Imenichukua muda kupost hili tukio la kuhuzunisha na kusikitisha sana kwasababu this is not kind of posts ningependa kuzipost humu! Kifo cha mtu yoyote is horrifying let alone vifo vya watoto zaidi ya 30?!! Its just too much pain for me!! ………As a mother, I am speechless over the death of these beautiful innocent souls! Like why? And how?!! As Mtanzania I am angry! very disappointed! And confused!! Like until When??!! Hizi ajali za Tanzania when will they end them?? Until when people???!!
As I said before at this very moment am speechless can’t put it into right words right now!! Maybe some day I will but for now the only thing I can say; Bwana alitoa na Bwana ametwaa jina lake libarikiwe milele zote! Mungu wa rehema awape faraja na amani wazazi, wafiwa wote na Watanzania kwa ujumla! Poleni sana! May their souls R.I.P

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