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Womens Day messages


Womens Day messages


Womens Day messages


Womens Day messages


Womens Day messages


Womens Day messages


Happy International Womens Day



Happy birthday Sir. O.O Igogo

IMG_20160306_142940Before the sun goes down  (In Tanzania) let me take this time to wish this wonderful, amazing human being I call him father a very happy birthday! May Almighty God continue to protect you, bless you with countless blessings, grant you long happy-healthy life full of joy …IMG_20160306_144714it’s nice to see the “evolution” of human being through my very own father ?? Happy birthday Jategi, uwod Olung’a Ja’Kodol, owadi Gi Suzana Mauwa … you mingi mingi! ❤❤❤ IMG-20160307-WA0000This evening, family having dinner together in Dar es salaam, Tanzania enjoying  dad’s birthday.2016-03-07 14.14.46I am always happy to see my mama’s face ❤❤❤

Pumzika kwa amani kaka Jamoko!

FB_IMG_1457324639104-1Pumnzika kwa amani ya Bwana kaka yangu Mwl. Jamoko Laurent  Kateti Sarungi. Najua nipigo kubwa sana kwa familia yako na uchungu mwingi kwa ukoo wote wa Sarungi / Igogo; sisi tutalia na kuhuzunika kama wanadamu kwani myoyo yetu hii dhaifu lakini Mungu yeye ametenda kama Mungu hivyo jina lake lihimidiwe milele zote! FB_IMG_1457324626704Poleni sana watoto wa kaka yangu pamoja na wifi yangu. Mungu awe nanyi katika kipindi hiki kigumu cha maombolezo. FB_IMG_1457324610420Felista naweza hisia tuu machungu uliyo nayo sasa kwani baba yako alikuwa ndio rafiki yako mkuu! Mungu akupe moyo wa uvumilivu, akufariji kwa njia ya pekee ukamtegemee yeye siku zote. Akupe uwezo wa kufurahiya maisha tena bila uwepo wa baba. Pole sana mtoto wa kaka. FB_IMG_14573245657472 Timoth 4:3-7………… 3. nao watajiepusha wasisikie yaliyo kweli, na kuzigeukia hadithi za uongo. 4. Bali wewe, uwe na kiasi katika mambo yote, vumilia mabaya, fanya kazi ya mhubiri wa Injili, timiliza huduma yako. 5.   Kwa maana, mimi sasa namiminwa, na wakati wa kufariki kwangu umefika. 6. Nimevipiga vita vilivyo vizuri, mwendo nimeumaliza, Imani nimeilinda; 7. Baada ya hayo nimewekewa taji ya haki, ambayo Bwana, mhukumu mwenye haki, atanipa siku ile; wala si mimi tu, bali na watu wote pia waliopenda kufunuliwa kwake.


Until the morning glory comes R.I.P kaka yetu na Mwenyekiti wa  ukoo wetu! ?

Fahari ya Tanzania


Undugu ni hazina!

2016-03-06 14.16.03Wajukuu na vitukuu vya mzee William Olung’a Igogo nawaona wenyewe mlivyo jipanga kama “kamongo” vile ??? just kidding! Ni ewamiss sana ndugu zangu! Nice to see your faces IMG-20160229-WA0001mbarikiwe wote

Mother and daughter moment

FB_IMG_1457290385634-1mama na mwanae! Mama alienda kumsalimia mwanae shuleni huko Tusiime High School. #NaniKamaMama……..mbarikiwe sana wapendwa. Ndugu zangu na mimi. Soma kwa bidii mwanetu!

Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1457286238267#MyChildhoodFriend. #KekoJuuKurasiniForLife #MyPrimarySchoolMate. #LiveLongMgulaniShuleYaMsingi……

