Here are some of images of Kairuki Hospital’s 29th Anniversary day. On that day, Kairuki Hospital (KH) donated full sets of 35 modern hospital beds to the Tumbi Hospital. Keep in mind that Tumbi is a Government Regional Referral hospital in the Coast Region. Never heard before of any private hospital giving back to public hospital! This act validates my testimony that I gave earlier that day! Click here to read it. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greedy” ? Mahatma Gandhi.
Congratulations the Kairuki Hospital,. Well done!
Gone but not forgotten!

Wapendwa wasomaji wangu, naomba mniwiye radhi kwa mara ya kwanza na ya mwisho nitaongelea kuhusu kumbukumbu ya ndugu zangu na marafiki zangu ambao wamelala kwa amani ya Bwana. Siku kama ya leo miaka 4 iliyopita nilifiwa na kaka yangu kipenzi aitwaye William Charles Igogo au kwa majina mengine ni Mzee William au Jeshi. Yeye alipewa jina la marehemu babu yetu mzaa baba zetu (William Olung’a Igogo). Kwa heshima ya jina la babu vijana wote waliopewa jina la babu tunawaita Mzee William (Sir William ) na kwakuwa babu alikuwa anapenda bunduki basi alipewa jina la “Ja jeshi”! Maana yake ‘mtu wa jeshini’. Hivyo huyu kaka yangu tulimkatisha na kumuita Jeshi. Na ndio jina ambalo alikuwa akijulikana nao sana kwa sisi wa nyumbani. Na kwa marafiki zake wa shule walimjua kama Willy (William).

Nimesema nitaongelea kuhusu kumbukumbu za ndugu zangu na marafiki zangu ambao wamelala kwa amani ya Bwana leo kwa mara ya kwanza na ya mwisho kwasababu moja kuu. Mimi nimeamua ku celebrate life! Katika maisha yangu nimefiwa na watu ambao walikua si tuu muhimu kwangu bali pia walikuwa karibu sana na mimi. Vifo vyao vimeniachia pengo kubwa sana na maisha yangu will never be the same again! Kifo cha huyu kaka yangu mpendwa ndicho kilinifanya nifanye maamuzi hayo kuwa nitalia na kuhuzunika lakini sito omboleza milele! Na njia pekee ya mimi kuweza ku overcome the pain ni kuto sherekea kumbukumbu ya vifo vyao! Nitakuwa nikiwakumbuka kwa good memories we shared together in any other regular day (s) lakini nisingependa to bring the memories of their death days into life. Nashukuru Mungu kuwa watu ambao walikua karibu nami awe ni ndugu au rafiki nilihakikisha wanajua jinsi gani nawapenda na kuwa ni wamuhimu sana kwa maisha yangu. Kwakweli namshukuru sana Mungu kwa hilo kwani natumia kila nafasi ya uhai anayonipa kuhakikisha kuwa wale wanao gusa maisha yangu kwa njia moja au nyingine wanajua jinsi gani nawashukuru na kuwapenda. Na hivyo ndivyo nataka kuishi maisha yangu yaliyo baki. Basi, hamtaniona tena nikileta special post ya watu wangu waliyo tangulia mbele za haki………..Hii ? ni msg nyingine niliandika siku hiyo ya msiba. Na hiyo nyingine ni ya mdogo wake anaye mfuta ameandika leo. Kwa heshima na-share nanyi……………R.I.P brother and all my beloved relatives and friends ?
Hot shot of the day
Awii! Isn’t this powerful!! Iron ladies from the most beautiful, blessed land on earth -Tanzania. Leaders of generation now! Icons of future generations. The daughters of Mwl. Nyerere! Looking amazing, shining like diamond. Mbarikiwe sana wadada wa nguvu ?❤❤❤
Happy birthday Mrs. Nyongo
Happy birthday my darling friend and sister to my heart Mrs. Fina Nyongo! May God continue to bless the work of your hands and grant you continued favor in your life. I love you not because you are my friend, but because you are such a wonderful human who truly deserves the most amount of love from anyone. Happy birthday mama double G! Have a wonderful day.
