“To lead is to serve. The man is the head but the wife is not a slave. A good man leads with fear of GOD. HE will choose to serve his wife rather than ruling her. He will not make critical decisions without consulting his wife. Her happiness will be his priority. He will be consistent in his words and actions and whenever there’s is conflicts, he will never raise his voice or his hand against his woman. He will pray for his woman and pray with her.
A good man also knows that…

His woman happiness and love is not based on material things alone. She wants you to listen when she wants to talk. She wants to be sensitive to her feelings and needs. She doesn’t want to fight for your attention. She wants to be spoiled at times and be treated like a queen all the time. Sometimes she wants her breakfast while she’s still in bed. Sometimes she creates pointless drama just to be sure with you she’s neva alone. She wantsto confide in you and believe in you.
A good woman will be submissive and work with her man peacefully and faithfully. She will be reasonable in her demand, considerate with her actions, and patience her reaction. She will talk to her husband rather than talking about him. Whoever makes more income shouldn’t be a problem. In a good matrimonial home there is no such thing as competition because the 2 must become 1. If someone faster person must be ready to slow down for the other person to catch up. Both couples must peacefully and happilly walk at same pace and put GOD first in all they do.” ~~~~~~ Akinspirational (Akin Al-Ameen)
***Please note, Tesha family picture has nothing to do with the story****