Veronica Sarungi and my daughter Mercy at former Prof. Sarungi’s residence 19 yrs ago! Great memories……….far right is my mdogo Magreth picha imemkata au impiga picha kamkata ?? Kiswahili nasinda mimi ??
Happy birthday sweet cousin Veronica Sarungi
Mother and son moment
Hot shot of the day
Happy 7th birhday Nathaniel Joseph
lovely picture of Foster and her son Nathaniel Joseph. What a lovely touchy story from mother’s heart to his son! God keep blessing you Foster
Happy 7th birthday to you Nathaniel. Wishing you endless joy in your life!
*Please, I chose not to put their last name as my emphasize here in this blog is more of family, friends, and other social moments and not people’s “social status / status quo.” Just sharing, learning, and inspiring through family and friends*
Brother and sister look alike pic
Father and daughters moment
Kutoka Facebook
Mrs Zawadi Kakoschke katika ubora wake. Binti wa Shirati, Rorya huyu jamani ? Kapendeza sana. Kuna new posts kwa blog yake tafadhali tembelea uwone dunia katika macho!….. And Happy 11th Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Kakoschke ??
Late post: Ngorongoro Marathon 2016
Asante mama Maria Nyerere
Nani kama mama jamani! Mama wa taifa letu alipokwenda kutembelea daraja la Kigamboni siku ya JumaTano, April 27.
Nimesema asante kwasababu kwa umri wake angechukulia kuwa ni sababu tosha ya kutokwenda. Lakini nani kama mama! Upendo wa mama kwa wanae haufi kila siku unazidi ongezeka. Asante sana mama yetu!
Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa kutuletea Dr. Magufuli ambaye sasa analeta mabadiliko ambayo kila Mtanzania mzalendo aliyatamania. Najua kama Baba wa Taifa angekuwepo angefurahi sana. Hivyo tunamshukuru Mungu pia kwa kukuweka hai na kushuhudia haya mabadiliko haya kwa niaba ya Marehemu Mwl. Nyerere
Asante sana Mama wa Taifa letu la Tanzania. Ubarikiwe milele zote.
Group picture of the day
Happy 75th birthday mama Anna Mkapa
Unataka mabadiliko- unayoyahubiri kutoka kwenye “kiti” chako cha baa unayoenda kila siku unapotoka kazini, unawahubiria watu wale wale unaokutana nao kila siku, tena unajisifu unaipenda baa hii wanakujua unakunywa kwa ku-saini
Unataka mabadiliko– wewe unayeenda kunywa baa ya makaburini baada ya kumzika rafiki yako aliyekufa kwa ajali iliyosababishwa na ulevi
Unataka mabadiliko- baba hujui hata mwandiko wa mtoto wako unafananaje, hushiriki malezi ya mtoto wako ukitegemea kuna ‘App’ itakayokufanyia hilo
Unataka mabadiliko- baba unayerudi nyumbani usiku wa manane kila siku, ukiingia nyumbani lazima uanzishe ugomvi
Unataka mabadiliko- mzazi hushiriki vikao vya shule
Unataka mabadiliko- jina la jirani yako nyumba ya pili hulijui
Unataka mabadiliko- hushiriki vikao vya maendeleo ya mtaa wako
Unataka mabadiliko- unapoona watoto/vijana mtaani kwako kwenye vijiwe vya bangi/madawa ya kulevya unapandisha na vioo vya gari yako kwa sababu hawakuhusu
Unataka mabadiliko- unaruka kukwepa maji yanayotoka kwenye bomba lililopasuka barabarani, huendi kuripoti popote kwa sababu sio ‘inshu’ yako
Unataka mabadiliko- unatoka nyumbani kwako na takataka kwenda kuzirusha barabarani au mtaroni mtaa wa pili
Unataka mabadiliko- unapomaliza kula ‘ashikirimu’ yako ya azam, korosho zako za barabarani unarusha karatasi bila hata kuangalia inaenda kuangukia wapi
Unataka mabadiliko- hujitumi zaidi ya, huwezi kufanya zaidi ya kile ulichojiandikia kuwa ndio kazi yako, huwezi kujitolea kumsaidia mwingine awe mfanisi katika kazi yake, huangalii ufanyeje kazi kwa ufanisi kufanikisha malengo yako ili ufanisi wako na mafanikio yako yawe chachu ya mafanikio ya mfanyakazi mwenzako au wenzako waliokuzunguka, huwezi kujitoa kwa sababu sio kazi yako
