Familia ya mzee Prof. Sarungi yenyewe walisherekea mapumziko ya Pasaka kwa kula na kunywa pamoja kama familia (kama ilivyo kawaida yao). Pia wakajumuika na ndugu wengine kusherekea miaka 80 ya kuzaliwa Prof. Sarungi
Wapendwa si mnakumbuka nilitoaga ushahidi kuwa mama Sarungi anapenda sana kuvaa Batiki! Si mnamuona eeh?! ?? Barikiwa sana mama yetu kipenzi. Mlipendeza mno ndugu zangu. Raha sana! Mbarikiwe wote.
Tanzia: DMV na California
Kwa niaba ya familia ya Kaka Adam Tenga na Dada Aziza Mitchum ; tunasikitika kutangaza kifo cha Mama yao Aunt Nuru kilichotokea March 27, 2016 huko San Fransisco , California. Taratibu za kusafirisha Mwili wa Mareheme kwa mazishi kwenda Tanzania zinaendelea.
Tunaombwa tushirikiane na ndugu zetu na familia kwenye kuchangia na kukamilisha gharama za kumsafirisha marehemu mama kwenda nyumbani Tanzania.
Tunaombwa tuchangie kupitia:
Aziza Mitchum: American Express Centurion Bank , Account # 6220033620855
Go Fund Me: gofundme.com/zaw825cs
Kufarijiana ni mila yetu, tafadhali mpe taarifa mwingine.
Msiba uko :
DMV: 6200 Ager Rd, Hyattsville, MD 20782
California: 1441 Detroit Avenue, Concord, CA 94520
Kwa taarifa kamili:
Adam Tenga : 240-491-1770
Aziza Mitchum: 925-548-2585
Ally Mikidadi: 201-628-2133
Abdulahi Makeo: 240-318- 3419
Asha Harizi: 703-624-2409
Mwajuma Awadhi : 510-205-9062
Jasmine Rubama: 410-371-9966
*Poleni sana wafiwa wote, ndugu, jamaa, na marafiki. Mungu awe nanyi katika kipindi hichicha maombolezo*………… please note: picha iliyo tumika haina huusiano wa moja kwa moja na marehemu au msiba. Asante.
R.I.P Faith Musau
My sincere condolences to the husband, children, family, friends, and the Kenyans Community in Houston-Texas in general. God be with you all during this difficult time.
Job 1:21: “And he said, ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there; the Lord gave, and the Lord has take, let the name of the Lord be praised”….. R.I.P Faith
Please, to donate for Faith‘s funeral and hospital cost click here
Blessing katika ubora wake
My babysister, Blessing akifanya yake ? busy na homework. I can see a Professor in the making ? Love her ?
Sneak peek of Sir. Sarungi’s birthday party
Just a sneak peek ya 80th birthday ya mzee Sarungi. Naona wapiga picha wamekuwa wachoyo ??? nikitumiwa zingine zaidi nita share nanyi.
pendeza sana wadada. Gorgeous
#TBS: Mr and Mrs O.O. Igogo at their best!
#TBS #09/12/2000 #MyBrother’sWedding #TPAHallSabasaba #DarTZ …………… Mr and Mrs O.O. Igogo at their best. Look at Sir Igogo’s suit!! Can’t stop ??? what was going on ???
Happy Easter to you all!
Enjoy your Easter day, sorround yourself with people who truly love you!…….ngoja ni waache na huu wimbo uitwao “It could’ve been me”!

It could’ve been me: Yes, God! Looking back that could’ve been me but for your love, grace, and mercy I’m alive, perfectly healthy! It could’ve been me Lord on that cross but you did it! Thank you for the blood you shed, the cross you bear, I’m saved and free! It could’ve been me ?
Hot shot of the day
Sister sister! love my New Yorkers! Beautiful!
The Mbunas
Mama Mbuna ndani ya jiko lake. Mwanamke jiko jamani, si mnamuona mama yetu hapa akipikia familia yake. #NaniKamaMama ubarikiwe sana mama Mbuna.
