Leo kutoka Facebook nimependa sana picha hii ya Future Professor-Essy, akiwa ndani ya uniform zake teyari kwa kwenda shule. Wahenga walisema safari ya mguu moja huanzisha njingine au kwa lugha ya kigeni wanasema “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Hongera sana Proffesor-Essy, usome kwa bidii na Mungu awe nawe siku zote.
Walijua hili?
Najua wengi ambao wanaishi katika inchi ambazo zimeendela wame punguza sana matumizi ya Cds au Dvds, lakini haimaanishi hawana. Vile vile watu wengi walipo nyumbani (Tanzania) bado wanatiziumia sana Cds na Dvds katika shughuli mbali mbali za ku record na kuhifadhi nyaraka mbali mbali haswa wanamuziki na wanafunzi wa secondary.
Sasa basi, si wanasema kizuri kula na mwenzio lol! Unajua jinsi ya kuondoa mikwaruzo kwenye Cd au Dvd yako kirahisi kabisa?
Mie nimejifunza hii juzi katika kipindi cha talk show ya “The Real” kilichopo kwenye hii inchi ninayo ishi; kuwa kama Cd au Dvd yako imekwaruzika unaweza irudisha katika hali yake ya mwanzo kabisa kwa kutumia ganda fresh la ndizi (ndizi iliyo iva) ukasugulia kwenye Cd au Dvd kama kwa dakika moja hivi. Kisha ukimaliza safisha na glass clearner basi na mikwaruzo yote itatoka kabisa.
Birthday Wishes
Happy 1st birthday Georgina Faith Nyongo! We wish you hundreds more of these wonderful days! Happy 1st birthday cutie, we all love you.

If you have forgotten, baby Georgina Faith belongs to our 2015-Hottest And Best Couple Of the Year! To read more about that press HERE

Ndugu ni ndugu tuu!
Hakuna kitu kibaya kama kujidanganya nwenyewe; mimi naamini kuwa ni dhambi kubwa sana mwanadamu anaweza kujitendea hapa duniani “lying to yourself.” Kutokana na sababu mbalimbali watu wengi wanapenda kuonekana wamo kwenye group fulani, may be ni kwasababu ya life-style, income status, social status, e.c.t. Na mara nyingi watu hupoteza karama zao, au Mungu anashindwa kuwabariki kwa kwadri alivyotaka kuwabariki kwasababu tuu wameng’ang’ania sehemu fulani bila kujua kuwa hapo walipo sio mahala pao, au huwenda wange toka na kua true to themselves wangebarikiwa zaidi.

Unaweza kujiuliza kwanini nimetumia picha ya Mh. Shy-Rose Bhanji, sababu ni kwamba kwanza namkubali (I just love her personality and character), pili narudi pale pale kwenye swala la kujidanganya. Ushawahi kuona watu ambao wanajidanga mpaka kuanza kutenga ndugu zao sababu tu yakuwa wana hali duni au wana elimu ya chini? Eti kwasababu sasa hivi anaishi mjini au nje ya inchi basi anatafuta ndugu wapya ambao anaona anafanana nao kimaisha na kabisa anaamua kujitenga na kukana ndugu zake. Kumbe bila kujua kutenda kwakwe hivyo kunamsababishia akose mibaraka mingi sana. Unaweza ukaona maisha yanakunyookea kwasasa lakini ukashangaa ghafla umerudi square zero halafu unabaki unajiuliza ni wapi umekosea. Au unakuta unapata ugonjwa wa ghafla ambao unahitaji huduma ya ndungu zako 24/7.
Basi tuige mfano wa dada yetu hapa Shy-Rose! Yeye hajaogopa kuwa tofauti na wadada wengi waishio mijini. Pamoja na cheo na umaharufu alio kuwanao bado anapenda na kuwathamini wa kwao bila kujali hali zao kiuchumi. Tena zingatia kuwa hawa ni ndugu wa ujombani, na mama yake mzazi halisha lala usinginzi wa mauti, hivyo ilikuwa rahisi sana kwakwe kugeuza shingo yake na kuto kuwakumbuka tena ndugu wa marehemu mama yake. Na kikubwa sana ambacho nimeguswa nacho, ni kwamba hakuona aibu ku share na marafiki zake kwenye social media, ambapo wengine wangejifanya wao kwao wote ni matajiri hakuna watu wenye hali duni!

