I’m super happy, the legendary’s reality TV show is coming back!!! #DiaryOfLadyJayDee! Can’t wait to watch it!!…. Yani kipindi kile ilipokuwa inaanza nilikuwa likizo Dar, nilikuwa nakitazama kila siku kilipokuwa hewani sikupitwa! Na ile scene ya mwisho wakiwa Arusha na X-husband wake pamoja na “Machozi” band ndiyo nilianza kuhisi something is seriously wrong kwa ndoa yao kwani things didn’t add-up!! Well, yote maisha tu! Happiness is what matters! …….Jamani tumpe support our JayDee najua sponsors wakubwa watajitokeza sana kwani nakumbuka mama Anna Mkapa alikuwa big fan wa show yako na alikuwa akiitangaza sana! Well done Jide keep it up!
Category Archives: Inspirational stories
How do you forget?!
How do you forget?
- The same qualifications you have, diploma, degree, masters, that which gave you that job you have are the same qualifications that your friends have too , but they don’t have the job you have. How do you forget?
- The same pastor who officiated your marriage and blessed it, today you have even children is the same pastor who officiated and blessed even your friend’s marriages but they don’t have children and eventually divorced . How do you forget?
- The same prayer you offered to God and God answered you is the same prayer that your friends have been praying, but up to now they haven’t recieved any answer and still praying , how do you forget?
- The same road you use to travel to places and safely you reach home, is the same road that many people have died on, how do you forget?
- The same church you go to worship God to and God has blessed you, is the same church that your friend goes to worship God too, but up to now his life is still miserable, how do you forget?
- The same bed you used in the hospital and you got healed is the same bed that your friends used too but they died in there ,how do you forget?
- The same voice you have and you can sing songs, you can preach, you can talk and so on, is the same voice that your friends also had but eventually stopped singing,preaching because they had cancer of throat, how do you forget?
- The same rain that made your field to produce good crops and you had bumper harvest is the same rain that destroyed your friend’s fields, how do you forget?
How do you forget, how do you forget?
Come back to your God and thank Him for his kindness. Whatever you have is not by your power, nor your intelligence, nor your qualifications but the Grace of God. Because what made you where you are and what you have today, your friends have them too, but they are still suffering. Remember the Giver of everything you have, don’t just foolishly boast because He can take them away if He so wishes!
“It’s time to change our political culture”
Sent as received. However, I still have so many questions and am yet to get answers. So many sayings come to my mind:
1. If it’s too good to be true probably it is not
2. There is no free lunch
3. Not every kiss represents love, think of Judas when he betrayed Jesus
4. Change begins with me
5. If I can dream it I can achieve it
The list of thoughts is endless. Looking forward to reading different perspectives and probably solutions
Every Patriot in Africa should read this article; penned by US-based Zambian media practitioner and author. He is a PhD candidate with a B.A. in Mass Communication and Journalism, and an M.A. in History.
They call the Third World the lazy man’s purview; the sluggishly slothful and languorous prefecture.
In this realm people are sleepy, dreamy, torpid, lethargic, and therefore indigent—totally penniless, needy, destitute, poverty-stricken, disfavored, and impoverished. In this demesne, as they call it, there are hardly any discoveries, inventions, and innovations.
Africa is the trailblazer. Some still call it “the dark continent” for the light that flickers under the tunnel is not that of hope, but an approaching train.
And because countless keep waiting in the way of the train, millions die and many more remain decapitated by the day.
“It’s amazing how you all sit there and watch yourselves die,” the man next to me said. “Get up and do something about it.
When I first discovered I was going to spend my New Year’s Eve next to him on a non-stop JetBlue flight from Los Angeles to Boston I was angst-ridden.
I associate marble-shaven Caucasians with iconoclastic skin-heads, most of who are racist.
“My name is Walter,” he extended his hand as soon as I settled in my seat.
I told him mine with a precautions smile.
“Where are you from?” he asked.
“Zambia!” he exclaimed, “Kaunda’s country.”
“Yes,” I said, “Now Sata’s.”
“But of course,” he responded. “You just elected King Cobra as your president.”
My face lit up at the mention of Sata’s moniker. Walter smiled, and in those cold eyes I saw an amenable fellow, one of those American highbrows who shuttle between Africa and the U.S.
“I spent three years in Zambia in the 1980s,” he continued. “I wined and dined with Luke Mwananshiku, Willa Mungomba, Dr. Siteke Mwale, and many other highly intelligent Zambians.” He lowered his voice. “I was part of the IMF group that came to rip you guys off.” He smirked. “Your government put me in a million dollar mansion overlooking a shanty called Kalingalinga.
