr lakini alinikabidhi kwa Dr. Kapesa na Dr Kaisi kama mbadala wake pindi yeye anapokuwa na majukumu mengine. Siku ya kujifungua Dr Kaisi ndio aliyekuwepo zamu, Dr Amood aliitwa na alipofika Mercy alikuwa teyari kazaliwa! ??
Mungu azidi wabariki wote Dr Kapesa na Dr Kaisi! Bahatimbaya Dr Kaisi alipatwa na stroke (kiharusi) hivyo kwasasa amepumzika kufanya kazi za utabibu aliyosomea.
BTW, nilikuwa natibiwa Tanzania Maternity Service ambapo madaktari hawa wote walikuwa business partners!
Wema Sepetu katika ubora wake! Vazi limemkaa haswa aaa! Kapendeza sana! My dear Wema naomba leo nikushauri, unajuwa wewe ni our Sweetheart! Tunakupenda sana na kukutakia mema! Naomba usichukie kuhusu ushauri wangu kwani unatoka from a good place of my heart, na pia sio lazima uhufuate unaweza ukasoma na ukauwacha kama ulivyo! Na ninakuhakikishia bado nitakupenda bila kinyongo! …… Wema sikiliza: 《1》Hii karne ya 21 kuzaliwa mzuri tu haitoshi! Wewe ni mzuri sanaaaaaa! Lakini unamengi ya ku-prove ili umpate yule mume / partner unaye stahili kuwa naye KAMA KWELI HILO NI HITAJI LA MOYO WAKO!
《2》 Achana kabisa na watu /fans wako ambao saa zote wanakueweka katika muonekano wa “mashindano” na mtu fulani haswa Zari, wakati Zari got no time for nobody yani yupo busy na maisha yake! Wewe ishi maisha yako bila kupigizana kelele na mtu! Au kuweka mazingira fulani yanayo onyesha some sort of competition! Kumbuka mtu yeyote yule ambaye anataka kushindana na mtu jua huyo mtu teyari umesha mzidi ndio maana anataka aku-drug down to his /her level! Always choose “highway” na sio mashindano! 《3》Ngoja nikwambie ukweli, wewe na Zari wote ni wazuri sana tena to be fair labda niseme wewe umependelewa zaidi na figure kuliko Zari! Hata hivyo any man ambaye ni potential au well successful will absolutely pick Zari over you! Unajua kwa nini? Zari has proven herself kuwa (a) she knows what she wants in her life! And happiness is her number one priority! Na ndio maana aliamua kuachana na marehemu Ivan Ssemwanga na kuwa na Diamond! She prefers happyness over money (b) Zari has proven kuwa she can make her man to be the best of all! She did that twice! Kwa marehemu Ivan Ssemwanga na sasa kwa Diamond! Ndio, unaweza sema ulimpenda Diamond akiwa bado “Nasib Abdul” but mdogo wangu, wenyewe wanasema hivi “a man with dreams need a woman with vision”! Na hapo ndipo Zari alipokupiga bao! You knew Nasib’s dreams but you didn’t have VISION to take Diamond where he needs to be! Plus badala ya kuwa team player ukawa kama una compete na Diamond; kumbuka zile kauli kuwa “anatembelea nyota yako” toka kwa mashabiki wako na watu wako wakaribu! Zari aliacha yote kumjenga Diamond at least for the first two yrs ya relationship yao. Building Diamond ikamsaidia kujiendeleza na yeye pia kwa ku-expand her empire in Tanzania. Wakati alionekana kama amepoteza Dira ya maisha kwenye macho ya watu wenye mtazamo finyu lakini kwetu sisi wengine tulijua Zari is going to surprise them big time and she surely did! Kumbuka nimekwambia kuwa Zari nia yake ni kuwa na mwanaume ambaye will make her happy, and that is what exactly Diamond is doing! Spoiling her right before your eyes! Pia angalia Ivan Ssemwanga, pamoja na yote bado Zari alikuwa ndio Kimbilio na tegemeo lake! Kitu ambacho wewe mpaka dakika hii pamoja na kuteka people’s heart but none of them can trust you with their “treasure” or legacy! (c) Zari has proven kuwa she is not only a great partner but she can hold down a family as well! She’s strong, has good family values enough to make her own family kitu ambacho wanaume wengi waliofanikiwa wanapenda kuwa nacho! Na hapa siongelei kuwa na watoto kwani watoto ni mipango ya Mungu! Ninacho kisema hapa nikuwa “grounded” enough to make someone’s house a family friendly place ambapo mtu kama Dr. Mengi atakuwa excited, and proud enough kusema I’m going home na once in a while kuwaita some of his friends for dinner! Mpaka sasa kwa hili mdogo wangu Wema, umefeli kabisa! Siku zote waliokuzunguka mmh! only God knows who they are! Embu jifunze kitu kutoka kwa aunt Ezekiel! 《4》 My dear Wema, achana na kutafuta attention zisizo na kichwa wala miguu! Don’t let them losers and fools use you my dear! Kama kweli you want to have that potential man holding your hand then you need to prove kuwa you are a woman of character! Make your man feel secured kuwa hayupo kwenye “competition” with another man! Yani kuwa akija mwenye hela zaidi yake he’s out of the league! Hii inaweza ikawa ngumu kunielewa lakini mpaka utakapo elewa hichi ninacho kwambia basi tegemea kutumika na wanasiasa pamoja na wenye pesa za “mission-town” ambao wanatafuta kuandikwa kwenye magazeti ya udaku!
