Kuna watu tutakutana nao kama baraka kwetu na wengine ni mafunzo kwetu. Hata wale unaohisi ni wabaya kutokana na yale waliyokufanyia au wanayokufanyia sasa wapo hapo kwa sababu. Wapo kwa ajili ya kukupa funzo fulani…….wapo hapo kukufanya uwe imara na mkomavu.
Dina Marios
Category Archives: Womanhood
Madam Rita katika ubora wake ? Kuna ubuyu fulani nautamania sijui niseme ?? simnaona kitu Cha Diamond kwa kidole cha madam?! So who is the “mystery man” behind that bling-bling? Wapenda ubuyu mtatujua tu ??………. Anyway, madam wetu kapendezaje sana. I hope the mystery man is worth it all, a woman like you who hassle like that deserves more than an average man! O’hello!! Can we talk?!!! she’s Madam Rita Paulsen for people’s sake! ?????
Wema Sepetu: Peace of mind is everything for me
“Siwezi Kuendelea kuishi kwenye Nyumba inayo nikosesha amani… Peace of mind is everything for me… Natangaza Rasmi kuondoka Chadema na Kurudi Nyumbani…. #ThereIsNoPlaceLikeHome… Feels good to be Back…
“Wow! Kwaniaba ya mdogo wangu kipenzi Magreth Otieno Olung’a Igogo ambaye ni mmoja wa mashabiki wakubwa wa Wema Sepetu na pia ni mwanachama muaminifu wa CCM naomba nichukue fursa hii kumkaribisha our Tanzania Sweetheart #nyumbani! CCM oyeeeeeee! Kidumu chama ???? O’Lord of Mercy!!…….Honestly, nampongeza sana Wema kwa maamuzi haya. Huwezi kuwa na amani kwenye chama ambacho Mwenyekiti wake amekutaka kimapenzi! Ndio maana hata amabavyo hujaenda kumuona uncle wako Mhe. Tundu Lissu mie sijashangaa kwani nilijua ni ngumu sana kwako kuonana na Freeman Mbowe uso kwa uso! Nafikiri it’s high time kwa wanawake kushika uongozi kwani hawa wanaume wanatuchanganyia habari tuu! Hongera sana Wema ??? BTW, hivi mnajua jinsi gani mdogo wangu alikuwa anachukia niki mpost Zari humu zaidi ya Wema? Hahahaha! Haya Sasa nitakuwa na balance lol!
Repost: women over 40!
Nimeipata hii article kwenye Facebook nikaona siyo mbaya ku share nanyi hapa. Mtaniwia radhi kwa wale msioelewa lugha hii ……..Picha zangu hazihusiani na hii story lakini mwakani itakuwa 41 so get your life ?? #TBT “Ladies and gentleman, this is a must read!!! THIS HAS BEEN WRITTEN BY A MAN……….This is for all you girls 40 years and over….. and for those who are turning 40, and for those who are scared of moving into their 40’s…AND for guys who are scared of girls over 40!!!!…. This was written by Andy Rooney from CBS 60 Minutes.
Andy Rooney says: As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why: A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, “What are you thinking?” She doesn’t care what you think. If a woman over 40 doesn’t want to watch the game, she doesn’t sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it’s usually something more interesting.
A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 40 don’t give a damn about what you might think about her or what she’s doing. Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it’s like to be unappreciated.
A woman over 40 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn’t trust the guy with other women. Women over 40 couldn’t care less if you’re attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won’t betray her.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. They Always Know. A woman over 40 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They’ll tell you right off if you are a Jerk if you are acting like one! You don’t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 40+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free”. Here’s an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it’s not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage!
You see this lady!?! Don’t give up!
JNM: Where there’s passion, perseverance and dedication there’s always a reward. Keep going!
Zarinah Hassan: We have been created so different, the type of humans who can multi task
“There is so much in a woman that most people don’t know. We have been created so different, the type of humans who can multi task. A man can watch a game and not hear what one said while a woman can watch a movie and still hear, still know the stove is on, and so on (the list is endless). So here is to all the multi tasking women juggling through life as mothers, wives, momprenuers aka business women, caregivers and many more. You are appreciated! It’s all about knowing what comes 1st #prioritize. Salute? help me tag one woman who inspires you. @lukambaofficial ?” ——-Zarinah Hassan
IVI DUNIA YA LEO BADO KUNA MWANAUME ANAKATAZA MKE KUJITAFTIA KIPATO???? ------ Jamani Kuolewa kunatakiwa kukubadilisha tu kuwa umetoka kuishi mwenyewe na sasa unaishi na mwanaume lakini sio ubadilishwe kutoka kwenye kazi uwe mama wa nyumbani. Halafu kuna wanaume wanatumia hicho kama kigezo kisa kujifanya wana wivu kuhisi labda mwanamke akitoka kwenda kazini atakuwa na mchepuko. Yani wewe mumeo akisema acha kazi mwambie nipe kazi ingine ya kujiajiri na tena hiyo kazi nayo uwe na haki nayo sio umeachishwa kazi umefunguliwa kiduka siku mnaachana kiduka chake anachukua unaenda kuanza upya. Usikubali kupoteza kazi yako kisa ndoa tambua maisha ya leo yenyewe hayatabiriki wanaume wenyewe wa sasa maji kupwa maji kujaa sasa ndo uache kazi unajua umeolewa ukiachwa unaenda kuwa omba omba.Kwanza mwanaume mwenye akili atamuacha mke wake afanye kazi ili siku mambo yamekuwa mabaya kwake mke anaweza endelea kutunza familia. MWANAMKE PIGA KAZI KWENYE NDOA FUATA MAHABA... Kumekucha achia shuka bibi weeeeeee, SHAURILO
The C.E.O herself! #Molocaho
Nani Kama Jacqueline!! The C.E.O of Molocaho furniture katika ubora wake! Nampendaje sasa!! Mzuri wa sura, shepu, mpaka roho! Kuna wanawake wengine japo ni wazuri wanavutia lakini usiombe ukae nao karibu utajuta!! Wana roho mbaya mfano hakuna, hawapendi kuona wengine wanafuraha kwani maisha yao ni vilio kila siku!! Halafu maendelo ya wengine ni chungu kwao kumeza kama mwarobaini!! ……Ubarikiwe sana Mrs Billionaire ??
A day in the life: Siku ya maisha yangu na Emelda Mwamanga