From my patio I saw it all—the rich and the poor, the ailing, the dead, and the healthy.”
“Are you still with the IMF?” I asked.
“I have since moved to yet another group with similar intentions. In the next few months my colleagues and I will be in Kenya to hypnotize the Raisi
I work for the broker that has acquired a chunk of your debt. Your government owes not the World Bank, but us millions of dollars.
We’ll be in Lusaka to offer your president a couple of millions and fly back with a check twenty times greater.”
“No, you won’t,” I said. “King Cobra is incorruptible. He is …”
He was laughing. “Says who? Give me an African president, just one, who has not fallen for the carrot and stick.”
Quett Masire’s name popped up. “Oh, him, well, we never got to him because he turned down the IMF and the World Bank. It was perhaps the smartest thing for him to do.”
At midnight we were airborne. The captain wished us a happy 2015 and urged us to watch the fireworks across Los Angeles.
“Isn’t that beautiful,” Walter said looking down.
From my middle seat, I took a glance and nodded admirably.
“That’s white man’s country,” he said. “We came here on Mayflower and turned Indian land into a paradise and now the most powerful nation on earth.
We discovered the bulb, and built this aircraft to fly us to pleasure resorts like Lake Zambia or lake Kenya .
I grinned. “There is no Lake Zambia or lake Kenya
He curled his lips into a smug smile. “That’s what we call your countries . You guys are as stagnant as the water in the lake.
We come in with our large boats and fish your minerals and your wildlife and leave morsels—crumbs. That’s your staple food, crumbs.
That corn-meal you eat, that’s crumbs, the small Tilapia fish you call Kapenta / omena are crumbs.
We the Bwanas (whites) take the catfish.
I am the “Bwana” and you are the “mtu”.
I get what I want and you get what you deserve, crumbs. That’s what lazy people get—Zambians, Kenyans , other Africans, the entire Third World.”
The smile vanished from my face.
“I see you are getting pissed off,” Walter said and lowered his voice.
“You are thinking this Bwana is a racist.
That’s how most Zambians , Kenyans respond when I tell them the truth.
They go ballistic.
Okay. Let’s for a moment put our skin pigmentations, this black and white crap, aside.
Tell me, my friend, what is the difference between you and me?”
I said
“There’s no difference.”
“Absolutely none,” he exclaimed. “Scientists in the Human Genome Project have proved that. It took them thirteen years to determine the complete sequence of the three billion DNA subunits.
After they were all done it was clear that 99.9% nucleotide bases were exactly the same in you and me.
We are the same people. All white, Asian, Latino, and black people on this aircraft are the same.”
I gladly nodded.
“And yet I feel superior,” he smiled fatalistically. “Every white person on this plane feels superior to a black person.
The white guy who picks up garbage, the homeless white trash on drugs, feels superior to you no matter his status or education.
I can pick up a nincompoop from the New York streets, clean him up, and take him to Lusaka and you all be crowding around him chanting muzungu, muzungu and yet he’s a riffraff.
Tell me why my angry friend.”
For a moment I was wordless.
“Please don’t blame it on slavery like the African Americans do or colonialism, or some psychological impact or some kind of stigmatization.
And don’t give me the brainwash poppycock. Give me a better answer.”
I was thinking.
He continued. “Excuse what I am about to say. Please do not take offense.”
I felt a slap of blood rush to my head and prepared for the worst.
“You my friend flying with me and all your kind are lazy,” he said. “When you rest your head on the pillow you don’t dream big.
You and other so-called African intellectuals are damn lazy, each one of you only going for leadership; just to fill their own stomach and steal from poor.
It is you, and not those poor starving people, who is the reason Africa is in such a deplorable state.”
“That’s not a nice thing to say,” I protested.
He was implacable. “Oh yes it is and I will say it again, you are lazy in your minds.
Poor and uneducated Africans are the most hardworking people on earth. I saw them in the Lusaka markets and on the street of Nairobi selling merchandise. I saw them in villages toiling away.
I saw women on Kafue Road crushing stones for sell and I wept. I said to myself where are the Zambian intellectuals? And on kenya l saw women as bricklayers. Where are these intellectual men ?
Are the Zambian or Kenyans engineers so imperceptive they cannot invent a simple stone crusher, or a simple water filter to purify well water for those poor villagers? Or sort out the drainage system to make Biogas or rivers purification systems.
Are you telling me that after thirty-seven years or more of independence your university school of engineering has not produced a scientist or an engineer who can make simple small machines for mass use?
What is the school there for?”
I held my breath.
“Do you know where I found your intellectuals? They were in bars quaffing.