Mnamo tarehe ya January 12, 2015 kuna rafiki yangu aliweka hii status kwenye facebook wall yake………………”Dawa ya kumkomesha mtu mwenye Majidai na Dharau kwa watu wahali ya chini ni Kumpa Dose ya Dharau Twice. Huwa nawapenda Sana this type of pple Wanaopick and Choose Eti nani wakuongea nae au wakumtembelea Ndani ya Bongo kisa eti wanajifanya wao ni Hadhi flani wanaishi kizungu Huwezi nipenda mimi wa Uk ukadharau watu wangu Wa Bongo. Pumbavu watu wamekaa ulaya na wazungu more than 15/20yrs na Bado wapo simple itakuwa wewe kibaka ulokuja kutembea au kikazi miezi 6 au mwaka mmoja kusoma?????!!! Wazungu wenyewe waishio kwao ulaya wapo simple. Basi hawa watu Trip hii ya Bongo nimewapa Fantastic Doze. Na wameshangaa hawakuamini nimewapotezea. Wenyewe wamejirudi. Hahahaaaaa. I love 2015.Jamanii mimi sishobokei mtuuuuuu hata uwe nani. I love simple real people . Genuine Individuals Only.# My wall My Voice.” Binafsi niliguswa na hiyo status nikajua kumbe si peke yangu ninaye sumbuliwa na watu kama hao, ilinipa faraja ndani ya moyo wangu. Na ndio maana leo nimeona ni vyema kuiwakilisha kwenu kama mada.

Wazazi wanachangia sana katika hili swala. Unaweza kuta mtoto toka amezaliwa mpaka anakuwa mtu mzima hajawai kumuona bibi na babu walio wazaa wazazi wao, hawajui shangazi wala mjomba eti kisa wanaishi kijijini. Nakama wapo mjini basi eti kwasababu wana hali duni basi hawana thamani kwao, kweli? Tafakari!
Je, unaishi mikononi mwa Farao?
Kuna wakati unakuwa inlove lakini actually wewe ni kama Mtumwa aliyeko Misri…………..Umekazana na limpenzi lako li-Farao, lina roho ngumu, huku nje kuna akina Musa kibao wanajaribu kukutoa Utumwani Misri ili uingie Kaanani, nchi ya ahadi, nchi yenye maziwa na asali…………..Lakini wewe,cha ajabu, unasema ur in love na Farao, mateso yote anayokupa na kukutumikisha lakini u still think ipo siku life itabadilika na Farao atakuwa mwema! Farao hawezi kuwa mwema kamwe, na hata siku moja hata Misri ibadilikeje haiwezi kuwa na Maziwa na Asali…………..Wake up,go after your destiny,toka Misri nenda Kaanani uishi kwa raha..Mapenzi yana raha sana ukiwa Kaanani,li- Farao unaloling’ang’ania wala halikupendi na halina future na wewe. Poleni wale mnaodate na Farao, fungueni macho, Musa anawasubiri!!
Ujumbe huu umetoka kwa mdau wa Facebook.
Kutoka Facebook
As daughters with their fathers so do sons with their mothers! Mothers are sons best friend. I can see that from my darling elder sister and her two sons. I know they love their father so much, but, Oops! Did I say but?! Yeah, but, I can see them “slightly” leaning more toward my sister. Anyway, it feels good to be a mother. May God bless all mothers in this world, Amen!

Birthday Wishes
Happy birthday Jack. “Today is a date when my name Changed from Tabu to mama Jack. And this baby gal whom I named Jack is the one!!! Happy birthday my queen.” Very touchy words from Tabu Obago a.k.a Jack’s mother.
Jack, we all love you deeply and wish you all the best. May God continue to bless. Soma sana kwa elimu pekee ndio mkombozi wa mwanamke! Happy birthday beautiful.
Birthday Wishes
To day is my father’s birthday. I know one day I’ll be someone’s queen, but under my dad’s thrown is where my heart will always be. Iam wishing him more Joy, more Happyness, more Love, and good Health. Happy birthday dad, love you always!