Wow! I’m super happy Bang Magazine is coming back!!! My wishes came true! Ni miezi michache iliyopita nilikuwa nauliza kuhusu Bang Magazine kama itarudi sokono (SomaHapa), na katika video hii fupi inayo onyesha maisha ya Mama / Mke / C.E.O / Entrepreneur lady / Motivational speaker and now what an Author?! (ma’am this lady can do it all huh!! I only have this blog and can’t even keep up with it ????) Emelda Mwamanga ambaye ndiye mmiliki wa Bang Magazine ametamka kuwa Bang Magazine inarudi sokoni muda si mrefu! ………So happy for you Emelda! Nice show, good job! Love it!!
Joyce Kiria: Maisha ya Ndoa bana yana mambo jamaniii mwee……!

Maisha ya Ndoa bana yana mambo jamaniii mwee, unaanza vizuuri kabisa kuwa “Mke” mtamuuuuu, kisha Polepole unakuwa “mama Fulani” Mke wa mtu, kisha taratiiibu unakuwa “Mlinzi” baadae “mlezi” kuna “mtunza nyumba” kuna “Mpishi” kuna “mfuaji” kuna “furniture” uuuuuuwwwwiiii nkinkiiii ruwa mangiiii ?? (Usiombe Mume awe chini ya Miaka 45?) utashaaaaaaaaaa…. — Jipe tuu Furaha mwenzangu, tuishi kama single flani amazing, akiwepo sawa akisepa sawa, tusingoje Furaha Toka kwa Mwanaume.. Tutaiskia kwenye filamu! Akili za usiku #NaesabuBati ?? #NikoDirishani ##AnatokeaWapiNifungueMlango