《5》 Kama nilivyo sema kuwa you’ve a lot tu-prove na kitu kingine ni kuonyesha kuwa you can stand strong alone na kua-achieve something for your own good! Kwamfano mimi sio such a “career woman” but I managed to get my college education. Nasio hivyo tu, nimelea mwanangu ambaye niko so proud of her! Plus, naishi mwenyewe hapa Marekani bila msaada wa mwanaume hivyo mwanaume yoyote yule atajua kuwa kama tumependana ni kwasababu zingine na mapenzi ya kweli nasio ugumu wa maisha wa hapa Marekani! Angalia, mfano wa karibu ni Jokate, she’s a great example kama utataka kujifunza kutoka kwake! You have to show some potentials! 《6》Lamwisho, achana na mashoga a.k.a “wadada wa mujini”! You have your sisters make them marafiki zako wa karibu. Unaweza ukawa na baadhi ya marafiki wazuri kwa kula “bata” but don’t let them be your close friends! Kwasababu naona wengi wao sio wazuri na mkikorofishana siri zako zote wanakutolea nje wakati wewe sioni kama unatabia ya kutoa siri za watu! Hivyo achana nao kabisa! Otherwise, mie nakupenda sana na nakutakia mafanikio mema. Najua bado unanafasi ya kufanya matengenezo! Kama nimekosea naomba unisamehe sana. ❤
Regrann from @hollietheblogger - We have all gossiped too much this week, so let’s talk about something different ?♀️ RESILIENCE‼️ Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Is sort of the ability to spring back from any challenge and difficulties and soldier on like nothing happened‼️Like for me, given the dynamic nature of events in a healthcare sector, resilience is a must have characteristic. One minute you are fighting to resuscitate a patient, the other you are signing an end of life form and the next examining a new patient with all smiles like nothing has happened. Over a period of time, You tend to block these events and just put yourself in a moment every time everyday. Resilience can be emotionally draining so it requires tremendous emotional stamina. Most people give up easily because they have traded resilience with fear. They choose the easy way out and opt for easier choices instead of immersing themselves in this complex journey and wait to enjoy their complete un-breakable success. For example you want to loose weight and get in shape but you do not want to exercise or give up your old lifestyle. So you will try exercising for a week and get drained or bored and decide to resort to other short cuts to achieve your objective. The truth is that you might just get thinner but not fitter which is your main health benefit goal. So overall you fail to achieve the COMPLETE OUTCOME. For you to enjoy your FULL benefits of success you must be willing to sacrifice and invest your everything in any project or goal you choose. You must be resilient in all circumstances no matter the weather so that when you build that house you have a solid foundation or business without any loopholes. See your Boss Lady is so resilient that when you think she’s broken she springs back tougher and stronger✌? So ladies watch and learn ?#issabossladiesmovement #brandzari???? - #regrann
Regrann from @hollietheblogger - I salute educated and dignified Tanzanians???. My sisters and brothers you have broken the norm and crushed this stereotype & you deserve praise ??You know them days Tanzanian Education was one of the most sought after in East Africa. Many former African leaders either studied in Tanzania or Uganda. It was prestigious to be a TZ alumni ??. However, given the current events I just want to believe that standards must have dropped drastically or this extreme rate of unemployment has discouraged many and forced young people on streets. It’s only in TZ that 98% if it’s local celebrity is on instagram begging from the local struggling businesses for advertisements?. Only in TZ that women mock and publicly diss another woman’s child bearing struggles or inability to have children..cheii??♂️ Only in TZ that women are defined by marriage and you see them fighting over men publicly, breaking families to please society and be rendered tough by other fellow women?