Biriani ya nguvu, kuku wa kienyeji awwih!…… sasa mjaluo mie mmh! Itabidi niende kwa mama Mbuna kujifunza kupika biriani ??? Oh! NO! Nimesahau yule Muhaya anakula matoke ??
Tabasamu lenye furaha ya kutoka moyoni. Akifurahia na kumshukuru Mungu kwa kuwalinda na kuwabariki watoto wake……halafu mnamuona alivyo mzuri eeh! Tafakari alipo kuwa kijana! Ukiangalia picha zake utampenda sana. Yani ni mama mwenye ‘free spirit’ fulani hivi amazing sana.
Family that eats together stays together forever! Inapendeza sana kuona familia inakaa na kula pamoja kama familia wakati wote inapo wezekana. Inasaidia familia kupendana zaidi na kushikamana
raha eeh! Safi sana
beautiful people
angalia roast hiyo, yummy!
There’s no such a thing as “perfect family” but family is everything in this world, everyone needs a family! Cherish and honor your family all the time. Mbarikiwe sana familia ya marehemu mzee Mbuna ❤
Foster, wewe ni miongoni mwa watu wachache sana wenye roho ya kipekee sana. But I can see where you got that from; your family tells it all! Mungu akubariki sana. Happy Easter to you all.
The New Yorkers
The New Yorkers family, looking great as always
Wishing you a very happy Easter. Thank you guys for the love and support. I ❤ you all ?
Ijumaa njema!
#FBF #2007 #MotherDaughterMoment #KalamazooMichigan
Happy Good Friday to you all ?
“Life is an uneven road” -Yassini Kapuya
Yassini A. Kapuya was born in Tabora, Tanzania. He is a senior business consultant and founder of TBX Business Consulting Co. and Co-Founder of Tanzanian Chamber of commerce in America. He worked at Wells Fargo Bank as a Senior Membership Consultant and as an office manager at H&R Block Income Tax Preparation Company in Menlo Park. “The 7 Poweful Lessons to Succed in Business” was his first book. He wrote this book based on his business experience and work ethics of over 20 years and the inspiration he got from his customers. In 2005, he earned his BS degree in marketing and sales from San Jose State University in California. In 2000, he received an Associate Degree in business administration from Foothill College in California. He also received his certificate in Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from Fresno, California in 2000. In 1996, he received a certificate in business planning and management from a start up micro business initiative in Menlo Park, CA. He was the winner of the150 years Gold Nugget Anniversary of Wells Fargo Bank for sales in 2002. He was also the winner of the top 2% in sales for Wells Fargo Bank in the U.S in 2003.
His second book, Life Is an Uneven Road is a book about the lessons from his personal experience. Born in Tanzania, Africa, and at age seventeen settling in California in the United State of America, how did he survived the different culture and language barrier and fulfill his business and academic ambitions? “In this book I have outlined the experiences that have shaped my life. I hope that this book can help you to make a positive change and restore the confidence that you can be anything you want to be in your life. I wrote it with the thought in mind to inspire you and help you achieve your ultimate goals in life.” Said Kapuya

Before coming to America, Yassini was selling Mangos, Apples, and Sugarcane, at the railway station in Kaliua district, Tabora, Tanzania. As stated before at age of seventeen he entered U.S.A and settled in California. “My first job in the U.S.A was at McDonald as a high school student. I worked hard and stay focused and eventually ended up writing books. Life is full of challenges.” Kapuya explained!
A SALES GURU’S SECRET is the book about how you can become a master of selling, and get to the top! “In this book you will learn the five pillars of how to become a master of selling. In general, to be successful in the art of sales, based on my personal experience and what I have seen from others, the key is that you must like selling and have good communication skills, because you will be constantly in contact with people where you have to define and explain your offering to customers.” says Kapuya.
Apart from his books, Yassini Kapuya is now a owner of KP clothing line and Jewelry kiosk in California.
Kapuya argued his fellow Tanzanians to learn how to share their stories as is the best way to inspire youths and transfer knowledge from one generation to another.
