“Hapa hatuchagui mtu maarufu, Hapa tunachagua mtu safi na huyu si safi. Kama unapenda sura yake basi nenda kanywe naye chai. Wengine mnasema aaah ni tuhuma tu. Samuel (Sitta)! Yusuf (Makamba)! Mnasimama hapa mnasema ni tuhuma tu! Lakini mtakumbuka mke wa Kaisari alipotuhumiwa kwa ugoni Kaisari akaagiza uchunguzi ufanyike. Uchunguzi ukafanyika na ikabainika kwamba sio kweli. Lakini Kaisari bado akamuacha, akasema mke wa Kaisari hapaswi hata kutuhumiwa. Na sisi hapa Mgombea wetu hapaswi hata kutuhumiwa wakati wapo wengine safi ambao hawana tuhuma. Kama mkimteua huyo mimi sitapiga kampeni. Siko tayari kumsafisha mtu matope halafu ndio nimuombee kura. Hapana kabisa. Huyu mimi najua si msafi na nchi nzima inajuasi msafi. Hafai kuwa mgombea wetu.” – Mwl. Julius Nyerere, NEC Dodoma, Juni 1995 Nyerere,
The one and only one gorgeous International Model Miriam Odemba (in Oprah’s voice)!! Stunning to say the least!
Miss Odemba attended the ‘Youth’ premiere during the 68th Annual Cannes Film Festival that was held on May 20th, 2015 in Paris, France. (Pictures credit to gettyimages)
At the same time Miriam Odemba was featured in Fashion Week Germany Margazine; what a milestone! Congratulations missy you are truly making us proud!Proud of you! Btw, for those who don’t know us (Miriam and I); we came a long way! Those days before being Miss Temeke. Funny thing I used to do her hair hahahahaha! Hakikosa msusi ananitafuta nimsuke! 🙂 🙂 #GO-GIRL! #GO-NYarTuri-GO!
Nimependa sana hii picha, nimetumiwa na baba yangu kwa Watsapp. Inapendeza sana kuona picha za wazazi wetu jinsi walivyo tumia ujana wao kuendeleza inchi yetu, tofauti na vijana wa sikuhizi ambao nguvu zao nyingi wanatumia kwa mambo ambayo hayawajengi kiroho, kimwili, wala kiuchumi. Hongera sana Sir. Kinana and President Kikwete.
Kwakweli sikuwahi kuwaza kuwa ipo siku nita post habari za misiba hapa kwa hii blog. Ila my “morals” inaniambia nilazima niweke haswa kwa sababu kuu mbili zifuatazo (1) ni ndugu zangu (2) ni blog yangu binafsi haiko sponsored na kampuni yoyote hivyo sina pingamizi. Basi kwa maana hiyo; kuwanzia leo kama kuna msiba wa ndugu yangu wakaribu au rafiki yangu wa karibu basi nita share nanyi kwa hii blog.
R.I.P baba mdogo……you will always be missed
Wiki hii haikuwa nzuri kwetu kama familia na ukoo wa Igogo. Tumepatwa na misiba miwili ndani ya wiki moja na wamepishana only a day. Pichani ni marehemu baba yangu mdogo ajulikanaye kwa jina la Agonda, amefariki siku ya Thursday katika hospitali ya Bugando, Mwanza.
Ni baba yangu mdogo kwa pande zote mbili; yani kwa baba na kwa mama (Double undugu). Kwa baba, marehemu alikuwa ni mdogo wake baba kwa ukoo (au kwa lugha za wenyewe wanasema cousins). Marehemu alizaliwa katika kijiji cha Utegi, wilaya ya Rorya, mkowa wa Mara na huko ndipo atakapo zikwa.
Kutoka kulia kwa chini-: 1st born: Felister Cornel Awiti (Mrs. Musira) 5th born: Cecilia Cornel Awiti (Mrs Igogo) last born: Magreth Cornel Awiti (Mrs. Sassi)
Kwa upande wa mama marehemu amemuoa mama yangu mdogo kitinda mimba (last born) kwa familia ya mama yangu mzazi (Familia ya marehemu mzee Cornel Awiti). Kama picha hiyo hapo juu inavyo jieleza. Basi ndio maana nimesema hapo mwanzo kuwa marehemu ni baba yangu mdogo kwa pande zote mbili.