♀️ It’s only in TZ that men are allowed to publicly abuse and re-abuse women emotionally and sexually and the society doesn’t rebuke such unacceptable behaviour because it’s complacent to this culture. It’s only in TZ that mother in-law and an unacknowledged prospective daughter in law would publicly insult and mock each other and drag their dirty linen in public without any shame. It’s only in TZ the so called local celebrities will fight for cheap stolen designs publicly and proudly expose screen shots of their discussions for the world to see in the name of levelling up or protecting their brands??What went wrong in/with TZ ??? Anyone with a different experience or views of this new TZ and it’s current generation? ?I hope people like @jokatemwegelo, a stream of new and young leaders will start working towards restoring youth confidence, sorting unemployment and setting systems and measures to protect daughters and girls of Tanzania’s next generation. #goodday? - #regrann
Regrann from @hollietheblogger - So many people ask me If I get paid to promote @zarithebosslady the answer is NO. But let me tell you what I gain and why I waste my time..it’s her rare STORY‼️ Rare because, she chose HER and HER KIDS above EVERYTHING something many women have no courage to do‼️ My benefits might NOT be in monetary terms but it’s in a sense of hope and reassurance. Reassurance that in future our daughters will NEVER have to sit silent in abusive relationships just because the society expect them to. But because of Zari’s and many other women’s experiences they will have the strength to reclaim CONTROL and emancipate themselves‼️ Just like you, in Zari I see my mother, my sisters, my aunties & best friends. Women who have been cheated on, abused and emotionally & physically trampled on. Women whose happiness have been snatched by another woman. Homes and children left fatherless, loveless, poor and homeless just because of men’s selfishness. Despite all these evil, society and some ignorant women still believe it’s ok for a man to disrespect a woman‼️ Religion & culture teach us that women are beneath men & aren’t allowed to be their own person. When a woman rises up to be her own voice there is so much noise surrounding her strength. Therefore if someone say that DP actions were innocent & didn’t mean any harm, I say that is nonsense.
Zari the real Bosslady
DP knew and still knows what he does. His actions were & are still emotionally abusive and were/are meant to break ZARI and leave her dependent and powerless just as he’s done to all his exes. DP has broken them all emotionally and left them powerless and dependent on him‼️If Zari had hold on to this nonsense this guy would have continued to demean her publicly to show her she’s worthless. These actions would have created fear and decreased her self esteem making her dependent on him‼️? So don’t expect the dirty *** to move on or find happiness anywhere else because she’s EMOTIONALLY broken and will sit in that rented flat as a side fuck for the rest of her life?Compared to Zari who had a loving upbringing, these two are both as bad as each other because they both had a fucked up-bringing #revisitthispostinfuture #goodmorning - #regrann
Regrann from @open_kitchen2014 – Siku zote katika maisha yangu nilipenda sana kuitwa mama lakini kwa sababu ya uzito wangu ambao ulikuwa unanipa complications katika uzazi ilinichukua muda mrefu sana kufanikiwa mwaka 2010 nilibahatika kwa mara 2 kupata ujauzito baada ya hormone treatment za kufa mtu nilipigana na kubeba mimba mpaka almost 7 months lakini kwa bahati mbaya my pressure haikuwa controlled vizuri mtoto akafia tumboni nilikaa labour masaa 12 sitokaaa kuyasahau mpaka nikafanikiwa kujifungua and she was a girl almost 1.5kg tukamzika next to my mum . Baada ya mwezi nikapata bahati ya kwenda shanghai china kulikuwa a world expo kupitia Tan trade nikafunga mzigo wangu wa vinyago maana ilibidi nifanye mchaka mchaka nikapakia mzigo kwenye container pamoja na wenzangu na hapo sijapona vizuri ila Mungu ni mwema alinipa nguvu za ziada mwezi unaofuata nikapanga safari na kuondoka hakuna siku niliwahi kumwona mume wangu analia kama hiyo siku ananipeleka airport alilia sana kwa uchungu na kunionenea huruma kwamba sijapona vizuri then naenda kuhangaika nguvu zenyewe bado hazijarudi vizuri alinibembeleza sana nikamwambia bora niende nikapigane nifanye kazi kuliko kukaa kitandani na mawazo mimi naamini kila jambo Mungu anapanga kwa muda wake i am strong mentally na nitaweza tu wewe kuwa na amani.