Tazama unapokwenda lakini kumbuka uliko toka
Wengi toka tumemaliza shule achilia mbali kusema asante kwa walimu wetu, wengi hatujawahi kurudi hata kuchungulia mjengo ya shule tulipo somea.
Asante kwa watu kama Miriam Odemba ambao kwa njia moja au nyingine wanatukumbusha kuwa ni vizuri tutazame tunapokwenda lakini ni vizuri zaidi kutosahau tulipo toka.
“Don’t take for granted what some girls have to fight for. Embrace education. Be self motivated” said Miriam Odemba. Recently, Miriam visited her elementary school; Meru Primary School, Arusha, Tanzania. Well done Miriam.
Birthday Wishes
Wiki iliyopita familia ya mzee Charles O. Igogo ilisherekea miaka 70 ya kuzaliwa mzee Charles O. Igogo. Sherehe ilifanyika nyumbani kwa mzee huyo maeneo ya Osterbay, ambapo ilitanguliwa na ibada maalum iliyo fanyika katika kanisa la Menonite Upanga. Ndugu, jamaa, na marafiki wote walipata nafasi ya kusherekea siku hiyo. Nami nasema Happy birthday baba mkubwa. Mungu azidi kuwa nawe, na akupe afya njema tupate kushereke miaka 100 ya kuzaliwa kwako. AMEN!

Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday Laura! Laura celebrated her big day with some of her friends and family in San Francisco, CA.

Hakuna kitu kina vutia haswa kwa wakina dada kama kuona mumeo au mwanaume anayemjua na kufata matakwa ya Mwenyezi Mungu. Mungu akubariki sana my brother Noah na familia yako yote.

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Birthday Wishes
Not too late to wish Nale Boniface (Miss Universe Tanzania 2014 /15) a very Happy birthday. Miss. Nale’s birthday was on March 1st. The day was well spent, shared her blessings with children with Albinism whom reside at Salvation Army premises in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Humbly appreciate people like Nale Bonoface as right-now our society is heavily fighting against Albino killings, more love and support is needed, and she just did the right way! Happy birthday cutie, blessed always.

Linda Bezuidenhout
This weekend by the grace of God I will be able to meet and conduct an exclusive interview with the fashion designer Linda Bezuidenhount. Recently the fashion designer was invited to participate on the 16th Annual Oscar Viewing Part And Awards Gala to benefit Children Uniting Nations in Beverly Hills, CA. The fashion designer Linda Bezuidenhout was invited by Daphna Ziman to attend and contribute one of her dress designs that was auctioned to benefit Children Uniting Nations.
Congratulations Linda, see you soon!