Kutoka Facebook
Pendeza sana my sister. I love everything. ?? ubarikiwe sana
Happy birthday Vanessa!
Happy birthday beautiful Vanessa. God doesn’t count the candles on your cake or the money in the bank, but the love in your soul. May you grow older, be the kindest and loving woman of God! Happy birthday gorgeous, aunt Alpha loves you ?❤
Mother and son moment
Dina Marios na kijana wake Zion. Wamependeza sana. Ngoja niwasibdikize na huu ujumbe toka kwa Palm 125:1 “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion. It cannot be shaken; it remains forever”. Mbarikiwe sana.
Rafiki wa kweli ni kama Almasi
Nimependa sana ujumbe huu toka kwa Foster Mbuna Mkapa kwenda kwa marafiki zake Anna and Gertrude. “Harmony prevails in the hearts of those who are filled with the music of friendship”. Wale walio jaliwa kupata marafiki wa kweli ndio watakao elewa na kuguswa na ujumbe huu!! Nashukuru Mungu kwani mimi nimebahatika kuona na kuonja upendo wa marafiki wa kweli-Ni mtamu sana!……..Hawa ni marafiki toka secondary hadi leo hii ??
Mpendwa, kama umebahatika kupata rafiki wa kweli basi nakusii mshike kwa mikono yako yote miwili. Muweka ndani ya moyo wako siku zote kwani ni Almasi ambayo haipatikani kirahisi rahisi na haipo kila mahali!! Nakama bado hujabahatika basi Muombe Mungu akujalie kupata angalau mmoja. Utakuja ushuhudie kama sisi tunavyo shuhudia……….. btw, hii ilikuwa birthday ya Anna na Gertrude, hivyo ni vyema nikawatakia kheri ya siku za kuzaliwa kwao. Mbarikiwe sana.
Mmependeza sana wapendwa. Wadada wa nguvu mbarikiwe sana kwa kuwa mfano mzuri kwa jamii yetu………… Foster asante sana kwa picha. Ubarikiwe sana
Mother and daughter moment
Zari na binti yake Queen Latifah. Wamependeza sana. Mbarikiwe sana wapendwa
Kheri ya siku ya kuzaliwa Mh. Halima Mdee
Napenda kuchukua fursa hii kumtakia ya siku ya kuzaliwa Mh. Halima Mdee, Mbunge wa jimbo la Kawe (Chadema).
Yeye alizaliwa siku ya 03 / 18 / hivyo nimechelewa kidogo lakini si mbaya kwani birthday inasherekewa kwa mwezi mzima ulio zaliwa ? Namuombea maisha marefu yaliyo jaa upendo, furaha, na afya njema. Akapate kulitumikia vyema taifa letu la Tanzania.
Jamani, hivi mnajua ni jinsi gani mlivyo pendeza bila kuvaa zile ‘uniform’ zenu za chama! Yani Mh. Mbowe mpaka ameonekana kama kijana wa miaka 18 vile ?? Mh. Easter and Mh. Halima hips don’t lie; mashallah dada zangu ?? Mmependeza sanaaaaaa. Ni vizuri tukiwaona pande zote mbili siyo kwenye magwanda ya kaki na zile rangi za njano na kijani kila wakati!! Na pia inapendeza kuona ushirikiano mlionao nje ya siasa kwani siasa si uwadui! Mfano mzuri sana wa kuigwa.
Mlipendeza mno
Beautiful people with beautiful souls! Mbarikiwe sana.
Kheri ya siku ya kuzaliwa Muheshimiwa. Live long ?
Happy birthday Muke ya Mashimi
Better late than never ? Happy birthday aunt ake, the ones and only one Muke ya Eng. Evans Mashimi. Mungu akubariki sana wewe na familia yako. Nakutakia mafanikio mema, furaha, na amani. Much love from Michigan and Texas ❤?
