Hearty congratulations to Mr and Mrs Mkapa for the golden jubilee! Many good wishes to celebrate this life time moment, and good luck for another 50 years that come your way!!! Happy wedding anniversary!!
I love Mama Mkapa’s dress……..beautiful!
Wow! Lovely!
“Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Bibi Anna and Babu Ben. May you live to see 50 more. We love you, pray for you and thank God for all his goodness. You have given us hope that it can be done. Congratulations” Foster M.M
Category Archives: General
“Prayer for all the singles”
Prayer for all the Singles Heavenly Father, thank you for being so amazing, for always being there for me. Lord you know how I feel and how much I wish to finally encounter the right one. I know I have to be patient because it’s all in your timing but dating is ruthless. I get approached by all the wrong ones, yet the one I desire is non-existent. Is this person out there? Have you really set someone apart just for me? It’s breathtaking to know I’m that special to You. My Father give me strength to ward off the ones who don’t deserve me, discernment to embrace the one that does. My Jesus guard my heart against the plans of the enemy and of the pawns he uses to make me fall. Give me your wisdom to see beyond the enemy’s seduction and to know when the sweet words are empty promises. Each day I’m growing stronger in you, slowly maturing and understanding my place in this world. Protect me from setting my eyes on someone who will destroy that. Amen.
Hot pic of the day
Mali Kimesera and Linda Bezuidenhount family wakiwa kwenye weekend gateway (min vacation) huko North Carolina kwenye milima inayo toa moshi (smokey mountains)! What a beautiful family! Hii family itapendeza sana ikiwa na reality show yao kwa TV ?? si hata nyie mnaiyona inavyo vutia eeh ?? glory and honor be to God!
Hot pic of the day
Kati ya hawa wawili, mwanamke yupi ni bora?
Kutoka Facebook
Wapendwa wasomaji wangu, naomba mniwie radhi! Ninamambo mengi nimebanwa hivyo muda unakuwa hautoshi ndio maana inaweza pita siku sija blog. Silipwi na mtu kublog nafanya kwa hiyari yangu hivyo nipale tu ninapopata muda wa ziada ndipo ninapoweza ku blog!……………Kwasababu hiyo kuanzia leo katika kile kipengele cha “Kutoka Facebook” nitakuwa nawaletea picha zaidi ya moja kufidia siku ambazo sitakuwa na blog!……… Haya leo nimezipenda hizi
Foster (Bongoland), kapendeza sana na top yake ya kitenge…..love the colors
Fina (Australia), kapendeza sana na B&W suit, pia nimependa sana kiatu chake
Hawa (Queens land a.k.a UK) nimependa sana muonekano wake na pozi la kujiamini….nice!
Mr and Mrs Mali Kimesera katika ubora wao
Our 2016 Hottest And Best couple katika ubora wao! Wakiwa katika sherehe ya uzinduzi wa hatua nyingine mpya na nzuri ya LB for IDE´AL clothing line iliyo fanyika jijini Atlanta Georgia………Hongereni sana. Nawatakia mafanikio mengine makubwa zaidi ya haya!
kwa picha zaidi kuhusu tukio hili bonyeza hapa au tembelea ukurasa wa Facebook wa Linda Bezuidenhount
Tuache kutesa familia kwa kutafuta sifa za kijinga -Joyce Kiria
“This is me now, proud of the woman I’ve become” – Jacqueline Mengi
Hot pic of the day
beautiful Malaika Kakoschke is our hot pic of the day. Gorgeous! Please visit Maisafari blog kwa kuona picha nyingine nzuri zaidi. Utajifunza mengi kuhusu utalii wa ndani na nje ya Tanzania.