Nice to see you looking young and beautiful! Mola gawize mayo ?? Ubarikiwe sana


  1. Usikimbilie kuhama na kuondoka nyumbani kwa wazazi wako kabla hujajipanga vizuri
  2. Usimsubiri mwanaume ndio uanze maisha, unaweza ukaishi maisha yako mwenyewe na ukaweka msingi mzuri utakaokusaidia huko baadae.
  3. Kaa mbali na marafiki waovu, jifunze kuheshimu kila mtu kuwa na busara na vaa mavazi ya heshima.
  4.  Usimchekee chekee kila mwanaume, kwa maana wengine sio waoaji ni chui waliojivika ngozi ya kondoo! Ni bora ukaendelea kubakii single kuliko uje kuolewa na mtu ambaye atakufanya ujute maisha yako yote hapa duniani. Omba Mungu akupe busara na ustahimilivu.
  5. Jijengee tabia ya kula kwa afya, siku zote jitahidi ule milo yote mitatu acha kula biscuit na soda, usipendelee chips na mishkaki na vyakula vya aina hiyo. Fanya mazoezi mepesi kuuweka mwili wako uendelee kuwa mzuri wa kuvutia. Wewe ni tunu kwa mume wako mtarajiwa au uliyenae.
  6. Vaa kwa heshima, watu watakujaji kulingana na jinsi tu ulovyovaa hata maongezi yao yataegemea kutokana na uvaaji wako.
  7.  Usitumie SEX kama njia ya kujihakikishia Mapenzi. Kufanya mapenzi sio tiketi ya kupendwa. Ata SEX na wewe na atakuacha kwenye mataa ya ubungo junction.
  8. ⭐Usiolewe nae kwa vile ana pesa za kutosha na ni tajiri kwa sababu karibuni tu na wewe utakua moja ya mali anazomiliki.⭐
  9. Jiongezee thamani, get a career! Usiwe mpumbavu kufikiri mwanaume ndio atasuluhisha matatizo yako yote. Jibidiishe kwa kazi zako binafsi hakuna raha juu ya kuwa na maamuzi ya kutumia kile kipato ulichokipata kwa jasho lako.
  10. Wewe ni wa muhimu mno, una thamani kubwa sana! Jipende jiheshimu, jijali. Usijali umetendwa na wangapi katika mahusiano! Usikate tamaa jiweke vizuri. Ishi maisha yako. Hayo unayopitia ni funzo tu ktk maisha.

⭐Above all, Remember this, Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be respected.⭐


Hahaha! Walimu utawajua tuu ???……..Umenikosha sana na ujumbe wako haswa number 8! Hiyo kitu ndo natamani wanawake wengi wajue kuwa they should never let men treat them like  ‘property / object’ au “project” fulani!! Wanawake nao ni binadamu wanatakiwa kuheshimiwa, kufanya maamuzi binafsi, na kutimiza ndoto zao……..!!

Very proud of you #MyChildhoodFriend.    #KekoJuuForLife

#MyPrimarySchoolMate.       #LiveLongMgulaniShuleYaMsingi

#MySecondarySchoolMate.   #KowakGirlsForeverInMyHeart

Jumaa kareem

FB_IMG_1457109481635The upcoming designer Maryam of @Fashionadoz, daughter of Award winning international designer Linda Bezuidenhout (LB); doing what she does best! Alhamdulillah ?

Jumaa kareem, Sabato njema, na JumaPili njema kwetu sote. Kaa karibu na watu watakao kufanya ujisikie upendo na furaha moyoni. Mbarikiwe wote ❤❤❤


FB_IMG_1457109924941#FBF #2007 #KalamazooMichigan #MotherAndDaughterMoment FB_IMG_1457109908163he he he! Ndo maana sivaagi jeans sana. Zinanitowa ma “wowowo” ??? na mara nyingi napenda kuvaa Tshirt as it covers them lol! Mwanangu siku hizi si modo tena kaongezeka kidogo but she still gorgeous!

Tanzania! Tanzania! Nakupenda kwa moyo wote!


Wapendwa wasomaji wamgu ambao wengi najua ni Watanzania. Kuna hii campaign ya kuitangaza Tanzania kwa siku 30. Naona watu wengi wameipenda na wanaweka picha na videos nyingi zinazo onyesha uzuri wa Tanzania. FB_IMG_1457055938928 Hizi ni baadhi tuu ya picha. Sasa basi nami naungana nao kwa kundoa Tangazo la Halotel kwa siku 60 kuanzia leo mpaka tarehe 04 / 05 / 2016. Nitakuwa naweka picha mbali mbali za Tanzania. Nawe kama ujaanza kuitangaza inchi yetu basi si mbaya uwanze leo!FB_IMG_1457048659029

Unajua mimi nilikuwa namjua mchoraji wa Kimataifa Tinga Tinga kuwa anatoka East Africa lakini huwezi amini sikujua kuwa anatoka Tanzania mpaka nilipo soma comment ya mtu mmoja hivi wiki iliyopita ?Screenshot_2016-03-01-23-57-50Miezi kama miwili sasa nilikuta picha ya Tinga Tinga ndani ya Burlington store, (tazama picha ??) nikanunu kwa furaha kwasababu nilijua ni wa East Africa kumbe ni Mtanzania mwenzangu!! 20160304_140208-2Unaona “faida” ya kutojivunia vyakwetu? yani hapa namkumbuka Mr. Ebbo na wimbo wake wa “Mi Mmasai” R.I.P

Umenogewa eeh! ??? nenda YouTube kasikiize yote sikupata yenye sauti nzuri with full length……………jamani tujivunie na tutangaze vyakwetu ndiyo fahari na thamani yetu!