I saw with my own eyes a bunch of alcoholic graduates. Calling themselves policy makers
Zambian , Kenyans , other African intellectuals work from eight to five and spend the evening drinking. We don’t. We reserve the evening for brainstorming.”
He looked me in the eye.
“And you flying to Boston and all of you Africans in the Diaspora are just as lazy and apathetic to their country.
You don’t care about your country and yet your very own parents, brothers and sisters live there.
Many have died or are dying of neglect by you as democratic government .
They are dying of AIDS because you cannot come up with your own preventive measures. To much immoral .
You are here calling yourselves graduates, researchers and scientists and are fast at articulating your credentials once asked—oh, I have a PhD in this and that so what?
What next? Handouts from IMF ? Then repay?
I was deflated.
“Wake up you all!” he exclaimed, attracting the attention of nearby passengers. “You should be busy lifting ideas, formulae, recipes, and diagrams from American manufacturing factories and sending them to your own factories.
All those dissertation papers you compile should be your country’s treasure. Why do you think the Asians are a force to reckon with? They stole our ideas and turned them into their own. Look at Japan, China, India, just look at them.”
He paused. “The Bwana has spoken,” he said and grinned.
“As long as you are dependent on my plane, I shall feel superior and you my friend shall remain inferior, how about that?
The Chinese, Japanese, Indians, even Latinos are a notch better.
You Africans are at the bottom of the totem pole.”
He tempered his voice. “Get over this white skin syndrome and begin to feel confident.
Become innovative and make your own stuff for God’s sake.”
At 8 a.m. the plane touched down at Boston’s Logan International Airport. Walter reached for my hand.
“I know I was too strong, but I don’t give it a damn. I have been to Zambia , Kenya , other African countries and have seen too much poverty.”
He pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled something. “Here, read this. It was written by a friend.”
He had written only the title: “Lords of Poverty.”
Thunderstruck, I had a sinking feeling.
I watched Walter walk through the airport doors to a waiting car. He had left a huge dust devil twirling in my mind, stirring
I remembered some who have since passed—how they got the highest grades in mathematics and the sciences and attained the highest education on the planet.
They had been to Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), only to leave us with not a single invention or discovery.
I knew some by name and drunk with them at the Lusaka Playhouse and intercontinental hotel, safari park Kenya and Central Sports in Lusaka
Walter is right. It is true that since independence we have failed to nurture creativity and collective orientations.
We as a nation lack a workhorse mentality and behave like 13 million civil servants dependent on a government pay cheque.
We believe that development is generated 8-to-5 behind a desk wearing a tie with our degrees hanging on the wall.
Such a working environment does not offer the opportunity for fellowship, the excitement of competition, and the spectacle of innovative rituals.
But the intelligentsia is not solely, or even mainly, to blame.
The larger failure is due to political circumstances.
Knowing well that King Cobra , Kenyatta, and others will not embody innovation at Walter’s level let’s begin to look for a technologically active-positive leader who can succeed them after a term or two.
That way we can make our own stone crushers, water filters, water pumps, razor blades, and harvesters. Or dig our own boreholes without IMF involve.
Let’s dream big and make tractors, cars, and planes,
or, like Walter said, forever remain inferior…
A fundamental transformation of our country from what is essentially non-innovative to a strategic superior African country requires a bold risk-taking educated leader with a triumphalist attitude and we have one in YOU.
Don’t be highly strung and feel insulted by Walter. It is like shooting the messenger.
Take a moment and think about our country.
Our journey from 1963 has been marked by tears. It has been an emotionally overwhelming experience.
Each one of us has lost a loved one to poverty, hunger, and disease.
The number of graves is catching up with the population.
It’s time to change our political culture. It’s time for Zambian , Kenyans and other Africans intellectuals to cultivate an active-positive progressive movement that will change our lives forever.
Don’t be afraid or dispirited, rise to the challenge and salvage the remaining….
Use Africa to substitute Zambia/Zambian in the article and it holds true for all Africa/Africans.
Fact or fiction?
Just ponder.

In life from the poorest widower’s son at the age of 15. Having failed to join secondary education, ending up to be employed as Cattle rustler, a butchery labourer at my elder brother’s butcher; inherited from our late father, at a pay of either 50 cents a day or half a pound of beef to bring home. Then a dishes washer, waiter and mishikaki roster at the restaurant of my first cousin JC Igogo. It was until my sister Teddy came for my rescue and took me to Dar for job seeking. That was in 1969, I was 16. I worked in the factories while attending my evening classes to become a professional. I recall when I managed to have our own shelter in 1978.