Source: Amazon.com, Yassini Kapuya
A word of wisdom
Stop calling people who don’t call you. Stop visiting people who don’t know where you live. Stop making time for people who don’t have time for you. Stop spending on people who don’t spend on you. Stop thinking about people who don’t think about you. You will make yourself emotionally bankrupt. You can love someone from a distance and I’m not just talking about the romantic relationship but all relationships; friends, family, boyfriends. Treat people the way they treat you and stop over exerting yourself and giving love where it’s not returned. Life is difficult enough without having to beg people for their love and attention. The least you can do for yourself is surround yourself with people who genuinely love and care about you. Most importantly surround yourself with people that don’t see you as an option. There’s nothing worse than people treat you like you are replaceable.
:Author unknown
Pata nguo za bei nafuu kutoka kwa Binti Malaika
Wapendwa wasomaji wangu, naomba kama una binti mdogo na unahitaji kununua nguo kwa bei nafuu ambazo ni kama mpya. Yani ni nguo zake mwenyewe lakini hazijavaliwa sana na nyingine hazijavaliwa kabisa.
Basi nenda kwenye Instagram yake ambayo inaitwa “BintiMalaika” ujichagulie. 50% ya hela anapeleka kwa charity (anatoa msaada).
“Ask for it and stay on Faith street”-Steve Harvey
The “Dangotes”! #FromTandaleToTheWorldTour
Si mnajua nawapenda hawa, basi ngoja niwaletee “special edition” ?? ya safari yao ya kuzunguka dunia huku Diamond akiburudisha mashabiki wake…. #FromTandaleToTheWorldTour
Wow! Bibi yake Queen Latifah furaha tele. Enjoy mama, ndo wakati wako huu Mungu alio kupangia.
La familia! Beautiful!…… Naomba nisisitize kuwa sina timu yoyote ile but I just love them!
Nice one!
Isn’t this cute! Sijui walikuwa wanasali au wanalia kuwa hawaamini like look where we are now; we beat the ‘odds’ ! ❤ it!
This picture melted my heart! Very touchy!……… Ngoja niwasindikize na huu wimbo as #FBF
Haya Dallas, Texas get ready! May 28th, you don’t want to miss it! #FromTandaleToTheWorldTour
The Lawyer himself! Meet my smart-Luo friend; Advocate Frederick Jonathan Usiku. Kama una kesi yoyote ile tafadhali wasiliana naye. Gharama zao ni nafuu kabisa na wana timu ya wanasheria walio bobea……Si unajua mimi siku zote nawaletea testimony za ukweli! Basi jaribu kuwatumia, matokeo utayafurahia na mimi utanipenda ??
Sister sister
Raha sana madada wakipendana na kufurahia mafanikio ya mwingine bila kinyongo chochote. Ndugu mnatakiwa kupendana kwa dhati kama hawa dada zangu, mnasaidiana, na kutiana moyo. Shida ya nduguyo ni yako, na furaha ya nduguyo ni yako! Wajaluo wana msemo mmoja ambao maana yake ni kuwa; ‘ndugu ndiyo anatakiwa afiche aibu ya ndugu yake. Kwani aibu ya ndugu yako ni yako’!…. hongereni sana mabinti wa mzee Kachare kwa kuwa mfano mzuri kwa wadogo zenu na watoto zetu. Nawatakieni kheri ya maandalizi ya siku ya Ijumaa Kuu na Pasaka njema ❤❤ dada zangu!
Je! Unamfahamu vizuri huyo unayetaka kufunga naye pingu za maisha?!
Je unamfahamu vizuri huyo unayetaka kuweka naye agano la milele? Embu sikiliza hii clip kutoka kwa huyu Mchungaji aitwaye Creflo Dollar, naamini utapata fundisho au wake up call fulani ……..
Tafadhali, picha ya Mr and Mrs Magufuli haihusiani na story. Nimetumia tu kwasababu ni couple, na nawapenda?
Kutoka Facebook
Nimependa sana jinsi Miriam Odemba alivyo vaa. Nimependa jinsi ubunifu juu ya nguo za Kiafrika zinavyo ongezeka. Safi sana. Ubarikiwe sana.