Picha hapo juu ni marehemu alipokuwa kwenye graduation ya binti yake Dorice Sassi a.k.a Vumi. Vumi kama wengi tupendavyo kumtwa, yeye ni mtoto wa pili kuzaliwa, lakini ni binti pekee kati ya watoto watatu wa familia hiyo. Mungu akupe nguvu Vumi, can’t imagine what you are going through right now and personally I don’t want to ever be in your shoes! So sad to lose someone you truly loved and cared for. I have lost aunties, grandparents, uncles, cousin-sister, cousin-brother that were truly close to my heart, I know how it feels, but can’t imagine losing a father! Pole sana mdogo wangu, Mungu awape nguvu.
R.I.P Jessica Kateti Sarungi
Msiba wa pili ni wa my niece Jessica Kateti Sarungi. Huu msiba umetokea jana katika Hospitali ya Muhimbili. Marehemu Jessica alikuwa anasumbuliwa na ugonjwa wa SickleCell na jana Mungu aliamua kumpunzisha. Napenda kuchukua fursa hii kuwapa pole au salaam zangu za pole kwa familia ya kaka yangu Jamoko Kateti Sarungi (kwenye picha hapo juu). Kwa jinsi ninavyo mpenda mwanangu sipati picha ni maumivu ya namna gani waliyo nayo sasa kwa kuondokewa na binti yao kipenzi. Mungu awe nanyi katika kipindi hichi kigumu. Jessica atasafirishwa kwa ndege kesho hasubui kwenda kijiji Utegi ambapo ndipo wazazi wake wanaishi, pia ndipo Jessica alipo zaliwa na kukulia.
Picha za kuagwa kwa Jessica zimepostiwa na baadhi ya blogs, naomba niseme hili, binafsi sipendezwi na tabia ya watu au baadhi ya bloggers kupost picha za maiti kwenye mitandao. Ila hii link ambayo naweka ni blog ya mtu mwingine hivyo ipo nje ya uwezo wangu. Zipo Hapa
Najua kuna watu wanaweza kujiuliza kuwa nina undugu gani nao especially hiyo last name ya Sarungi kwasababu ni jina ambalo limezoeleka sana katika jamii ya Watanzania.
Kwa baadhi ya watu ambao hawatujui vizuri ngoja nifafanue kama ifuatavyo; Ukoo wa Marehemu Chief Igogo ni mkubwa sana. Hii inatokana na kuwa Chief Igogo alikuwa na wake 19 ooh yes! Nineteen wives! Sasa you can imagine huu ukoo ni mkubwa kiasi gani. Chief Igogo alikuwa babu yangu aliye mzaa babu mzaa baba (My partenal great grandpa) ambaye kwasasa naye ni marehemu. Yeye alikuwa anaitwa William Olunga’a Igogo. Kwa wale wanao jiulizaga kwanini baba yangu mzazi initials zake ni O.O.Igogo basi mtakuwa mmepata jibu. (Otieno ni first name, Olunga’a ni middle name, na Igogo ni m last name).
Sasa William (Olunga’a), Sarungi, Sassi, na wengine ambao sijawataja wote ni watoto wa marehemu Chief Igogo. Sasa nafikiri utakuwa umepata picha ya undugu wangu na wakina Sarungi, Sassi, na Igogo. Kama unaswali usite kuniuliza 🙂
Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa yote. Bwana alitowa, na Bwana ametwaa jina lake lihimidiwe milele zote!
Nothing empowers, boosts self-esteem, and gives confidence to a girl like having good relationship with her father! The bond that they create from the time when she’s a little girl helps her to become a great woman in a society; because she’s assured that there’s someone somewhere she can talk too, someone she trusts, someone supports her, and above all someone is there watching and protecting her!! When a girl has a loyal relationship with her dad there’s a greater chance of making a great wife, friend to her husband, great leader, and a happy mother-you know happy mama means happy family! There is a great lesson to learn from president Obama especially to African parents!! God Bless them and keep there unity together always till the end!
Nimependa sana hii picha ya Miss. LB pamoja na a very well known public figure, comedian and actress Kim Whitley. binafsi nampenda sana Kim haswa katika ile reality show yake (Raising Whitley) inayo onyeshwa kwenye Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). Nice picture!