We were five in the family, fortunately you was the youngest after Elline and Vetto. That was the biggest achievement I had ever had in life. A four wall of cement and sand moulded blocks, with corrugated iron sheets covered our roof; never the less it had no fittings on the doors and window openings. With sandy floor without any cement sand screedning, walls were bare without any plastering, but at least Cecy and I owned a piece of land of our own, built that ugly and hut to live in that was better by far from what my mom had in the village. Though we shared common challenges of having no electricity and running water connection.

On and on, with endurance I furthered my education, and got a better salary job as a Manager at NECO LTD. Then life changed to at least a more decent living, I could drive company vehicles and travelled a lot in the regions. That made me to earn more money as allowances. My hard workmanship, honesty, reliability and a big heart on helping others, got me where I am today after I toiled a lot in life. You were there when we moved into our first small hut, and fortunately you will be there when we move into our state of art Villa this month. Though that is not real success in life but I’m proud of you guys who have made me what I am today specifically my spouse, mama Alpha.
Difficulties in life are ladders to bigger achievements in life; if you can allow them to come and go because HARD TIMES NEVER LAST BUT HARD PEOPLE DO. Be like baba, don’t hate your enemies, love them and God will raise you beyond their expectations.
Repost: Our humble beginnings!
Sikutegemea kuweka hapa hii picha siku ya leo. Lakini nimeona moyo wangu umenisukuma kuweka basi ngoja nifanye kile kitu roho napenda! Hii picha tulipigia tukiwa kijijini Utegi, Rorya, Mara mwaka 1987. Tulienda kusherekea siku kuu ya Christmas. Katika hii picha kuna watu wawili ambao hawapo nasi tena.
(1) aliyevaa sandals nyeupe. Yeye alikuwa mama yangu mkubwa mke wa marehemu baba yangu mkubwa mzee alijulikana kama Mama January
(2) Shangazi yangu kipenzi cha roho yangu. Theresia Obuoro Igogo. Ambaye amekaa karibu na mimi. Alikuwa msichana mmoja tu kwenye tumbo la bibi yangu mzaa baba. Yeye ndo mwanangu amepewa jina lake (Theresia Obuoro a.k.a Teddy) in honoring of her. Ipo siku nitamuongelea kwa kirefu zaidi kwani yeye ndio chanzo cha mibaraka yote ambayo watu wanaiyona katika familia yetu!!…….Wengine ni:-
mama yangu mzazi ?
dada yangu ambaye ninamfuata ?mdogo wangu anaye nifuata kwa mara ya pili ?
na mimi mwenyewe ??? what a massive #TBS
Hilo “banda” la udongo kwa upande wa kushoto lilikuwa ndiyo jiko la marehemu bibi yetu nyakati hizo (baadaye alijengewa lingine). Na kwa upande wa kulia ilikuwa ni sehemu wanalala mbuzi.
Everyone starts from somewhere! Anything on this planet has its roots! Hakuna kitu kinacho onekana hapa duniani ambacho hakina mwanzo wake au chanzo chake! #TheRoots Na huwa nikikumbuka tulipo toka then unakuta mtu anataka kuingilia mambo ya familia usizozijua chanzo chake!! I swear, naweza toa mtu ng’eo ya macho! Kama wewe hukuwepo nasi nyakati hizi then keep your nose where it belongs!! ……. ByTheWay, hiyo new house niliwaambia ina “American Eagle” right?! Sasa si unajua mwanangu ni Mmarekani, just go figure ?? mie hapo ni mgeni napita njia tu ???
Nilimtumia mdogo wangu na baba yangu hii picha. Wakashangaa sana. Mdogo wangu alikuwa hajawahi kuona hii picha vile vile maisha yao walivyo kuwa ni tofauti na sisi tulivyo kuwa wadogo. Hivyo hana kumbukumbu ya maisha haya ya hali ya chini. Hapo kwenye picha alikuwa na miaka mitatu (3yrs). Basi hivi ndivyo alivyo sema ……
Na baba yangu yeye nilimtumia muda kidogo na hivi ndivyo alivyo sema (Samahani kwa some typos) …..Anyway! That’s our humble beginning. I’m glad nime share nanyi kidogo!
Barabara kuelekea kwenye mafanikio siku zote ipo kwenye matengenezo” – Arnold Palmer
“Barabara kuelekea kwenye mafanikio siku zote ipo kwenye matengenezo” – Arnold Palmer
#TBT Ninashukuru kufundishwa na tuongozwa kwa mfano naye.
