Mmependeza sana mwanangu na mama yangu mkubwa. Mwe! Umenikumbisha bibi zangu, waendelee kupumzika kwa amani! ….Mbarikiwe mno.
Kutoka Facebook
Nimependa sana hii picha ya Dr. Elizabeth Daniel Oming’o. Pendeza sana cousin yangu, nimependa rangi ya nguo, na makeup imekupendeza. Ubarikiwe sana.
Bella’s homecoming party
Bella umependeza sana! Naona jinsi gani mama Ayugi alivyo furahi. Enjoy every single moment, and wishing you the best of all!
Wapendwa wasomaji wangu, kama haumfahamu huyu dada, yeye anaitwa RoseBella Ayugi Twaakyondo. Ni mke na mama wa watoto wawili. Anaishi USA, sasa hapa baada ya miaka mingi amekwenda nyumba kusalimia ndugu, jamaa, na marafiki.
Umependeza sana!
Asante cousin Baraka na my wifi kwa picha. Nanyi mlipendeza mno. Mbarikiwe sana.
“Mtoto Magazine”: Hongera sana Dina Marios
Nilipompata Zion kama mzazi yoyote ilikuwa ni furaha sanaa alileta furaha maishani mwangu na mwanzo mpya katika maisha yangu. Katikati maisha yangu yoote nilikuwa muoga sanaa kupata mtoto sikuwa najua nitaanzia wapi kumlea. Zile story za wakinamama waliotangulia kuwa kuzaa kunauma zilikuwa zinanipa stress saana.
Lakini Nilimuomba Mungu nikifikisha miaka 30 Mungu anijaalie mtoto katika mahusiano yanayoeleweka. Zion hakuwa bahati mbaya siku ambayo baba yake alisema anatamani tupate mtoto Mungu aliweka tiki matamanio hayo wiki iliyofuata nilishika ujauzito.

Nikiwa natimiza miaka 30 nilikuwa na mimba kubwa ya Zion na nikamzaa nikiwa na miaka 30 nikaamini ni mpango wa Mungu. Nilipopoteza leo tena nilihuzunika sana nikaanza kukufuru Mungu.Kwamba kwa miaka 8 mfululizo nimekilea kipindi leo nimeenda kujifungua narudi nakuta nafasi hiyo haipo kwa nini? kwa nini kuzaa kubadilishe tena ghafla? nakumbuka siku hiyo hata kunyonyesha sikuweza kabisa kabisa Lakini nikamuomba Mungu anipe muongozo anataka kunipeleka wapi?Kwa sababu ya Zion niliweza kuja na product ya mafuta ya nazi dina marios coconut baby oil. Alipotimiza mwaka mmoja picha za birthday yake ndio zilileta wazo la kuanzisha magazine ya parenting/malezi. Later nikajoin @efm_93.7 radio nakuanza kipindi kipya cha UHONDO.
Na magazine cover story toleo la kwanza yupo Zion na mimi mama yake kukusimulia mengi maana yeye ndio inspiration ya hiyo magazine.Nilianza upya na MTOTO wangu Zion ndio inspiration ya mwanzo wangu mpya. Baada ya mwaka mmoja kupita wa kulipika wazo jana nikafanikiwa kutambulisha magazine ya MTOTO kwa ndugu, jamaa na marafiki waliokuja katika birthday party ya Zion.
Lolote tunalomuomba Mungu atatupa lakini sio kwa picha ile tunayoitaka ni kwa namna apendavyo yeye na anavyoona inakufaaa. Usikose nakala ya MTOTO magazine kuanzia wiki ijayo kusoma mengi yahusuyo malezi ya watoto wetu . Litauzwa Tsh 5,000 tu!
Hongera sana tena sana Dina kwa kuonyesha mfano mzuri sana katika jamii yetu. Mungu akuongoze ujalie mafanikio makubwa zaidi ya hapa ?
Source: Dina Marios Facebook account
A word of wisdom
Hot shot of the day
Hawa Gwao, former Miss Tanzania- UK……kapendeza sanaaaaaa! na hiyo smile naona limezidisha urembo!
Safi sana. Ubarikiwe sana my dear!