Tulikuwa wafanya biashara wengi kidogo kama 10 hivi tulifika na kupokelewa vizuri na watu wa ubalozi wetu so ikabidi tu share apartment mimi akaniomba dada mmoja ni share nae alikuwa na mtoto wa kiume alikuwa kama na miaka 10 plus or 8 yrs hiyo apartment ilikuwa single room so mimi nikachukua bed wao wakasema watachukua sitting room because kuna more space na kuna sofa bed kubwa basi next day tukaanza kukimbizana kupanga mizigo kwenye banda letu kwakweli ilikuwaa kazi ngumu sana kwasababu mzigo ulikuwa umeshushwa almost 2km away ndio store ilipo vinyago ni vizito sana so inabidi uvitoe store uje kuvipanga kwenye banda na ukifika lazima uvipige kiwi yaani tulikuwa hoi na huwezi kuleta vyote maana nafasi ndogo so inabidi ulete kidogo kidogo na hapo sina nguvu za kutosha but najipa moyo i can do this ukizingatia hakuna kukaaa ukimaliza kupiga kiwi kupanga unasimama uuze bidhaa zako yaani ikifika jioni miguu yote imevimba unchoka hata kuongea huwezi.
Yule dada aliyeomba kukaa na mimi akawa so rude kwangu ghafla mara kanuna mara hataki mtoto wake akuongeleshe watu tunakaa same room tunfanya biashara same banda dah nikasema huu ni mtihani but mtoto was so kind akawa tukikutana nje ananiambia Aunty its ok my mum is like that msamehe tu he was a good boy mimi nikaamua kumpotezea na kuishi kivyangu nikiingia room kwangu kimya naoga nalala .
Nikiamka naenda store najazia mzigo kwenye stand yangu napiga kazi na hapo mchina hajui kiswahili wala kingereza biashara tunafanya kwa calculator yaani we acha tu unaongea mpaka unapasuka untoa mifano yote maana wote tunauza same product sasa wewe hapo inabidi uwe mjanja mteja akipenda kinyago chako usimwachie ukimwachia tu imekula kwako Aiseee nilipigana for 4 weeks none stop 7 days a week 12 hrs kila siku on my feet Mungu ni mwema niliuza mzigo wangu wote sikubakiza hata kitu kimoja nilimshukuru sana Mungu maana kuna wamasai wakubwa wananishinda urefu nilisema hawa kweli nitawauza but i had faith mteja alikuja akanipa bingo ndefu dah i was so happy nilipomaliza tu mzigo nikafunga sanduku langu huyooo nikarudi zangu dar mifuko imejaaaa nilikuwa nimechoka sana but i did it niliinvest kama dola 10,000 usd kila kitu mzigo plus all expenses nikapata kama 35,000 usd in 30 days i was so happy nilijiona mimi ni mshindi mkubwa sana i did not give up kabisa mazingira ya kazi na kuishi yalikuwa magumu but i stayed focus .
Miezi miwili baada ya kurudi nikajikuta nina mimba tena nikaanza hormone treatment pressure ikawa controlled then Mungu akanipa zawadi ya Baby Iman so leo nataka wewe usikate tamaaa no matter what NEVER GIVE UP BELEIVE IN YOURSELF AND BELEIVE IN GODS TIMING .
kila kitu Mungu anapanga kwa muda wake mitihani inakuja kila siku we need to stay focused
Watu tumetoka mbali sana kwenye haya maisha ya kupambana but Mimi sijawahi kukata tamaa? – #regrann
All your classmates have gone in different directions in the world.
Some have completed universities and are now:
Administrators, etc.
Some are married,
Some have given birth,
Some are still searching and waiting on the Lord.
Some are dead, don’t forget that too.
And others are on the sick bed,
Some are running their higher degrees: Masters, PHD, etc.
Some haven’t even gained admission into the tertiary institution and may NEVER be able to.
Some own companies,
Some are now Directors and major shareholders in global companies.
But how do you feel
When you meet your classmates, and it seems like he/she has accomplished their dreams and you’re not yet close to yours? So many thoughts run through your mind, right?