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Nimeipenda sana hii picha, as you know dads are girl’s best friend! “Mtu kwao” Ni maneno aliyosema Miriam Odemba katika picha hii ambayo yupo na baba yake. Miriam hivi karibuni alikwenda kijini kwao Buturi, wilaya ya Rorya, mkowa wa Mara. Nia na madhumuni yalikuwa ni kumsalimu na pia kuhani msiba wa bibi yake mzaa baba yake. Pole sana Miriam, na bibi apumzike kwa amani.
My humble Letter to Wabongo
Women and the hope factor! I in my humble opinion I think the hope factor is a number one killer of many women who experienced abuse in relationship. Much research has shown that women who use hope factor as their shield to continue to live in a bad relationship normally something is wrong with them. Often they think they are not good enough or not strong enough to stand on their own feet. Recently, our beloved singer Lady Jaydee admitted that some redemption was needed in her marriage. That the man she once loved and married to was very abusive. Unfortunately, the singer used the same hope factor to stay in an abusive marriage for good 10 years; hoping that one day her husband will change!
Okay, ladies let’s talk for a min. Let me start by saying this, sometimes women are selfish and naive especially when we are young. We misunderstand what love is really all about until real love problems happen to us. But even though, how can you hope to change something you didn’t create to begin with? Do you have a “copy rights” of that man you are hoping to remake? Yes, you are one body but that doesn’t mean you are one soul! “I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left.” Luke 17:34. What I’m trying to say is; you don’t have the ownership of neither their spirit nor their soul, for that matter, stop hoping to change something you don’t know how it was made.
Moreover, the “hope factor” isn’t the reason for me to write this letter. The superficial scrutiny of Jaydee attracted a lot of negative comments in the social Medias and that is a big reason I wrote this letter today. I can hardly believe that many people still think domestic abuse is okay and cannot be talked in public. Many have criticized Jaydee for coming out in the open telling the truth of what was really going on in her household with her former husband (Gardner Habash). That how dare was she to talk about her marital affairs in the public! That was misuse of social media. Some people went even far and claimed that; she (Lady Jaydee) herself was a “home-wrecker.” Referring to Mr. Habash was still married while was riding the “love roll coaster” with Jaydee. For that matter, no sympathy on her; she got what she deserves. What goes around must come back right at your face! Or I other words you can say Karma is real! I can’t speak on the issue (infidelity), as I’m not sure of what happened. Who knows what Mr. Habash told her to win her heart?
However, regardless of how the relationship was formed, I did not found any legit reason of why people chose to ignore the big issue (abuse) and choose to scrutinize her. I viewed the issue differently, I might be wrong, but I stand to be corrected! Breakup itself is a challenge leave alone being a victim of an abusive relationship! It’s unfathomable that people who’ve never experienced the pain of been abused with the people who were supposed to love and protect you like Jaydee feel justified in criticizing her decision. Do you know how many people are suffering from bad relationship; perhaps some are even dead from abuse? Sharing is caring; I am glad Jaydee chose to care for other people. If you read between the lines they way she was answering questions, you can notice that she’s really trying to transition herself from being a victim to a hero / survivor “nimeuacha hatuja achana” said lady Jaydee in one of her answers. People, don’t be so quick to judge. Why can’t we have mercy on her, give her time to rejuvenate her body and soul! I gave respect to you all who felt her pain, and sincerely tried to encourage her with some kind and wise comments.
I think as a society we have to be courageous enough to stand up for what is right regardless of the situation. Just because someone is or was a “home-wrecker” is doesn’t make it okay to be abused. By the way, doesn’t it take two to tangle?! Who broke the vows here?! Why people trying to overlook the real issue and blaming one person?! Oh! We’re so brain washed that its always woman’s faults; ‘the mfumo dume’ that used to physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and financially abuse our grandmothers, perhaps even some of your mothers is still existing, strongly running in our brain and blood streams! We are in 21century but yet people want to use the same bad manners that our African ancestors used to raise, define, and disempower women? To me as a woman, its offensive on many levels, and it’s another bit of proof that when it comes to domestic abuse women can’t win. We all saw how harshly Flora Mbasha was criticized, and now here comes Jaydee. Shame!
However, the marriage is over! What happened in her marriage is part of her life story of which she has full ownership and rights to tell it in her own convenient and comfortable way. Jaydee is a public figure that means many people are looking up to her as their role model. For her to speak out in public I strongly support it as many will be saved from the hands of monsters! Society cannot fix something they don’t know it exists, and they only way for us to know is by bringing it-out in the public, BRAVO Jaydee! The eras of hiding, ashamed of openly talking about violence in the family is so long gone! We need to encourage more people to come out and talk about it without judging them or blaming the victim. The worst part of this drama was the fact that Tanzanian women are the one went so hard on her. I was like really?! Where is the sisterhood, what is going wrong, and how can we fix it?
Ignoring the fact that such kind of abuses happened to her, frankly, was too painful to read. It is our duty as good citizen to fix the broken system, but first it has to begin with our mind. They way we reason things. For example, we have been hearing a lot of death where a husband announces that “she died in sleep.” How are we sure if it’s true? Who knows what really happened in that bedroom? As Tanzania society we always tend to be naïve, blame it on God, “ni mipango ya Mungu!” Even if someone was strangled to death, but we put it on God! Off course I understand we won’t be able to bring our beloved ones back, but we have the duty to prevent it from happening again. Isn’t that the same reason God imposed laws on us so we won’t sin against Him again?! We have the duty to do. We need to be an open-minded society with free judgmental mindset enough to make others comfortable to come-out of closet about domestic abuse or any issue that needs public attention.
Hence, father plays a big role in a girl well being. Most women who have insecurities are due to the lack of good relationship between a father and daughter particularly in younger age, or have lived in an abusive household. Indeed, parenting is a big challenge. Mothers need to be careful how they want to raise their boys although only a father is who can give real values of what it means to be a man. Whatever the case it is; ladies we need to stop putting our hopes in things that are hopeless. We keep our hope in God because not only He’s our maker, but He has given us the reasons to! God has the “title deed” of all of us, He gave us promises that many of us believe in them because are true. For me hope is more like investment risks that one can take. Does that man gave you reasons good enough to have hope in him? My dear, take your time, think deeply, and put your risks in the right place!
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2015-Hottest And Best Couple Of The Year
Nice picture of the 2015-Hottest And Best Couple Of The Year!
To read official announcement click HERE