Jacqueline Mengi: Love is an act of endless forgiveness!
Nimeenda kuchungulia kwa Mrs Mengi nikakutana na picha nzuri sana zakwake na maneno Fulani amazing hivi, "love is an act of endless forgiveness"! Haya ni maneno rasmi aliyo yatamka Beyonce baada ya kumsamehe Jay Z kwenye ile "cheating scandle" nakusema kuwa amejifunza upendo ni tendo la kusamehe bila ukomo / kukoma! Dah! Haya maswala ya mapenzi namwachia Jacqueline na Dr Mengi wake maana site wengine tulishaga achana nayo ????.
Kuna mtu aliandika article akisema Beyonce amemsaidia sana kwa maneno yake hayo ............."The best part of the show is when Beyoncé gives us the quote about forgiveness.
“Love is an act of endless forgiveness. Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me. Forgiveness is the final act of love”
All this while getting shot in a wedding dress. Yes, shit gets THAT real. We’ve all been there for before where we wanted to hurt the one we love because they hurt us. Why? Because no one can hurt you more than the ones you care for. They know you best and you feel so vulnerable to them. It is a valuable lesson to be learned here. In order to sustain love, you have continuously BE love. You have to be willing to love through thick AND thin. It’s easy to stop loving once you’ve been hurt but as the late Maya Angelou once said, “Have enough courage to trust love one more time, and always one more time.” If two people can put aside their ego and realize that mistakes will be made; and know that nothing worth having will come without HARD work to keep it, you can really have that ever lasting love you seek." ............unaweza soma article you kwa kubonyeza ?? (LoveIsAnActOfEndlessForgiveness).
“If you are happy with yourself it’s very easy for others to make you happy”JNM……….Umependeza sana! Super clean and beautiful!
Mama na mwana: Hakika wema na fadhili zako zitanifuata siku zote za maisha yangu!
Ni kwa neema tu! Nasema ni kwa neema yake Mungu kwani akili yangu haikuwai kuwaza kuwa ipo siku kama hii! Hivyo namshukuru sana Mungu kwani ni hakika wema na fadhili zake zitanifuata siku zote za maisha yangu, nami nitadumu ndani yake!
Nimeweza kuona ukuu wa Mungu kwa kufanikisha uumbaji wake! Amenibariki na rafiki wa kweli ambaye upendo wetu utadumu milele na milele! ………Najua tunamipango mingi sana naomba Mungu azidi kutuwezesha katika kila jambo! Moja ya vitu ambavyo nasubiri kwa hamu sana ni passport ya mwanangu!! Yes! her American passport!! Ee Mwenyezi Mungu mimina baraka zako!! Yani can’t wait!! Maana tutatembe hii dunia mpaka ndege zinune zigome kabisa kuruka ?? ……..
Anyway, namshukuru Mungu kwa mbaraka wa huyu mtoto! Naomba azidi kunilindia na kumuongoza katika kila jambo haswa kiroho, asikae mbali naye!
Watu wangu wa nguvu katika picha!
“good things come to those who hustle” ~~~~~ Major General
“Be a woman of substance”!!
Be A “Woman Of Substance”

"A woman of substance is a woman of power, a woman of positive influence and a woman of meaning. To be branded a woman of substance is one of the greatest compliments one can give a woman that wants to be an “influential” female. Below, I have assembled four qualities a girl/woman should possess in order to become a “woman of substance.” Embrace your individuality and be happy the way you are: The pressure put on women in today’s society is immense and I admire any female out there who doesn’t let the high demands and expectations get them down. In my experience, I have learned that we, as women, should not let the likes of “perfected” images or “criticism” affect us and It has came as such a relief to me to realize that being different and imperfect is far more interesting than being a “perfect” person. I believe that being yourself and feeling happy as yourself- just the way you are signifies the word “beauty.” Use your voice: We were all blessed with voices to use them- so use them! I’m a relatively quiet person and a woman of not many words who next to never will indulge in small talk chit chat. It’s just who I am. However, on the other hand, when it comes to standing up for what I believe in or voicing my opinions on things, I never fail to make use of my voice. And neither shall you! Make use of what god has given you and say what you think, say what you believe in, and argue against what you don’t. Find your dream in life and pursue it: Follow your heart…never give up…and you can do anything. We all have the ability to do whatever it is we want to do and fulfill any dream we want to fulfill; we just have to go and do it. When you find your passion in life, it creates a meaning in your life and gives you a purpose in the world: it generates happiness.
The Queen herself!…….. Ujumaa njema/ weekend njema wapendwa!

Nawatakieni Ijumaa njema na weekend mjema. Embu tufunge wiki na hizi picha za Queen, the one and only one BossLady! Pendeza sana ❤❤…………Sorround yourself with love, wenye roho za kwanini kaeni nao mbali lakini msiwasahau kuwaombea! Continue reading The Queen herself!…….. Ujumaa njema/ weekend njema wapendwa!