First, you think God has not been fair to you. How about the ones you meet on the street wearing dirty cloths and still struggling for survival ? Do you get the same thoughts running through your mind? I guess, NO. Don’t forget too that some are already dead.
Somehow it feels natural to have that feeling of jealous for those mates who seem better off, but it is really unnecessary. There is no room for regrets,
We are all different and our paths to greatness are also not the same in distance. Some might have arrived earlier before you and some after you, but whatever level you find yourself in life,
Please keep trying to break limitations and move further. Celebrate the success of others, its an indication that yours too shall surely come.
Zari the real Bosslady
Your friend buys a car now, be happy with him/ her. Remember when you’ll buy yours, theirs might not be the latest again. There’s no permanent champion, but current champion.
Life is not about competition, do not be in a race with anyone; remember, we may seem to be reading the same book but different chapters at different times.
Don’t let the passion in you kill the desire in you, keep it burning. What you’re passing through today; Write it down because one day the world would be ready to read it, they’ll become part of your success story.
There’s no height you cannot attain, believe in yourself, define your goals, recognize distractions and don’t stop striving. Spend time teaching yourself, because those things that mainly take people to the top are the things they devoted their time to develop.
Don’t be intimidated by your friend’s success, the sky is wide enough for birds to fly without touching one another. Value every little thing that God brings into our life, love God and obey Him. For with God, all things are possible.
The Ambassador of Bryan Foundation-Zari in doing charity work in Uganda
*Now to those who are on top Never forget to give a helping hand to those who are down.Because Life is full of uncertainties; the one you pull up today, may be the one to hold your hands and prevent you from falling tomorrow*
A piece of advice there, food for thought
Share this to all your friends and let them realize that God has a purpose in their lives.
“Maisha ni nin? Swali hili limekuwa na utata na kuusumbua ulimwengu ni nini maana ya maisha; je! maisha ni kuwa na mume mwenye pesa nyingi? Je!maisha ni kuwa mke mzuri? Je! maisha ni kuwa na nyumba au gari nzuri? Je! maisha ni kuwa na marafiki wengi? Je! maisha ni kuwa na watoto? au je! maisha ni kuwa na kazi nzuri inayokupa heshima? Maswali haya yote ni sawa na bure maana watu wamekuwa na vyote hivyo na bado hawaelewi ni nini maana ya maisha! Maisha ni kutambua kuwa kuna Mungu na kukubali kuisikiliza sauti yake, kukubali kuwa yeye ametukomboa katika utumwa wa dhambi. Maisha ni kutambua kuwa miguuni pa Yesu pekee ndio mahali pa usalama Luka 10:38-42″
Regrann from @lemutuz_superbrand - LIVE STRAIGHT TALK: FACTS The Art of Love and Hate takwimu zinaonyesha kati ya Mwaka 2016 na leo 2018 Jumla ya Wananchi 341 wameuliwa na Wapenzi wao kati yao ni Wanawake ndio waliouliwa zaidi yaani Wanawake 247 na waliobaki ni Wanaume waliouliwa ni 94 wote wamekufa kwenye mapenzi na hasa ndoa inasikitisha sana ...kinachosikitisha sana ni the fact that Jamii imenyamaza kimya Wabunge wetu hawana hata habari na Wanasiasa wetu ndio wamekuwa mabubu kabisa sababu? ni Maadili yetu zaidii ya kuficha mapungufu ya Ndoa kwa Mwanaume kulalamika kwa jamii kuwa hamuelewi mke wake ni Aibu sana na Mwanamke kulalamika kwa jamii kuwa hamuelewi mumewe pia ni Aibu ya kuahindwa kuficha mambo ya ndani ya ndoa na matokeo yake ndio haya Taifa limepoteza Nguvu kazi ya Wananchi 341 ...nani anatakiwa kuhusika na afanye nini? ndipo tunapokwama na ninarudia tena na tena kwamba huu ni wakati muafaka Serikali ikaanza kulitupia macho hili tatizo ambalo chanzo chake ni Mapenzi na hata kwenye kuua huwa wanajiamini kwamba wanafanya kitu sawa kwa niaba ya mapenzi yao kwa wanaowaua ...tunatakiwa kuimarisha our Social Welfare Services ziwe na Professionals wanaoweza kusuluhisha matatizo ya Ndoa mara wanapoarifiwa tu na hata wapewe nguvu za kisheria za kuwaweka