Some sense of humor
Credit: Unknown
Bacon and Egg: Lesson in Commitment
The simple breakfast plate of ham and eggs (or bacon and eggs) has become the motivational story of “The Chicken and the Pig.” Both the chicken and the pig look on at a family eating breakfast.The chicken comments how a chicken’s eggs allows it to participate (or involve) itself to help others. The pig then comments on the bacon/ham; pigs aren’t just “participating” or “involved”—they’re totally committed! The story-: There are several variants as to how the Chicken and the Pig meet and the level of the relationship between the two. The Chicken suggests to the Pig that they start a restaurant where they will each contribute to breakfast. In reply, the Pig always notes that, for the Chicken, only a contribution is required (as a chicken can simply lay an egg and then resume normal activities), while for the Pig a “total commitment” (or total sacrifice) is needed (as in order to make ham or bacon, the pig must be slaughtered).
Interpretation-: This story is commonly referenced to illustrate two types of project members: pigs, who are totally committed to the project and accountable for its outcome, and chickens, who consult on the project and are informed of its progress. By extension, a rooster, can be defined as a person who struts around offering uninformed, unhelpful opinions. A successful project needs both chickens and pigs (roosters are seen as unproductive). However, given the sacrifice required of being a pig— they can be difficult to collect. Thus, the construction of a successful project-team must ensure that the project has sufficient “pigs” – and ensure that they are empowered to drive the project in return for committing to and taking accountability for it. The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed.
Lesson: No one wants to be Bacon or Eggs about their life. Here’s a perspective about Bacon and Eggs or I should say the pig and the chicken. Let’s start with name calling. Who wants to be called a pig? You? I didn’t think so. And who wants to be called a chicken? Me neither. So, we can agree that we both don’t want to be called either a pig or a chicken. And certainly, we don’t want to be categorized as either when it comes to how we relate to life. But the lesson in this story that I want to summarize is this: Bacon or Eggs – life will be sacrificed. If you’re a chicken, every egg you lay is a chick that you’ve sacrificed. If you’re a pig – you sacrifice your life. Both take risk to give and both have a reward in contributing to the meal we call breakfast. And the question and ultimate lesson is how much of your self are you willing to sacrifice to have the life that you truly want? Who exactly are you upsetting?
Credit: https://rochemamabol
My dad, doing what he does best engaging with general public in public matters at his office via Azam TV
Mother and daughter moment
Mama na binti zake. Yani mnafanana sana. Warembo wa Shirati hao, mbarikiwe sana.
Jamani ukipata wifi anasema maneno kama hayo hapo ☝☝ juu yako wewe basi nifuraha sana. Maneno mazito hayo toka kwa wifi. Mbarikiwe sana familia ya Kachare.
Tuige wenzetu wa Kenya kwa harambee ya elimu
WENZETU nchiini Kenya wanajali sana elimu na wanaipatia kipaumbele. Selikali kwa upande wake imekuwa ikijitaidi kuwekeza katika elimu kwa maana ya kujenga
kiasi kikubwa katika elimu.Jamii pia inathamini na kuweka kipaumbele katika elimu.kila mmoja anajua wajibu wake kwamba anawajibika kughalimia elimu.Mtoto aliepata nafasi ya masomo nje ya nchi,wazazi au mlezi anaandaa mkutano mahalumu wakuwakutanisha marafiki,jamaa na ndugu na Jamii kwa ajili ya kuchangisha fedha,.Utamaduni huo umewasaidia sana wakenya wengi wameweza kupata elimu bora ndani na nje ya nchi.Kutoka nana hiyo Kenya imekuwa wasomi wengi katika sekta mbalimbali.Na leo hii nchi Kenya inaongoza katika uchumi na maendeleo katika eneo la afrika. Ndio maana watanzania wamekuwa wakipinga wakenya kuruusiwa kuja nchini kufanya kazi.Mtanzania ambaye kila uchao analalamika kuwa hana pesa za kuchangia elimu ya mtoto wake, ndie anaeshiriki kuchangia harusi ambayo huchangiwa kuanzia laki moja na kuendelea.huu ni utamaduni ambao haufai na umepitwa na wakati UKIWA MTANZANIA ULIEGUSWA TUNAOMBA UTOE MAONI YAKO. Mipango wa elimu BURE kwa mtanzania pia changamoto katika utekelezaji wakeYani shemeji yangu umeongea point mpaka naona aibu kukutania ?? ila bado mtu akisoma atajua tuu aliye andika ni Muhaya ??
