Category Archives: Relationship Advice

Cheka urefushe maisha!!

This is so true! Kuna maisha zaidi ya kuolewa enjoy life ladies! Kama wewe ni mama furahia uzazi wako fanya kumbukumbu nzuri na wanao hata siku ukiondoka hapa duniani wawe na kitu cha kuelezea jamii. Kama huna mtoto basi fuga hata mbwa / paka uwalee. Au tafuta kitu ambacho kina leta furaha na amani moyoni mwako ukifanye kwa nguvu zote. Tusiwe kama wakati wa Noah ambapo watu walikuwa busy na kula, kulewa, kuolewa na kuoa hata pale walipokuwa wakihubiriwa injili ya wakovu hawakusikia kabisa! Btw, hata Boaz alimkuta Ruth akiwa busy shambani akampenda na kumfanya malkia wake wa nguvu ??  Get a life!

“Eliminate the clutter from your life ladies…!”

Haya ujumbe kwa single ladies ambao wanatamani kuwa na “King” katika hemaya zao ?? Mnaambiwa hivi msipende kuongozana sana na wanaume au kuwa kwenye makundi ya wanaume pale mnapokuwa mnakwenda outing kwani wakaka ambao hawajaowa watashindwa kuelewa kama upo mwenyewe /single au umeshachukuliwa! Hata kama ni kaka zako usiwe unatokanao mara kwa mara as wanaume watakuogopa ? (nimekoleza tu). …………Mpendwa usijizibie bahati yako kwa kuongozana na marafiki wakiume kila wakati 😉 😉 

“Treat all women with respect and you will live a happy and peaceful life” Meck Mbwana

Nimependa sana huu ujumbe ulioandikwa na Meck Mbwana founder and owner of PUKU portable power bank. Ni ujumbe mzuri sana kwa generation ya sasa ambapo wanaume wengi bado wanashindwa kujua kiini cha furaha katika jamii na familia zetu inategemea kwa asilimia zote jinsi mwanamke anavyo jisikia. Happy mama happy home, happy community! Linda na heshimu mwanamke kwani wote mmekuja hapa duniani kwa kupitia viungo vya mwili wa mwanamke!! 

“The man is the head but the wife is not a slave”

“To lead is to serve. The man is the head but the wife is not a slave. A good man leads with fear of GOD. HE will choose to serve his wife rather than ruling her. He will not make critical decisions without consulting his wife. Her happiness will be his priority. He will be consistent in his words and actions and whenever there’s is conflicts, he will never raise his voice or his hand against his woman. He will pray for his woman and pray with her.

A good man also knows that…

The Teshas’ familyi

His woman happiness and love is not based on material things alone. She wants you to listen when she wants to talk. She wants to be sensitive to her feelings and needs. She doesn’t want to fight for your attention. She wants to be spoiled at times and be treated like a queen all the time. Sometimes she wants her breakfast while she’s still in bed. Sometimes she creates pointless drama just to be sure with you she’s neva alone. She wantsto confide in you and believe in you.

A good woman will be submissive and work with her man peacefully and faithfully. She will be reasonable in her demand, considerate with her actions, and patience her reaction. She will talk to her husband rather than talking about him. Whoever makes more income shouldn’t be a problem. In a good matrimonial home there is no such thing as competition because the 2 must become 1. If someone faster person must be ready to slow down for the other person to catch up. Both couples must peacefully and happilly walk at same pace and put GOD first in all they do.” ~~~~~~ Akinspirational (Akin Al-Ameen)

***Please note, Tesha family picture has nothing to do with the story****

“Love is peace, not competition.”

“When you were using your own star you can’t afford a bike. When your wife bought you a new car, you and your family said she is spiritually using your star.

WHICH STAR???????? Never take a woman’s kindnesses for wickedness in life. If your wife’s income and financial status is affecting your confidence as a man means your self esteem is dead. Unless she’s very disrespectful and arrogant you don’t have a point. Stop making her life miserable just because she’s richer than you. If you cannot be happy for her means you were never in love with her. Love is peace, not competition. Whoever makes more money shouldn’t be a problem as long as everyone knows and respects each other’s role as a husband and wife.”~~~~~~~~~~~ Akin Al-Ameen®™2017

***Zari’s picture has nothing to do with the story***

“If you aren’t prepared to carry her heels when she’s tired, then you shouldn’t be next to her when she’s in the spotlight”