“Mungu huweza kuinua mtu usiyemdhania kukubariki” J.J Idd
Habari ya mama aliyeuguliwa ghafla na mtoto wake majira ya SAA 2 usiku, mtoto alibanwa na kifua(asthma), hali ilikuwa mbaya na mama akaenda kuomba msaada kwa jirani yake aliyekuwa na gari, akamjibu gari haina mafuta, akaenda kwa mchungaji ili amsaidie, akamjibu nina wachungaji toka USA, hivyo sitaweza kuwaacha peke yao, mama hakuwa na jinsi aliamua kumbeba mtoto ili amuwahishe hospitali akiwa na hofu asije kufa kama baba yake aliyefariki miaka michache kwa ugonjwa huo. Huyo mama alikuwa na tatizo la mguu na mtoto alikuwa mzito, mama alianguka Mara kadhaa na akainuka kuendelea na safari. Njiani alikutana na watu waliotoka kazini aliomba wamsaidie walimpuuza na alijaribu kusimamisha magari hayakusimama. Kichaa mmoja mchafu aliyekuwa akizungukazunguka mitaani na jalalani alipomuona yule mama anavyohangaika na mtoto akamwendea na kumchukua mtoto, kisha akamweka begani, mama hakuwa na la kusema ila kumwelekeza Hospitali, yule kichaa alielewa akaenda haraka hadi Hospitali. Ma doctor walipomuona yule kichaa na mtoto wakajua kuna dharura, wakamchukua mtoto na kumhudumia haraka, baada ya dk.10, mama wa mtoto akawasili, kisha ma doctor wakatoa taarifa kuwa, mtoto angecheleweshwa dk 5 angekufa. Mungu alimtumia yule kichaa mchafu kuokoa maisha ya mtoto. Hivyo usimteegemee Mch, jirani, wenye magari, matajiri nk. Mungu huweza kuinua MTU usiyemdhania kukubariki. Mwamini Mungu atakubariki. Usitumainie wanadamu hakuna baraka kwao. Mungu huinua vinyonge ili kuangusha vyenye nguvu.
Kutoka Facebook
Ms LB wakati wa uzinduzi wa clothing line yake mpya itakayo kwenda kwa jina la IDE`AL. Kwenye hiyo clothing line mpya ameshirikia au kuungana katika biashara hiyo na mwanadada machachari sana hapo jijini Atlanta ajulikanae kwa jina la KK. Ambaye pia ni host wa talk show ya Queen Karen King show, na ni mmoja wa wahusika wakuu wa Love and Hip Hop reality TV show ya hapo Atlanta!………. Hongera sana Linda, kwakweli ni mfano mzuri sana wa kuigwa! Uwende mbele zaidi!…………….kuona picha zaidi ya tulio hili please tembelea Instagram ya LB au Facebook page yake.
“I will not allow any of my differences with anyone to cause me to hate them or encourage others to hate them.”- John Kagaruki
I hope this comes out right because ranting and raving about a matter usually is not helpful. So let me preface it to be a gentle reminder that human life, regardless of how rotten the vessel bearer is, is still something that no one has the right to wilfully take apart from God who I believe brought it into being.
When humans decided that taking each other’s lives was something that was OK, starting with Cain and Abel, it was shown to the murdering brother that his brothers blood was crying out from the earth to God. However you take this account, it shows me that killing another is no light matter, whether in self defence or not.
In this day and age, we have also declared for the most part that the right to live is considered a universal right and part of our human existence here in most societies. We also agree that it may be the case that we lose that right if we take another person’s right to live away from them.
This afternoon I was at a public office waiting to see someone at a reception and I happened to sit next to these two elderly women who struck up a conversation complaining about the service and then somehow managed to bring up the topic of human rights organizations and how they were messing with our country. The topic of homosexuality came up and they were obviously not pleased with our young men being turned into women. Homophobia aside, one of them gave an account of a Somali woman living here in Tanzania who found out her son was gay. She invited the son and his friend for a meal and poisoned the two of them. She had already bought a plane ticket to Somalia so on her way as she boarded she contacted the police and told them to go to her house and see what they would find there. Of course this was a double homicide and rights activists filed a request to the Somali government to extradite the woman to face charges. One of the ladies then gleefully proceeded to remark that the Somali government responded by saying they would not do that since they impose the death penalty in Somalia for homosexuality so they supported her action. The two women were thrilled by this story they were exchanging. I assume they were mothers. I understand their disappointment and the mothers in the finding out that the son was gay. I cannot understand how one would feel justified in murdering their own son and that of another woman’s because of this seething hatred. I can disagree with whatever I disagree with and even occasionally express my position about it but I will never accept hatred entering my soul to the point of wishing or causing someone’s death.
I have quite the mix of friends here on Facebook and in life. I have my fair share of weaknesses and transgressions and consider myself a work in progress. I will not allow any of my differences with anyone to cause me to hate them or encourage others to hate them. If people have weaknesses or faults, point them out by all means, but at the end of the day, the choice to change or remain the same is still theirs. If you know how to pray, pray for them. If you are good at counselling, counsel them. Do not allow hatred to be the driver of your narrative. It only poisons your own soul and sin will be knocking at your door like Cain, for even wishing the worst for anyone in itself is not godly.
I do not write this to be seen as sitting on the fence or trying to please both camps. My argument is that hatred has no place in any human interaction especially if it leads to the murder of a human being. If you do not want to associate with homosexuals, it is well. If you do not want them to get married in your society, I do not disagree with your reasons, they are yours and even possibly mine. But when you condone the killing of a person while it is clear that even when lying will make a person lose their right to eternal life, then you have no right to throw the first stone unless you are completely sin free. I would wager that a majority of us have uttered a statement or made a promise that we did not keep today at least once. Let your yes, be your yes and your no, be your no. Does that ring a bell? Finally, if you post any offensive or inappropriate comments to this post I will delete them immediately so if you have a strong opinion and do not know how to phrase it, just inbox me and save yourself the public grief. Be open if you wish, but be civil, no matter what your stand is. Love you all!