Arnold Palmer alikua mmarekani mtaalamu wa Gofu ambaye historia inaeleza kuwa ni mmoja wa wachezaji bora wa Gofu. Nilishukuru sana kusajiliwa Kwenye shule yake ya gofu nilipokuwa shule. Uongozi wake ulikua muhimu sana Kwenye maendeleo yangu binafsi. // “The road to success is always under construction.”— Arnold Palmer
#TBT Very grateful to have been trained and mentored by him.
Arnold Palmer was an American professional golfer who is generally regarded as one of the greatest players in the sport’s history. I was fortunate enough to be enrolled his golf academy during high school. His mentoring and coaching was instrumental to my personal development.
The art of confidence by Lemutuz
Asante Lemutuz kwa kuongea ukweli bila chenga! Mimi si mpenzi wa muziki ya rap! Si maanishi ni mibaya hapa my brain doesn’t comply with them lol! Honestly, I have selective mind problem hivyo kuna vitu siwezi sikiliza au tazama yani brain yangu ikigoma haivitaki basi mie huwa I keep a distance from them! Mfano mmoja lilishawahi toa huko nyuma kuwa mie sipendi strong bright colors huwa napata headache kabisa!……….Anyway, turudi kwenye mada!……Binafsi hili swala la watu kutafuta “Kiki” kwa kutumia scandals zisizo na kichwa wala mguu lina nikera na nalichukia mno! Actually I’m a victim of hawa watu wanao tafuta #Kiki!! Watu wameondokewa na hofu ya Mungu kabisa!! Wanacheza na Mungu kama walivyo mchezea mzee Kikwete!!! The devil has corrupted people’s mind mpaka inaogopesha!!………. Huwezi amini kuna watu wapo teyari kucheza na ndoa walizo kula kiapo kanisani / Msikitini mbele za Mungu ili kutafuta umaharufu!! Hivi ndoa Siniagano takatifu???!!! Watu wamepewa dhamana ya kutumikia wana nchi lakini wapo teyari kucheza na kazi na vyeo walivyopewa kutumikia wana nchi ili kupata stupid attention??! Wasichana na wanawake wazima wanakubali kudhalalishwa ili kupata umaharufu??!!! Tena wengine wanadai wao ni “Wachungaji” lakini matendo yao yatakuacha hoi!! Hiyo yote wanatafuta umaharufu! mmmh! Eeh Mungu tusaidie! Its sad! This needs to end kwakweli! Naamini katika uongozi huu wa baba yangu Dr Magufuli hawa watu watanyooshwa tuu ?? Sorry Shingongo tafuta biashara nyingine ?? Enough is enough!!
Hongera sana kaka #Darassacmg kwa mfano mzuri wa kuigwa katika jamii yetu! #Inawezekana #ItBeginsWithYou
“I’m so proud of you my guardian, sis and mentor” -Jokate Mwegelo
Hongera sana Rebeca Ngyumi! 2016 African Women Of The Year in Civil Society And Activism!
Hongera sana Rebeca kwa tuzo ulizopata! Wow! Wanawake Watanzania ndio watakao ubadilisha na kuondoa mfumo dume wa unyanyasji wanawake na watoto ndani ya Tanzania na Africa kwa ujumla! Umeonyesha ujasiri mkubwa sana, mfano mzuri mno kwetu sote! “Sina ambacho nitahathirika endapo serikali itasema hii sheria iendelee lakini nafikiri tunajukumu kama wana nchi kuhakikisha tunaweka mifumo mizuri ya sheria ambayo inalinda wana nchi wengine nasiyo tu sisi peke yetu”! Nimependa sana hayo maneno yako! Tatizo kubwa linalo sumbua Bara la Africa ni UBINAFSI! Tuondoe ubinafsi kuwa hilo halinihusu! Sikiliza nikwambie ee mwanamke mwenzangu; kama limemkuta mwanamke au msichana mwenzio basi hilo pia ni LAKO LINAKUHUSU SANA! Kwani laweza kutokea kwako wakati wowote ule au kwa vizazi vyako! Ngoja niseme ule msemo wa Mboni Masimba kuwa “Sauti ya mwanamke ni sauti ya jamii”!! Hivyo ondoa ubinafsi kwa faida ya taifa lako!Kitu ambacho nimeshindwa kuelewa ni kwanini serikali ilikata rufaa?!! Baba yangu Dr. Magufuli hawa waliokata rufaa nao ni #JIPU tu wanahitaji kutumbuliwa kwakweli!!……….. Unajua hizi bangi za ukubwani ni shida sana, mie hapa ninakaribia kugonga 40 na ndoa bado naigopa kama gereza la Keko halafu eti watu wanapinga maamuzi ya Mahakama?! Kha! Natamani niwajue hawa watu, walikuwa Wanaume au Wanawake? Na nini haswa ilikuwa nia yao!
