Regrann from @jokatemwegelo - What a love story! What a life! What a wife and mother! What a Human Being but most importantly what a WOMAN!!! A Force!! Unapologetic!! Political Activist to match non other. You went from being someone’s wife at a very tender age to being your own PERSON!! Having your own VOICE and CONVICTION which you pursued to your final breath. No matter how hard they try to taint your legacy by singling out some events notwithstanding what they did had so much more harm and adversity to your people, they made you when they cornered you, took you to solitary confinement which gave you strength instead of breaking you they actually made YOU- they saw your God see you through it all and you persisted like gold you came out stronger.
Even when your own people turned against you, you did not waiver. They know how much your strength and tenacity at times even more than men to fight for the total liberation and emancipation of your people will forever live on and inspire generations to come. In the struggle for the liberation of our African states WOMEN did play a vital role. It is sad that the role of women is eschewed and women who were fearless and did about anything for their people are labeled as angry or simply controversial. LoL. How funny and silly!!! The women are the ones who kept the struggle alive in this context, mobilized people for the cause while their husbands were jailed or exiled or even when some men went into hiding because they were scared!!!
Ufike muda harakati za ukombozi wa mataifa ya Afrika zifundishe kwa nguvu zote mambo makubwa yaliyofanywa na akina mama wa mfano kama akina Bibi Titi wa Tanzania na Winnie Mandela wa Afrika Kusini. Lazima watoto wakue wakijua kuna akina mama shupavu waliopitia mengi hata kuteswa na kunyanyaswa kwa ajili ya uhuru wa watu wao na hawakukata tamaa mpaka kilivyoeleweka. Yaani wanawake walionyesha tuna nguvu ya ajabu tukiamua jambo letu katika kupigania haki na maendeleo ya watu wetu kutoka kwenye utawala mbovu wa kibaguzi na kinyonyaji!
Lala Ngoxolo Nomzamo Winnie Madikizela Mandela. ❤️ #RIPWinnieMandela - #regrann