Rumande Wanaume na Wanawake waanaonekana kuwa chanzo cha matatizo ya kufikia kupigana katika ndoa au mapenzi ....ninasema hivi hatuwezi kuwa na Viwanda imara kama hatuna Wananchi Imara na sisi wananchi its about time sasa tukaanza kuamka usingizini hakuna mapenzi ya kupigana pigana mpenzi yoyote yule anayekupiga kuna siku ATAKUUWA TU sio mtu wa kumchezea I mean mpenzi anayepiga ni hatari sana ni most of the times ni kwa sababu amekulia kwenye ndoa ya Mama yake kupigwa na Baba yake au Baba yake kupigwa na Mama yake guys usicheze na mpenzi wa aina hiyo cause atakuuwa ....ndio maana USA watu wa namna hii wakifungwa jela huwa hawachiwi maana hakuna Therapy wala Rehab inayoweza kuwasaidia isipokuwa kuishi jela tu ...kwa mnaopigwa na Wapenzi wenu please take action now kama hawezi kuacha muwache cause ataishia kukuuwa! - @lemutuz_superbrand - #regrann
Okay! I believe we all had a chance to listen to Diamonds ft Ravvyn new song #Iyena kwangu mimi naona wimbo upo kawaida japo video ni nzuri na nafikiri uwepo wa Zari mule umeongezea mvuto kwa kiasi kikubwa! Kama hujaona tazama ?
Lakini sijali sana kuhu wimbo, ujumbe wangu ni kwa Zari kwani nineona mashabiki "maandazi" wanavyo ongea eti "warudiane" na Diamond ?? I am like for real!! Who in a right mind will dare to say that?! Seriously people? let us be real here for a second!! Hivi ni huyu huyu Diamond aliye m-cheat Zari na kuzaa nje baadaye akaomba msamaha Zari akamsamehe kwa moyo mkunjuvu na akasema "I made peace with his mistakes"!! Baada ya hapo nini kilitokea?!! Sindio akarudi kutoka South nakupokelewa na Wema Sepetu ukumbini na familia yake yote ikiwepo na Wema?! Na hapo ni baada ya mama Diamond kukaa South Africa kwa Zari zaidi ya mwezi pamoja na mumewe halafu kafika Bongo ndio huyo yupo busy na Wema? (With all due respect to Wema, mimi sinaga mambo ya timu bali nataka nifikishe ujumbe wangu vizuri ndio maana namtaja) Na bado picha na video akiwa na wanawake wengine zilirushwa kwenye mitandao na kila mtu anaona! Nyie watu acheni mzaha!!
To you Zari, I'm not sure if you consider yourself "a celebrity" or a business lady who happened to be a "celebrity"! Celebrity is a culture, if you want to live a celebrities culture then forget about your integrity, take Diamond back and prepare to lose respect from many people! What I am trying to say here you're way better off without Diamond! You stand as a very strong and powerful woman right now than those days you used to zoom around with Diamond everywhere like a homeless lady!!
You have added your value by showing people who you real are, how strong you can be, please don't trap kwa mama Diamond childish games! Adults, young girls and boys are looking up to you so do your children please don't let them down eti kisa nyimbo! Think about your daughter, you are laying a foundation of how boys and men should treat her be wise like snake! Build good foundation that every man will think twice before holding your daughter's hand! Teach young boys that women are not tools but rather are fellow human beings treat them with respect and dignity, not using them as "money making" machines!! Please, find a healthy co-parenting way with Diamond and his family but don't take them back as family. That family is perfect but not for you, is perfect for those other women (if you know what I mean)! Achana nayo kabisa they don't deserve you even for a second. You were raised by a strong woman, whom she raised all those strong children alone why letting her down!! Usiseme eti watoto hata yatima pia ni watoto lakini wanakua!! That family isn't a healthy family to raise children with labda uwe unavuta bangi! Money is good but Not all money is great!! Choose your paycheck wisely!
After all, you look more matured, focused, and well kept right now than ulipokuwa na Diamond. He stressed you out, took the strength out of you, misused your love, you didn't have peace at all. Try to look at your old pictures you will agree with me!! They degraded you to accommodate and keep up with their uncivilized characters!! Trying to make money by destroying every woman that Diamond is involving with, I hope you are awake enough to smell the nasty coffee!!