Wanawake kwa pamoja tunaweza badilisha Africa lakini kumbuka kuwa siku zote mabadiliko huanza na wewe!!………Hongera sana Rebeca, well done! Very well deserved!!
Hongera sana Lyne Charles
Mwanamke wa kwanza kuzama mgodini kuchimba Tanzanite!
Wakwanza tena Mtanzania siyo raia wa kigeni! Wow! Siku zote nasikia wanawake ambao wapo kwenye biashara ya kuuza madini au hata kwenye kazi ngumu kama kubeba zege au kupasua kokoto. Lakini sikuwahi kusikia hata kuwaza kuna mwanamke ambaye anaingia ndani ya migodi kuchimba madini!………..Kweli wanawake nsi tunaweza.! Can you imagine ni vitu au mambo mangapi ilibidi a sacrify ili afanye kazi hii?! What a mother can do! What a woman! Shujaa mwanamke!
“As young people the future is ours but this is not the future we want for ourselves” -Getrude Clement
Hongera sana Faraja Nyalandu kwa maono mazuri ambayo yana faida kubwa sana siyo tu kwa taifa letu bali kwa dunia nzima. Sauti ya mtoto ni sauti ya dunia kwani kinacho tokea leo effects zitakuwa baraka au laana kwa watoto wa vizazi vyote. Maamuzi mabaya ya wazazi yanaleta maafa kwa watoto wa vizazi vyote. Nipale wazazi kama wewe wanapo amua kuweka interest za watoto mbele ndipo wao. Ni mpaka pale wazazi wanapo acha kuwa selfish na kujali si tu watoto wao bali pia watoto wa wazazi wengine ndipo mabadiliko yanatokea. Hongera sana. Ulifanya maamuzi mema!…….Hongera sana kwa Getrude Clement nyota njema huonekana asubuhi!
G.C at UN -“As young people the future is ours but this is not the future we want for ourselves”! Ni jukumu la wazazi kuhakikishia watoto usalama wao katika nyanja zote za maisha, kijamii, na kimazingira. Huwezi kumwambia mtoto alale bila wasi wasi wakati anaomba nyumba ina tingishika. Lazima atakuwa na hofu! Mbaya zaidi na huzuni kubwa ni pale mtoto anapo muomba mzazi wake amuhakikishie usalama wa maisha yake wakati hilo ni jukumu lakwanza la mzazi! “You may think that we are too young to know about the risks and reality of climate change but we see that in our daily lives”-G.C Wazazi amkeni, badilikeni! #ItBeginsWithYou
Selena Gomez:”….I had everything and I was absolutely broken inside….. I’m not trying to get validation, nor do I need it anymore”!!
“In 2014, this stage was actually the first time that I was authentically, one hundred percent honest with all of you. I think it’s safe to say that most of you know a lot of my life, whether I like it or not, and I had to stop, ‘cause I had everything and I was absolutely broken inside. And I kept it all together enough to where I would never let you down, but I kept it too much together to where I let myself down.
I don’t want to see your bodies on Instagram, I want to see what’s in here (shows the heart). I’m not trying to get validation, nor do I need it anymore. All that I can say from the bottom of my heart is that I’m so grateful that I have the opportunity to be able to share what I love every single day with people that I love. And I have to say thank you so much to my fans because you guys are so damn loyal and I don’t know what I did to deserve you. If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken.”
Validation is a real problem with this new era of smartphones and social media! Yani naona hii dunia ya mitandao kama una roho ndogo kama yangu basi ni shida kwakweli! So many bullies kwenye hii mitandao, majaji na mahakimu ambao hawana vyeti wala elimu husika ndo wamejaa kwenye hii dunia ya technology. Yani kuna watu wako busy kukosoa watu na maisha yao utadhani wao kila kitu ni perfect kwenye maisha yao kumbe mmh! Sasa ukiwa una low self-esteem basi hawa watu watakupa depression bila kutaka wala kujua! Halafu sasa drama zilivyo nyingi then wanataka wakuhusishe kwenye ma-drama zao zisizo na kichwa wala miguu! Yani hautajua yalipo anzia wala yanapo kwenda ?? Mambo ya timu na mambo ya kutafuta followers ni janga la social media kwakweli! Yani kama hauna self- discipline basi jua rehab inakungoja sana ??…… Binafsi nashukuru sana mwanangu siyo mtu wa social media kiivyo! Yani hata kupost picha zake ni shida! Ndo maana hata humu huwa naweka picha zake mara chache sana.