Nimekumbuka na huu wimbo wa “Maneno mbofu mbofu” kutoka kwa Mr. Ebbo, aliona mbali sana lakini who was he for us to pay attention? R.I.P our beloved brother and Tanzanians’ Icon!!

Mr and Mrs Mali katika ubora wao


Nani kama mama!! #KichunaWaKizaramo katika ubora wake. Mama mwema sikuzote huweka maslahi ya watoto wake mbele ndipo vingine vinafata. Ubarikiwe sana mama mwema Missy LB muke ya Mali Kimesera lol!Screenshot_2016-03-04-09-54-02-1Awwih! Raha ee kuolewa na mume msomi!! I love how shemeji Mali is looking at you, so cute…..Linda don’t worry about your hair. You are gorgeous no matter what!!…….  My 2016 Hottest And Best Couple Of The Year sikufanya makosa kuichagua mfano zuri wa kuigwa! Mbarikiwe sana tena sana!!

Kutoka Facebook

FB_IMG_1457106683057-1Nimependa jinsi dada yangu Penny Tenga alivyo vaa. Hapa alikuwa Zanzibar kikazi, lakini wanasema ukiwa Roma inabidi ufuate sheria za Roma lol! Kwa kumtazama tuu utajua kuwa simvaaji wa hijabu wale wenye waliobobea utaona ilivyokaa yani haiteremki kabisa. Lakini bado kapendeza I love it! Happy Sabbath my sister.

“Education is a Key to women empowerment” UN


Women empowerment is one of the hottest topics of today. The following is aspeech on the need and importance of women empowerment in the present scenario……image-4-1From my younger days I have always been fascinated by myths, and the magic world of gods and goddesses they opened before me. Today I know that they are more than fairy tales. Instead, they are magnificent lies that tell the truth. And whenever I think of gender difference and women empowerment, my mind hastens back to Greek mythology.

According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.

Well, I don’t think anyone would like to be a human with four legs any more.  But the story reveals the one ultimate truth regarding man-woman relationship. Man and woman are complementary to each other. When they unite and go hand in hand, they become gods themselves. But history shows how one half has mistaken becoming one with conquering. FB_IMG_1455773003786So the fairer half today is denied facilities of education, compelled to marry before leaving childhood, forced to maternity even before leaving school, kept under subjection during marriage and forced to live a life of misery during widowhood. The fairer sex is kept vigorously secluded behind the purdah in many parts of the world. And many of them get killed even before they come out of their mother’s womb. 

Screenshot_2016-02-15-15-21-58-1-1Women are treated like lesser human beings. They are marginalized, sidelined, humiliated, and kept away from all sources of power and freedom. Most women do not have access to higher education. Even the parents believe that they are destined to end up in the kitchen. Most women cannot claim equal rights to their ancestral property. Most women do not have any role in decision making. Not in their state. Not in their village. Not in their family.

Most women are not paid well though they are made to toil for hours like slaves. They are not given any top jobs. When women are not paid well, fifty percent of the population is not paid well. When women are disrespected, humiliated or exploited, a major chunk of the world population is disrespected, humiliated or exploited. And the entire human race will lag behind, unable to realise its true potential. Screenshot_2016-03-04-10-12-25-1That’s why we speak about empowering women – for a better tomorrow, for a better humanity. Education is the key to women empowerment. If a girl is educated, she will have confidence. She will have employable skills. Employment will lead her to financial independence. Entrepreneurship will make her stronger and daring to take up new challenges.  FB_IMG_1457109481635As Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel Peace Prize winner says, “One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world.” And nowhere is it truer as in the case of women. They – I mean, the educated women– will become leaders with the right mindset, making the right decisions at the right time. When women are put at the helm of affairs, conflict has an unnatural way of decreasing. As mothers, they care. They care about the future generations. They care about this earth. If a male leader takes you where you want to be, a female leader takes you where you ought to be.

That’s why in the Manusmriti, which in ancient India, was considered a divine code of conduct, it is said, “Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata, yatraitaastu na pujyante sarvaastatrafalaah kriyaah” FB_IMG_1456021238779-1Where women are respected, there the gods make their home; where they are not respected, all human action remain unproductive. If empowered, the hand that rocks the cradle can surely rule the world; complementing, contributing, creating a better tomorrow for everyone. Screenshot_2016-02-21-10-23-37-1



*Kindly, pictures used have nothing to do with the speech but rather the subject of the story “Women empowerment”…….it’s International women week, we celebrate all the women around the world*