Plus this babydaddy of yours care less about your life, he doesn't care if he would leave your children motherless perhaps even no parents at all that why he can't use any kind of protection-HIV is real woman! And what about Hippies, and Hepatitis C for God's sake!! Look how he was fooling around with those ladies, let them recorded him with no fear or shame then shared them in social media?!! Guess what, that is the PROOF THAT HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU!! He is just using you! Selfish to the core!! If someone loves you will care about you, will always think about you before taking any action!! No one is perfect but some people are evil!! This is nothing but pure evil!!
You can do business with him but make sure every thing is clearly written and well documented. Make sure he is not a beneficiary of any of your money even if you happen to die today! Let ALL your children be the first beneficiaries, and your sisters legal guardian. You're better than this Zari don't let this family destroy the woman you are!! ..... In the end, it's your life we are just cheerleaders!!
Facts of life: *Throw Away That Degree Otherwise You Will Die Poor* ???✊Things have changed so we must change too, Universities in the 60s used to produce 1000 graduates each year and they would get jobs even before finishing, but now each year we graduate more than 80,000 from over 30 universities and 100 institutes.
??♂Where are these people going? Even if We pray day and night, we can't have jobs for even a quarter of these graduates.
_The education system only trains one to be a slave to another, work for someone for a pay cheque and make sure his dreams are achieved, it doesn't prepare us for the current competitive world where almost everyone has gone to school._
?Most of the Educated people in Africa are poor not because they are dense but the way they see things just doesn't apply to the real world. ??The lucky ones who get a job earn less than 600k for a salary before tax and other deductions. When the deductions are put into consideration, the net salary comes to around 400k. The net salary then suffers from loan deductions, The landlord then demands for his 300k and monthly shopping takes away 100k leaving one with 0shs The taxi will demand for 6k going to and from work and other emergencies come in. The whole salary is gone and borrowed money starts working.
? Most of the degree holders are poverty stricken, borrowing money to buy smart phones, nice clothes, shoes, makeup ,chicken and chips, pizza, and a small car for shobies.
??The biggest excuse for getting paid such low amounts of money and having to sit and work for another person for 30 days is *THE DEGREE* that one possesses and that’s all. This has made most of the degree holders very poor and will die that way most likely.
? _*A degree holder does not know how to generate money even from the simplest thing unless that money is generated for the employer. He is so dependent on the salary that he can do anything to get a job but will not think of starting a business of his own to employ others not even operate a chapati Business where he can make 30k a day.*_
▪A degree holder is not prepared to sell chips but enjoys them with friends every 3days in a week, my brother think of doing business here
▪A degree holder is not trained how to make money from school yet it's the order of the day in the real world.
▪A degree holder is not prepared to sell second hand clothes but is very happy to be employed by the business owners and is very good at buying expensive clothes
▪A degree holder is not prepared to make 1.5M monthly doing his own business but is very happy to work at the Till in a bank getting paid 500k.
▪A degree holder is not prepared to start a company and grow it in 2 to 3 years but will spend 4 years searching for a job and works for 30years pushing another person's dream.
▪A degree holder is not prepared to sell food to students but will be happy to be reporting to a boss with no qualifications as long as he is paid 400k for a salary.
▪A degree holder is so eager to get out of this country and work in another country than spend time to develop his own country by creating solutions and innovations.
▪A Tanzanian degree holder would rather sweep the streets of London or USA than start a business and make money in Tanzania – others work in people’s homes as maids.
▪A degree holder in Tanzania will watch movies and music on his laptop all the time but never to write a book or research about business opportunities using the same laptop and make money.
▪A degree holder will blame the government for lack of jobs even when he was on government bursary for him to have his degree.
▪ Tanzania is blessed with people who have master’s degree and others are doctors in different technical fields such as IT and Engineering but all of them have failed to create a cartoon character and develop a movie from the same instead very happy to buy Tom and Jerry for their children thereby promoting America.
?? *At the University I went to, there is an old man very humble and illiterate. He does not speak English but sells Soda at 1500shs and Fresh juice at 500 each making a profit of 600shs on each soda plus 300shs on juice. He also sells chips at 2500shs making a profit of 800shs on each plate. Not less than 30 students buy chips and a drink every single day. This means he makes a profit of 18000 for a soda ,9000shs for juice and 24000 for chips and a total profit of 51000shs Every single day. In 10 days he makes a profit of 510000shs, in twenty days 1,020,000shs that's 1,530,000 a month*
??The degree holder working in a bank at the till gets a salary of 700k every month with nssf, local service tax, pay as you earn and other deductions.