“May we never take our families for granted”- Foster Mbuna Mkapa
Familia ya Mbuna. Mama na wanae

Katika pita pita yangu huko Facebook nilikwenda kuchungulia kwa Foster nikakutana na huu ujumbe juu ya #Family. Ukanigusa sana nikaona ni share nanyi. Nilishawahi sema huko nyuma kuwa mimi ni muumini wa philosophy inayosema ‘There’s no perfect family on this earth’! Nafurahi kuona Foster naye ni mmoja wa waumini wa hii philosophy. Kila familia ina matatizo yake, na hakuna njia iliyo sahihi ya kutatua migogoro ya familia ambayo inaweza tumika katika familia zote nudiani kwani kila family ni Unique! Hivyo matatizo yaliopo ndani ya familia yatatatuliwa na wanafamilia husika. #WhenIt’sFamily When it’s family you forgive them for they know not what they do
When it’s family you trust them and your heart’s an open door
When it’s family there’s a mirror of the worst and best in you
Some are fighters, others faint!……
Winners, Lossers, Sinners, Saints it’s all family
But not a one is turned away when it’s family
And just pray to God to do the rest when it’s family
Foster, please accept my sincere appreciation for allowing me to use your personal and family pictures without any problem, indeed free of charge! In all honestly I have used your pictures in so many occasions and at times I felt guilty; ? but you never made me feel that way. You gave me the freedom to pick and choose as I pleased! You made me feel like I’m one of your #Family!! My dear Foster, mimi Alpha sina cha kukulipa bali nakuombea kheri na baraka tele katika maisha yako na familia yako yote!
May you all (the Mkapas’, Mbunas’, Kalanjes’, and others) have a very happy holidays, with all the blessings and love from God! ??❤❤ #WhenIt’sFamily
Jokate Mwegelo #Kidoti katika ubora wake!
The Woman of Substance! Brain and Beauty in the right body! Honestly, I love this young lady, she inspires me everyday! Keep it up #Kidoti! Always remember this from me ”Woman SHOWS her brain. Girl EXPOSES her body”! Choose to be a Woman, always!!……… Please let us support our mrembo jamani she has done us proud????
Dr. Victoria Kisyombe: “If I can change the life of one person…….. Because behind that person there is a whole family”!
Dr. Victoria Kisyombe is the founder of SELFINA, a company in Tanzania that provides micro-leasing to mostly widows and young girls. Victoria is a leader who has used innovation, initiative, and determination to empower women in Tanzania to become economically self-sufficient. Given women’s lack of collateral and resulting lack of access to capital, Victoria began pioneering micro-leasing as a solution. Her pioneering micro-leasing model as an alternative way to financing women has generated praise beyond Tanzania, and efforts are under way to expand the model to other countries in the region. SELFINA has gone on to economically empower more than 25,000 women with a total credit worth 25 billion Tanzanian Shillings (approximately $16 million US dollars). Over 200,000 lives have been impacted through the benefits accrued.
Victoria’s Startup Story
Victoria’s incredible journey into entrepreneurship emerged as a result of personal tragedy and the unexpected death of her husband back in 1991. For her and their three young children, life was to change inexorably as she was left to deal with the resulting social and economic challenges facing them. An entrepreneurial approach to life thereafter provided the solution.Originally from Mbeya in the South-West of Tanzania, Victoria’s primary and secondary education took place there before she moved to Kenya to complete her studies. She returned to Tanzania to attend the University of Dar es Salaam, where she completed a bachelor degree in Veterinary Science in 1983. With her degree in hand, she returned to her home of Mbeye to practice as a vet in this largely agricultural community. In 1986 she was awarded a scholarship by Edinburgh University to complete a Masters degree in Veterinary Science, an incredible personal achievement….

“If I can change the life of one person it makes a whole difference because behind that person there is a whole family. It’s a family, it’s a society, it’s Tanzania.”
Credit to? LionessesOfAfrica
Congratulations Faraja Nyalandu!