“Binti yangu ni vizuri kama ukifahamu haya….!” by J.Jacob Idd
Babu na mjukuu moment
“Watanzania wanalishwa upumbavu na wanakuwa wapumbavu”!
Kutoka Facebook
Hot pic of the day
“Kama mke wa Rais anaweza kuvaa swimsuit hata mimi naweza” – Janeth Wassira

Juzi kati katika pita pita yangu huko Facebook nikakutana na ‘kamjadala’ fulani kuhusu picha za Janeth Wassira ambazo baadhi yake ni hizo ? hapo juu! Kuna baadhi ya watu waliona kwamba ni picha ambazo hazikustahili kuwekwa kwa Facebook kulingana na mila na desturi ya Muafrika haswa Tanzania!! Eti yakwamba vazi lake lilikuwa sahii kutoka na mahali alipokuwa lakini hakustahili kuweka kwa Facebook!! Kunawengine hata wakajaribu kusema yeye ni mtoto wa aliyewahi kuwa kiongozi katika taifa letu la Tanzania hivyo picha kama hizo hazifai kuwa kwenye public!………embu soma kidogo sehemu ya mjadala huo ? kabla sijatoa maoni yangu mimi binafsi…….
Hivi hii dunia ya leo ambapo kila kitu kipo displayed right infront of our eyes everywhere bado kuna watu wanashangaa mtu kama Janeth Wassira kuweka picha hizi Facebook?! Seriously! Cha ajabu nini haswa?? Hiki kizazi cha .COM bado kuna mtu atamdanganya mwanae kuwa “amenunua mtoto hospitali”!! ???? gone are those zama za uongo!! Sasa hivi ni zama za uwazi ati ??? ………Kama Janeth angeziweka hizi picha kanisani au msikitini basi naamini wengi tungemshangaa sana! Buttt! Its Facebook people!! May be lemme be more clearly, ITS HER FACEBOOK ACCOUNT holy cow!!!! Why bothered?!! Is it too hard to unfriend her?!!…………….. Halafu sikilizeni nyie viumbe, Janeth is a grown up woman, a mother for people’s sake!! Sasa baba yake anahusikaje kwenye maamuzi haya!! What’s wrong with people? ……….. Haya embu tazama na hizi halafu useme unayo jua
Mke wa Rais wa Marekani Michelle Obama akiwa anaogelea na baadhi ya watoto pamoja na wanae……….bado unashangaa?! Haya ngoja nikuonyeshe na hizi
Haya huyu ni mke wa Mwenyekiti Mtendaji wa IPP, Mrs Mengi……! Ona na hii hapa
Kushoto ni Mke wa Rais wa Marekani Michelle Obama………. Na kulia ni soon to be President of America, former First Lady na mumewe Mr Clinton wakila good time wakati Mr Clinton alikuwa President of United States!
Hiyo picha ya kati ni First Lady Michelle Obama akiwa anashuka ndani ya Air Force One kutokea Arizona alipokuwa amekwenda vacation na familia yake!…………ninachotaka kusema ni hivi ; hakuna kosa mtu kuvaa nguo anayoipenda ilimradi amevaa mahala au sehemu inayostahili!. Kuweka picha kwa mitandao hayo pia ni maamuzi ya mtu binafsi na ujasiri wake yeye mwenyewe!
Halafu watu jinsi tunavyo tofautiana sasa! Yani mimi nachukia kuona mwanaume hajavaa shati kwenye public! NACHUKIA MNO! Yani kama hivi yupo beach naweza elewa lakini kuweka picha kama hii kwenye public to me is just nasty! Hivi wanaume hawawezi vaa vest wakiwa beach ??? anyaway, kama unakereka na mtu wewe mfute tu au mblock kujipunguzia stress!
RIO 2016 – Hongera sana Magdalena and Hemed
Awii! Inapendeza kwakweli! Asanteni sana ndugu zetu Magdalena Moshi na Hemed Hilal kwa kututoa kimaso maso! Umeingarisha bendera ya nchi yetu, mbarikiwe sana! Mungu azidi kuibariki Tanzania, umoja na amani vidumu ndani ya nchi yetu ili next Olympic tutwae taji la ushindi! Congrats Magdalena and Hemed without forgetting the coach.
Job is well done!