The Duke and Duchess of Homabay County
Let me introduce you to some amazing people whom also are apart of my family. Oh Yes! I’m related to the Obama’s, Lupita Nyongo, Raila and the the greats who originated from Uhuru Kenyatta’s land. ??

Ladies and gentlemen; its my honor to bring to you the Obama’s extended family members! Lupita Nyong’o cousin-brother, sister inlaw, nephew, and niece! The Raila Odinga’s son and daughter in-law and grandchildren! The Uhuru Kenyatta’s neighbors ?? The Duke and Duchess of Homabay County family! The Royal family of Mr and Mrs Tobby Nyagilo! The Kaganian village descendants! The Luos from great land of Kenya. Looking amazing! Bless His Holy name, the Maker of all! Mbarikiwe sana. ?❤❤

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