Each person has his / her own individual giant to face and kill in life; so did the CCM! The best way to kill the giant is through our willingness to accept its existence, understand its source of power and weakness, then you face it with no fear! Killing the “giant” in CCM party might not be a favorable thing to some CCM members but was very essential to be done for the benefit of many (CCM members and non CCM members) as there is a big group of independent voters, people who don’t affiliate with any political parties that CCM needs their votes! I am not sure if this was an easy task but I am sure was one of the wisest decisions ever done by CCM; for that, my congratulations to them!
It is very important to teach our young generation about ethical leadership, accountability, and patriotism not only in theories but also in actions!! It is high time to empower young Tanzanian generation at this time where RUSHWA has become a way of surving and getting justice that money is something but not everything! Money can never surpass the power of people! Teach them the power of clean money; that only CLEAN MONEY can gives you the power and respect you desrve!!
Educate them the importance of unity! Go and tell them money is nothing when you’ve strong bond holding you so tightly together! Empower them by giving them hope to see Tanzania as a land of opportunity for a every good citizen! That in this country which was built with well educated, higher ethical and strong African morals believers you can be anything you want to be including climbing the highest mountain of achivement regardless of where you came from financially, or geographically! Its time to end some unnecessary gender, religion, geographical, biases that bring division and discrimination in the country for the benefits of few!! Tanzania as nation right now I compared it to a big puzzle where from outside looks like it can be easly put togher, while deep inside there are lot of broken pieces scattered everywhere! They need to be found, fixed, and figured-out how to assemble them into one as a country!! I’m not sure who will unite us but I have to say Hongera sana CCM for showing the right way, hoping for other political parties to follow suit!! Many congrats to the Top 5 listed. Dr. AshaRose Migiro, Ambassador Amina Salum Ally, Mr. John Magufuli, and Mr. Bernard Membe. I am not sure if you guys are the best of all but at least some “Mafisadi Papa and Mafisadi Nyangumi” didn’t make through!!