‘Till we meet again Jesse M. Sagiroi
Yeasterday I attended the farewell service of Jesse M’mayi Sagiroi which was held at Sugar Land Mortuary Chapel and buried at Houston Memorial Garden Cemetery in Pearland, Texas. Jesse was hit by a train on Thursday March 03, 2016 at Richmond, Texas and died at the scene. Jesse was born on March 07, 1995 in Mombasa, Kenya. Son of Ephee M’mayi and Onesmus Sagiroi. He lived in Houston with his family. Graduate from Foster High school. Up to the time of his death, he was a student at Wharton County Junior College with the plan of joining University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of business. Jesse was the last born in the family of four (4) children. He is survived by his mother Ephee M’mayi, his father Onesmus Sagiroi, sisters Diana and Esther, his brother Brian, and other family members.
Once again, I’m sending my sincere condolences to Jesse’s parents, family, friends, and the whole Kenyans Community in Houston-Texas. May the love of God be with you all now and forever. May His love be the source of your strength and comfort. May His love bring peace in your hearts. May His blood protect you all in every step of the way. To Jesse, continue to R.I.P we shall meet again on that beautiful shore! ?
Remember Me:
To the living, I am gone.
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot speak, but I can listen,
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard,
So as you stand upon a shore, gazing at a beautiful sea – remember me.
As you look in awe at a mighty forest and its grand majesty – remember me.
As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity – remember me.
Remember me in your heart, your thoughts, your memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, the times we fought, the times we laughed.
For if you always think of me, I will never be gone.
by Margaret Mead
Jumaa Mubarak
Jumaa Mubarak……..Sabato njema…….JumaPili njema
Sorround yourself with ❤❤❤❤
A word of wisdom
Remember Zanzibar in your prayers!
Hongera sana Aneta David Mwakilili
Msichana mtanzania Aneth David Mwakilili ni miongoni mwa wasomi walioteuliwa kuwania tuzo la wanasayansi wachanga Barani Afrika maarufu kama The Next Einstein Forum (NEF). Tuzo hiyo huleta pamoja wasomi wa sayansi, watunga sheria na washika dau katika sekta mbalimbali Barani Afrika, kujadili na kuhimiza sayansi inayoweza kutatua matatizo yanayokumba Bara la Afrika. Washindi wa tuzo hiyo wanapewa ufadhili na usaidizi kutoka kwa wakfu huo ili kutekeleza utafiti wao kikamilifu. Katika shindano hili Mwakilili, atafanya utafiti ambao utasaidia wakulimu.
We are proud of you. Wishing you the best in your next step ?
#FBF #1999 #WhiteSandHotel #DarTanzania
My kaka nimecheka sana na your newly renovated ‘mgongo wa chura’…….sikujua kama bado yapo around ?
I can’t say much because “it’s men thingy” ??
Happy 29th Anniversary Kairuki Hosp.
Happy 29th Anniversary Kairuki Hosp. Honestly speaking, you are one of the very few best hospitals in Tanzania! My late paternal grandma used to be one of your patients. I saw how caring and professional you guys are; from the ward attendants, nurses, MDs, and specialists. The amount of care and customer service was just amazing! You didn’t make to 29th by accident, and I am sure with that spirit you will make it to 100th!!
Happy 29th Anniversary The Kairuki Hospital! Mbarikiwe sana watani zangu ?
“Pay yourself first”-Betty Achapa

Set aside 5 to 10% of your income to save for your future. If possible , save 15% or more. Treat it like a bill that you must pay pay , and you must pay it FIRST. That’s your ‘family financial bill’ . Doesn’t it make sense to pay your family first before people’s bills? Your cable TV bill is not more important than your family’s financial well being…
#savingyourfuture, #Msbeafinance101.