Sometimes it’s not just about opening the door to let her in first, any guy can do that when he knows that there’s people watching – just for the sake of the credit. Rather make sure her seat belt is on before you start driving. Sometimes it’s not about walking her down that isle where there’s a lot of people just because you want everyone to notice her and she’s looking fancy in her heels. You feel proud to be with her, yes but you also need to appreciate her effort. Walk her down a route that is comfortable with her, that’s less painful and less risk of her actually getting injured. If you aren’t prepared to carry her heels when she’s tired, then you shouldn’t be next to her when she’s in the spotlight. The strength of your bond should never be determined by the number of likes that your pictures with her actually receive on social media. You should never let the opinion of a friend determine whether you spend your life with her or not. We don’t often choose who we fall in love with, it just happens. You then realize loyalty is no longer an option. You begin to plan things in your head with her. All those love songs that you’ve always hated start to make sense to you. No matter how much of a tough guy you claim to be, she has tamed your soul without you actually noticing it. You begin to talk about her unknowingly to your friends, you think about her as soon as you wake up, during the day and before you sleep. When she starts to tear, you shouldn’t offer her something to wipe it off rather remain with her and let her know she’s not alone, hold and let her know that she has someone to fall back on. It’s not about only being with her on special occasions just to make her feel special in front of the world. It’s about being with her even when no one is watching. At the end of it all, it’s not about how much time she spends with you, it’s about the feeling you get every single time you see her name popping as a notification on your phone… Yes, it’s that same person you’re thinking about right now!

*** Credit to Get Inspired by T_Sha****

***Please note: Jojo’s pictures has nothing to do with the story. She’s cute and I love her thus why I shared her pictures***

A woman will give you all the physical attention you want if ……!

“Women are everywhere but Queens are scarce”!

“hardcore truth”!

Hardcore Truth!  Huwezi kuoa au kutembea na warembo wote, wanawake wazuri siku zote wataendelea kuwepo, kila siku utakutana nao wapya. jifunze kuwa na adabu (self discpline) pamoja na kujidhibiti (self control).

Chagua mmoja tu, mjenge awe wako, mfanye awe malikia wako! hii itakupunguzia gharama, itakutunzia muda wako, drama pamoja na magonjwa.

Vile vile hakuna medali, tuzo au nishani ya juu ya ushindi wa kuwa na wanawake wengi, bali ni kuzifungia baraka ambazo Mungu anataka kukupa na kujipeleka mwenyewe kaburini mapema. Jiongeze brother!

Busara yangu; A realman sees no other females becoz he only has eyes for his girl! Mwl Tweve Hezron.

The most attractive quality any man could have is integrity!

If you sign up for a “sex only” relationship in the beginning…..! Don’t ask him to wait if you can’t!

Ujumbe huu unajieleza wazi kabisa! Kama wewe nia yako ni kuwa na mume basi usitafute boyfriend kwani nia ya malengo yako hayata timia! Kama nia yako ni kuwa na mtu wa ku share naye mapenzi maisha yako yote basi usikubali tittle ya “my lover au mwanamke wangu” kwani hivyo ndivyo utakavyo ishia! Respect is earned not given!…………. Na usimwambie mwanaume ngoja mpaka tufunge ndoa wakati wewe si bikira! 😉 😉 ……….. Happy early Valentine to you all!

Ladies! Pursuing man is nowhere in the Bible!



Sababu ya kujiuliza maswali hayo ya juu ni kutokana na udhaifu, udumazi na ufinyu wa fikra zetu sisi watu weusi katika kuendeleza jamii zetu na bara letu. Kuna msemo inasema kuwa “Ukubwa wa matatizo ndio kipimo cha akili” na katika kutafakari kwangu nikakutana na falsafa ya mwimbaji hodari wa Tanzania Marehemu Remy Ongala (R.I.P) Alipoimba kilio cha samaki (Live perfomance). Wimbo wake umeniachia maswali mengi ya kutafuta majibu na kumepanua uwezo wa kufikiri zaidi tena tofauti ili tu nipate majibu.

Swali la kwanza: ni ipi Imani/ Dini ya watu weusi? Kabla ya kupata jibu hilo ni lazima tujue kuwa Imani ni hali ya kuwa na uhakika na vitu/ jambo lisilokuwa bayana yaani kuwa na uhakika na jambo usilolijua uwepo wake. Imani huponya, uhadhibu, huelekeza na hutatua matatizo katika jamii. Jamii ni lazima iwe na imani katika kujibu swali kuu la maisha baada ya kifo au kujibu matatizo yaliyoshindwa kuelezeka ama kutibika. Hivyo jamii nyingi zinataka kufanana katika imani ndani ya bara moja, mfano wazungu wanaamini katika kristo, wachina wana imani yao, wahindi wana imani yao, waarabu wana imani yao, wajamaica wana imani yao, wakorea wana imani yao na hata warusi wana imani yao. Na hizo ni imani zao ambazo hawaku iga kutoka katika jamii zingine bali zilibuniwa na wazee wa kale wa mwanzoni ili kujenga fikra za jamii zao kstika imani waliyoona inawafaa.