? *Why are the degree holders poor?*
Because they have decided to pride themselves in a degree and failed to think better than a man who does not have even a certificate to his name.
?If you want to progress, throw away that degree and start thinking better than someone without a degree. Be prepared to get your hands dirty and work like an ox for your business.
?A lot of opportunities exist in Tanzania but u have to be keen to identify them.
? *Your innovation, commitment, hard work and patience will pay off.*
***Copied from a friend Facebook***
Regrann from @mspaulsen - The smiles when a you are a single mother and get to wittness your daughter,s wedding...... I can proudly say I know how she feels. It's the best achievement and a blessing . The feeling is unexplainable. I wish this to all single mothers out there we rock ???thanks God and our daughters for making us proud - #regrann Maneno ya kugusa moyo haya kutoka kwa Madam Rita Paulsen. Je, wewe umeahawahi kukutwa na hali kama iliyomkuta Madam Rita? Yani ukaona mtu anapitia jambo au anakutwa na kitu fulani (jema au baya) halafu zile hisia zake ukahisi ni wewe kwasababu huwenda nawe unapitia kitu hichohicho au ulishawahi kupitia huko nyuma? Kwanini nime share nanyi hii " status" ya Madam Rita, nikuwa maisha ni fumbo, ukimwona kichaa yupo uchi usimcheke kwani hujui yakesho! Watu pekee ambao wanaweza kuelewa kwanini yule kichaa yupo uchi na nijinsi gani anajisikia niwale ambao walishawahi kuweuka! Nawale ambao wanajua thamani ya kuwa na akili timamu niwale wale uliowahi kuwa vichaa. Ndivyo ilivyo hapa, only those who are or have been single mothers before ndio wanaoelewa ujumbe wa Madam Rita na furaha ya mama Princess Megan. ***Siku zote dharau maiti siyo binadamu mwenye pumzi ya uhai***
When life hits you with so much pain,so much hurt & disappointments, you need to find strength & comfort in knowing that God didn’t promise us days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears & light for the way.
If God allows it on you, He will also bring you through it all & you will never be the same again. Whatever you are going through – He has a reason.
Here she is;
Princess ? Meghan Markle
She is half black ,half white.(Biracial) African American origin.
Her parents got divorced when she was 6 years old
She was married before @30 years and divorced two years after .
Despite these factors you may consider as odds and a humble/not too smooth beginning, she rose above these circumstance and made a mark for herself.
She became a popular and successful actress
Became an advocate for gender equality and women empowerment.
Became a Global Ambassador for World Vision Canada
Became a UN advocate for women
Owns her own Clothing Line
She is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of her own blog.
And now at age 36 she is married to Prince Harry of England who is 34 years
Love is the way.she is making a grand entrance into The Royal Family! That is the story of MEGHAN MARKLE!
Amidst all, her family instead of supporting her new found journey to happiness, they’re busy putting her down. This coward brother writes to Prince Harry not to get married to a divorcee, old….
She’s an epitome of a true humble lady.
1. Prince Harry followed his heart to beat all odds. If you find true love don’t look at limitations.
2. Your family background is not a limiting factor to anything.Do not let society define who you are, or friends telling you how old you’re and should be getting married!
3. The end of one marriage does not mean the end of your life!
4. Work hard to pick up the pieces of your life and start all over again! Do not give up on yourself .
5. Do not despise the days of humble beginning. Start small even as a brief case girl or tea girl or a secretary but don’t stay small. Dream and think big, stay focused , keep your eyes on the ball and aim for the stars.
6.. You may have to kiss a few frogs before you meet your Prince. Don’t give up on love ! You are lova
Never loss hope because Life can go from 0 to 100 Real Quick” ???.
Regrann from @mspaulsen – You can copy everything about a person but not her personality its a God given. Just be yourself ??utachekesha…….. – #regrann Mmesikia hayo maneno toka kwa Madam Rita? Personality ya mtu ni kama DNA huwezi iga wala huwezi kuwadanganya watu! Acha maisha ya kuiga iga kuwa wewe, acha watu wakujue, wakupende, na kukuheshimu kwa kuwa authentic best version of you na siyo kujifanya wewe fulani wakati watu wanakuona ni kitu kingine!