COMMUNICATION::.Lack of it or poor communication is a disease!
COMMUNICATION::. Lack of it or poor communication is a disease. A man is driving down a rural road and a woman is also driving on the same road but in the opposite direction. As they pass each other the man rolls down his window and shouts “Donkey!”
Not wanting to be outdone, the woman shouts back, “Monkey!” And she feels good for retaliating. But as she bends the sharp corner ahead, she hits the donkey and rolls several times. As she drags herself out from the wreck, that’s when she remembers what the man actually meant.
Moral Lesson:- Women never really understand what men try to say to them. And men never really clarify what they mean to women. Communication is vital in relationships. Keep on improving on it. If you haven’t mastered it yet, don’t give up, keep improving it! Communicate well & understand one another!
Credit : G. Ogoti
Hot shot of the day
My dada Mh. ShyRose Bhanji akiwa Masaka, Uganda katika harakati maandalizi ya uchaguzi mkuu nchini humo. Yeye ni mmoja wa waangalizi………..naomba niwatakie uchaguzi mwema kwa raia wote wa Uganda popote pale walipo dunia. ?
Cheka uongeze siku za kuishi
Unaweza kufikiri wazungu wamegundua mengi kumbe tunachuana nao! Hebu ona: Mzungu kagundua NDEGE Mwafrika kagundua UNGO. Mzungu kagundua ATM Mwafrika kagundua CHUMA ULETE. Mzungu kagundua DARUBINI Mwafrika kagundua RAMLI. Mzungu kagundua ROBOTI Mwafrika kagundua MSUKULE. Wewe ukiangalia nani mkali zaidi?
TAFFA (Tanzania Freight Forwarders Association) wakutana leo
Zaidi ya wanachama 3000 wa TAFFA walikutana leo mjini Dar es salaam kujadili tuhuma za upotevu wa containers bandarini……
zifuatazo ni picha za mkutano huo ambao uliudhuriwa na viongozi wote wa TAFFA pamoja na Mwenyekiti wa board hiyo sir. O.O Igogo
Wadau ambao ni wamiliki wa makampuni ya ya logistic au Clearing and forwarding kama ijulikanavyo na wengi wakisikiliza kwa makini mkutano huo ambao unagusa maslahi yao moja kwa moja.
Ukumbi ulifurika watu walisimama na wengine ikabidi wakae chini.
Natumaini mkutano ulikuwa wenye mafanikio makubwa kwa maslahi ya taifa.
Father and son moment
Nice pic of my dear cousin Dr. Joseph Obure and his sons Jr and Jason. Be blessed always
words of wisdom
?I love this, so am sharing with you:- Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. – That is the attitude!
Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. It’s not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the very end.
Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on what you make with them; a Wall or a Bridge? – Remember you are the architect of your life.
Search for a good heart, but don’t search for a beautiful face, coz beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful.
It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life, but it’s important how well you play with the cards you hold.
Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end, remember God and pray, it’s just a bend, not the end.’ –
Have faith and have a successful life. One of the basic differences between God and humans is, God gives, gives and forgives. But the human gets, gets and forgets. Be thankful in life…
If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realise that it is the Grace of God that woke you up.
If you are grateful to God, forward this to all your friends to inform them that it is JUST BY THE GRACE OF God that we are alive…?
Valentine’s Day moments
#KichunaWaKizaramo akiwa kwenye Valentine’s Day get away na hubby yake. Kapendeza sanaaaaaa! Hiyo robe ni LB product natumaini itakuwa madukani soon.
Just beautiful!
Wao walikuwa wameenda sehemu zenye manzari ya milima huko North Carolina.
Vinavutia eeh! Safi sanaa
mwe! Watu wenye bahati zao sisi wengine tu-valentika kwa kubeba mabox ???
pendeza sana Mrs Mali. Mzidi kubarikiwa
Valentine’s Day moments
Oprah and Stedman……….wamependeza sana! Pia nimependa ujumbe huu ?? toka kwa Oprah’s BFF Gayle
Wazo la leo
Nimependa huu ujumbe ☝ toka kwa Miss. Makamba. ?