Je waafrika tulikuwa na imani ipi? maana imani ya ukristo na uislamu ni imani zilizoletwa kipindi cha ukoloni, ni imani tulizolazimishwa kupokea chini ya ukatili na utumwa wa kikoloni. kila mtu anajua athari za ukoloni, ukoloni ulisababisha tukawa wanyonge katika dunia, tukawa watumwa na wajenzi wa uchumi za wengine katika duni, tukalaani na kuacha mila&desturi na tamaduni zetu, tukapoteza imani zetu, tukadharau sayansi na teknologia zetu, tuacha mafundisho yetu, tukatupa fikra zetu na kununua elimu ya wakoloni, tukaacha majina yetu na kukumbatia majine ya wenzetu na tukaacha mitindo ya maisha yetu tukaegemea mitindi ya wakoloni. Ukoloni ulipoteza dira ya waafrika, ukapandikiza mbegu ya imani ngeni, mbegu ya elimu yao, mbegu ya kuiga kila kitu chao na kukiona ni kizuri, Mbegu ya kujidharau, kujinyenyekeza, kujipendekeza na kujishusha, Mbegu ya kushindwa kufikiri tofauti na mkoloni yaani waafrika tuna amini mkoloni ndio kila kitu hata maandiko ya imani zao zinatuaminisha kuwa wao ni wateule na lugha zao ndizo teule.

Waafrika tuliweza kumfukuza mkoloni na kupata uhuru kutokana na wazee wetu walio pambana kwa njia zote hadi za imani zetu kipindi hicho mfano vita ya majimaji. Pamoja na kumwondoa mkoloni lakini mkoloni aliweza kuacha mbegu zake za Imani, mafundisho na elimu katika lugha yao. Hizi mbegu ndizo ambazo zinasumbua sana kwa mtu mweusi kuwa huru katika kufikiri. Fikra zetu zimewekewa ukomo wa kufikiri katika kutatua matatizo ya jamii zetu. 

Peter Sarungi a.k.a The Next Speaker-Baba Pilato!


Waafrika hatupendani kwa sababu ya mbegu ya mkoloni, IQ za kufikiri ni ndogo kwa sababu ya mbegu ya mkoloni, tumekuwa wanafiki na waongo kwa wana nchi kwa sababu ya mbegu ya mkoloni, tumekuwa wabinafsi na wasaliti katika siasa zetu kwa sababu ya mbegu ya mkoloni, tumekosa dira na hata malengo thabiti ya miaka 30 ijayo kwa sababu ya mbegu ya mkoloni.

Tafakari na uchukue hatua

Ruth did not pursue Boaz. Nor did God tell Ruth to pursue him!

“Mbebezz anayekupenda hawezi kukubali kusikia ukipondwa na watu” – Lemutuz

screenshot_2016-12-10-18-20-11-1screenshot_2016-12-10-18-23-30-2screenshot_2016-12-10-18-23-45-1-1Baadhi ya maoni:


Which hospital do you go?

william-igogo-20161206_221202screenshot_2016-12-08-18-58-08-1People’s views:


…….let them drown

fb_img_1477414420906screenshot_2016-12-01-14-19-06-1Please don’t babysit that loser, just let him drown ??

“none of them will share the grave with you , collect your pieces & move on life is full of choices”- Akothee Akothee

fb_img_1480095284347Goodmorning people, it’s only the fear of the unknown that hinder us from having a peace of mind , anything that cost your peace is already too expensive, be it relatives blood sister/ brother ,friends , baby daddy , Ex factor , none of them will share the grave with you , collect your pieces & move on life is full of choices . If you weren’t a bitch before, they should think twice on why you are bitching now HUMAN BEINGS ARE VERY SELFISH & INSENSITIVE , (mudho kik wuondi Ila e ot) (translation) God bless your decisions

“we all have different tastes, ambitions, lifestyles, etc , your lifestyle & dreams will determine the kind of a man you would like to marry”~~~Akothee Akothee

fb_img_1479852575141It’s a free world , date whoever you feel like , even baboons attract tourist, as long as you are happy , then we should be happy for you, be proud of your Man /woman, we all have different tastes, ambitions, lifestyles, etc , your lifestyle & dreams will determine the kind of a man you would like to marry ??? usisumbue watu akili, gone are days when even parents would choose who you settle down with , today, they can only make noise & adjust to it . Choose your rib wisely, for when it is sweet , you won’t tell us , you will only share with us the challenges! & we will either laugh at you or do very little, fb_img_1479852719471in short LIVE & LOVE YOUR LIFE DONT LISTEN TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SINGLE FOR TOO LONG , THEY ARE TOO SELFISH TO SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCES, but for sure every woman needs someone to hold, laugh, & cuddle Hakuna age kwa hizi

When you’re a great catch…….!

screenshot_2016-11-11-12-35-59-1william-igogo-20161122_021821Happy belated birthday my sister inlaw a.k.a Wifi! Mungu akubariki sana, uwe na amani tele na afya njema. Happy belated birthday, LOVE You ❤❤