Kindly may I offer my heartfelt congratulations to Faraja Kota Nyalandu the Founder and Executive Director of Shule Direct for a very well deserved appointed position to serve as Global Future Council For Education, Gender, and Work by the World Economic Forum! Thank you for making us proud, a good example to many young girls and boys. Wishing you the best in everything and continue to make us proud~~~~~~~~~~~ Alpha
“Whatever my lot, Thou has tought me to say it is well, it is well with my soul”
The song “It Is Well With My Soul” was written by a successful Christian lawyer Heratio Spafford. His only son died at age 4 in 1871. In 1872, the great Chicago fire wiped out his vast estate, made from a successful legal career. In 1873 he sent his wife & 4 daughters over to Europe on a summer trip on the ill fated SS Ville du Havre. Since he had a lot of work to do, he planned to follow them later. The Ship sank and he lost his 4 daughters with the wife being the only survivor. She sent him a famous telegram which simply read, “SAVED ALONE….” On his return home, his Law firm was burned down and the insurance company refused to pay him. They said “It’s an Act of God”. He had no money to pay for his house and no work, he also lost his house. Then while sitting and thinking what’s happening to him, being a spiritual person, he wrote a song – “Whatever, my Lord, You have taught me to say – It is well, it is well with my soul”. My dear friend, a good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, career, job or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the devil? A good attitude towards God makes Him move on your behalf. Just sit down and say, “Today, God, it is well with my soul, I am thankful I had a peaceful sleep, I am thankful I am alive with possibilities, I am thankful I have a roof over me, I am thankful I have a job, I am thankful that I have Family and Friends. Above all, I am thankful that I have the Lord Jesus Christ on my side.” Be blessed and don’t be envious or shocked when others are prospering because you don’t know what they have been through to get there (test, trials and tribulation) so thank God for what you have. “Little is much when God is in it. It Is Well With My Soul!” Touch someone’s life with this message. If God is for us, who can be against us? Don’t read if you can’t forward. God has seen you struggling with something. God says it’s over. A blessing is coming your way.
*Why are blacks not wealthy*
Shared as received. Read on: *Why are blacks not wealthy*
Excerpts from an interview with a Jewish leader about Blacks.
INTERVIEWER: Why are blacks so behind Economically?
JEWISH LEADER: The only thing blacks understand is Consumption.
Blacks don’t understand the importance of creating and building wealth.
The fundamental rule is to keep your money within your racial group.
We the Jews
– build Jewish business,
– hire Jewish,
– buy Jewish and
– spend Jewish. There is nothing wrong with that but it is a basic rule blacks cannot comprehend and follow;
“He kills his fellow blacks daily instead of wanting to see his fellow black do succeed”
93% of blacks killed in America are by other blacks.
Their leaders steal from their people and send the money back to their colonial master from whom they borrow the same money from.
Every successful black wants to spend his money in the country of his colonial masters.
They (Blacks)
– go on holiday abroad,
– buy houses abroad,
– school abroad,
– go for medical treatment abroad etc
instead of spending this money in their own country to benefit their people.
Statistics show that the Jew’s money exchanges hands 18 times before leaving his community while for blacks it is probably a maximum of once or even zero.
Only 6% of black money goes back into their community. This is why Jews are at the top and blacks are at the bottom of every ladder of society.
Instead of buying
– Louis Vuitton,
– Hermes,
– expensive cars,
– shoes,
-dresses etc, ……
Blacks could
– industralize Africa,
– build banks and get rid of colonial institutions by putting them out of business.
INTERVIEWER: What is your thought on failure of blacks after 150 yrs?
JEWISH LEADER: Well, nothing is ever the blackman’s fault. His
-compulsive habit of killing his own,
– compulsive material consumption.
-His inability to build businesses or
-preserve wealth are usually somebody else’s fault.
INTERVIEWER: So what can blacks do to liberate themselves
JEWISH LEADER: Blacks must take responsibility. Blacks must unite. And vehemently fight corrupt leaders who run down their country and run to IMF as though IMF is Father Christmas.
They need to look inwards otherwise they will continuously remain colonized and lose their place in history.
Please forward this until it goes round to each country in every continent!! We all need to learn our lessons quick and build our Nations quick!
Source: My friend Rose Ongwela
***Please note! Jackline picture has nothing to do with the story. I just love it so I used it!***
Though life gives me 1000 reasons to cry but I choose to celebrate God and be contented with what I have.
You were born in a 1st class hospital, I was born
at home- but we are all living.
You woke up from bed, I woke up from a mat on
the floor- we all had a sleep.
You drink champagne, I drink coke- we all drank.
You ate fried rice, I ate gari- we all got
filled…nobody even know what we ate cos the
stomach is not a show glass.
You dress in imported suits and designers, I dress
in native wears- we all cover our nudity.
I attended Penfield International School, you
attended Asonomaso L/A public school- we all
wrote the same WAEC.
You drive Range Rover, I drive tico- we all
reached our destinations.
You are reading this post from your iphone6 plus
or galaxy tab, I wrote this post using a Huawei
phone ,we are all reading and posting.
Why should I kill myself ?
Why should I commit suicide ?Though life gives me 1000 reasons to cry but I
choose to celebrate God and be contented with
what I have. Isn’t God Great ???