Often people are underestimating the power of a smile! They failed to realize that your smile is important and powerful just like the act of kindness, caring, or compliment all of which have the potential of changing someone’s life! We need to smile more and often. Keep our smiles alive whenever possible.“Your smile is your Logo. Your personality is your Business Card. How you leave others feeling after having experience with you is your Trademark”-Unknown
“A smile is the light in your window that telling others that there’s a caring, sharing person inside”
Wanasema kizuri kula na mwenzio! Sasa naomba ni share nanyi kuwa kuna group Facebook linaitwa Pendo Asili, ni group ambalo watu wanajifunza mambo mengi kuhusu afya ya mwili, nywele na ngozi. Hapa utajifunza jinsi ya kutunza afya yako na jinsi ya kukabiliana na magonjwa kwa kutumia vyakula halisi kabisa!
Kwa mfano hapa chini ni jinsi ya ku control type B-Diabetic kwa kutumia vyakula tuu
-Kuna apple cider vinegar (Ukipata Bragg organic ni nzuri)
-Mbegu za uwatu (fenugreek) saga weka kwa chakula
-Bamia (kata kata loweka kunywa maji yake, usipike)
-Mdalasini ule original
-Vyakula ambavyo havijakobolewa
Haya basi kwa kujifunza milo mzuri na mambo mengine mengi wa join Facebook kwa jina la Pendo Asili.
Forgiving does not delete the awful memories we experienced in our lives; as moments last for a second but memories live on forever!
Healed memory will never be a delete memory rather forgiving what we couldn’t forget creates new path and ways to remember, brings peace of mind, and it frees you from corrosive anger! Forgiveness makes us happier and improves our health because we let go of the bad memories of our past.
We can change bitter memories of our past into a hope for our future by wisely choose what we do with time! Many people say ‘time heals,’ but I beg to differ that; only what you do with time is your healer! For example, there are some people walking around mad like hell for something that happened 30+ years ago. As quick as we are to judge others, you may wonder why? Well, time does not heal you and unfortunately they haven’t find what to do to heal their broken emotions.
A wise man once said “we cannot change memories but we can change their meaning and power they have over us.” My advice to everyone, your memories is your shadow you cannot run away from it! For that matter, regardless of how painful it is don’t ever try to block out the memories of your past, as for everything you’ve lived through helps to make the person you are today. They only thing you can do is to take your time to forgive. I repeat, “take your time to forgive” because forgiveness is a process and its unique from each individual hence, there’s no need to rush or try to copy others!!
Its Sunday, as usual we bring to you different family’s pictures as a way to embrace the important of family!
Hapa ni familia ya Nyagaswa, wako teyari kwa safari ya kwenda kupunga upepo wa juma Pili. Too bad baba alikuw ndani ya gari akakosa picha 🙂 mbarikiwe wote
On her Facebook page Theo Shayo wrote this:- “Wawooh more reason to smile eventhough am stressed with the last minute details of the festival 🙂 I am so thrilled to be featured on this, thank you Aysa Pena Province and Created Woman Team, y’all know how to make a woman feel created, it feels like am reading about someone I know so well and I love it…….”
“Y’all, if you want to know little bit about me and my adventures; please read Created Woman and I must add that on IMfest will not have become IMfest if it not for my awesome organizing committee and numerous volunteers…………….this magazine and blog is all about women supported women………….love it” Said Theo Shayo!
Theo is featured in the Created Woman Magazine under Multicultural Designer category. At the same time Theo will attend and showcase her talent tomorrow (later on) at the Multicultural Designer Festivals in Austin, Tx. You can read her story by clicking HERE
I must say that: though I won’t be able to make to the festival, I want you to know as your fellow woman and Tanzanian Diaspora I’m very proud of you Theo. Wishing you the best of all! Keep making us proud! #Go-Texas-Go#Go-Tanzania-Go#
Miss. LB didn’t hold back her beautiful smile as she showcased her amazing designs; off course as always Linda is wearing one of her own designs.
Again, LB showcased its designs in one of the high-end events. The Nigerian Leardership Excellence Awards Dinner was well organized and prepared by African Leadership Magazine in conjunction with the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus where LB managed to robe people’s attention and became the highlight of the event! Congratulations Miss. LB, personally I am very proud of you!
Beautiful Leyla Nyerere Bezuidenhout (Linda’s daughter) was there modeling as well. Good job Leyla! This amazing event was held at The Ritz-Carton Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia on May 9th, 2015.
Miss. LB checking the event catalog, she was one of the people who were featured in that catalog.
As usual the loving and supportive husband was there by her side, big-up Mr. Mali