In life from the poorest widower’s son at the age of 15. Having failed to join secondary education, ending up to be employed as Cattle rustler, a butchery labourer at my elder brother’s butcher; inherited from our late father, at a pay of either 50 cents a day or half a pound of beef to bring home. Then a dishes washer, waiter and mishikaki roster at the restaurant of my first cousin JC Igogo. It was until my sister Teddy came for my rescue and took me to Dar for job seeking. That was in 1969, I was 16. I worked in the factories while attending my evening classes to become a professional. I recall when I managed to have our own shelter in 1978.

We were five in the family, fortunately you was the youngest after Elline and Vetto. That was the biggest achievement I had ever had in life. A four wall of cement and sand moulded blocks, with corrugated iron sheets covered our roof; never the less it had no fittings on the doors and window openings. With sandy floor without any cement sand screedning, walls were bare without any plastering, but at least Cecy and I owned a piece of land of our own, built that ugly and hut to live in that was better by far from what my mom had in the village. Though we shared common challenges of having no electricity and running water connection.

On and on, with endurance I furthered my education, and got a better salary job as a Manager at NECO LTD. Then life changed to at least a more decent living, I could drive company vehicles and travelled a lot in the regions. That made me to earn more money as allowances. My hard workmanship, honesty, reliability and a big heart on helping others, got me where I am today after I toiled a lot in life. You were there when we moved into our first small hut, and fortunately you will be there when we move into our state of art Villa this month. Though that is not real success in life but I’m proud of you guys who have made me what I am today specifically my spouse, mama Alpha.
Difficulties in life are ladders to bigger achievements in life; if you can allow them to come and go because HARD TIMES NEVER LAST BUT HARD PEOPLE DO. Be like baba, don’t hate your enemies, love them and God will raise you beyond their expectations.
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