Unataka mabadiliko- huwezi kumshirikisha mwingine wazo lako kwa sababu yeye akilijua ataonekana bora kuliko wewe au atalifanyia kazi na kukupiga bao
Unataka mabadiliko- hujafikiria kujiwekea hata dakika ishirini kwa siku kufanya mazoezi
Unataka mabadiliko- hukumbuki mara ya mwisho lini umechukua kitabu chochote kujisomea au kujifunza kitu kipya
Unataka mabadiliko? Anza Wewe kubadilika Leo. Usisubiri #MabadilikoSioMiujiza
Andrew Sanga’s “King 404” Wake and life celebration
*** INFORMATION ON ANDREW “404” SANGA’S WAKE AND LIFE CELEBRATION ** (04/30/16) 1)VIEWING AND LUTHERAN PRAYERS OF THE DEAD : As announced last week, we are going to partake Lutheran Church prayers as dictated by Church doctrine.
- These services will be preceeded by or go along with the viewing of the body and paying our last respect.
- Services will be held on Saturday April the 30th 2016 starting at 1p.m (1300 hrs)
- Services will take place at: 2400 S. Wilcrest Dr, Houston, TX 77042
- ***It is however suggested based on high levels of emotions, viewing should be upon our own discretion.
- ***It is okay to skip this and participate in other respect paying activities.
- To reiterate, this will be our ONLY opportunity to pay respect before Andrew’s body is sent ready for his Eternal home!
2)A LIFE CELEBRATION FOR ANDREW Family of the deceased decided to CELEBRATE rather than MOURN Andrew’s transition to his second and peaceful life.
- We therefore are going to gather after the Church services for dinner preceeded by a Prayer at the Fund Raiser location.
- 11916 Bissonett Suite #170, Houston, TX 77099.
REMINDER **** Although termed as CELEBRATION, this is a family’s wish to say goodbye to their and our beloved in their own way, we are HIGHLY reminded to dress MODESTLY as this is not a traditional cocktail party.
DRESS CODE: We are requested to dress in BLACK/WHITE attire (and/or)
For, Special Organizing Committee Saidi Nusura, Secretary .
“Dear men”
Dear Men ,
LADIES DO YOU AGREE? Money is not love and what melts a woman’s heart is the time you spend with her and how you treat her. Don’t let money be the only thing you have to offer because a real woman worthy being your wife is not all concerned about money and other material things. What will you do when the money runs out? Will she leave you for another man with cash? She may look like it is all heaven enjoying your money but believe me, she is longing for that connection that money can not bring and I wouldn’t be surprised if she is cheating on you with a very poor random guy without money but a spark of love. Women crave for attention first then gifts.
Please Share to let other men know that women are not gold diggers. credit: GetInspired Facebook page
Happy 15th birthday Nelson
Nephew, are you sure you’re 15 years old today! ?? for a min I thought Madam Judge has made wrong calculations, I can hardly believe it!………. Happy 15th birthday dear nephew. May the love of God be on your side wherever you go! Enjoy your teenagehood and have many more happy returns. We all ? you!
Happy 15th bithday to my boy. Mungu wetu a ku zikishindwa baraka zake uzime mishumaa mingi, kiasi cha kusahau idadi yake. Eeh Nyasachwa med ritona nyakwar merwani……. Amen!
Hello single ladies!: Men are born to pursue women!
Mr and Mrs Dangote: Special edition
The cutest couple ever! Wanapendezaje sasa! Nasikia kuna reality show yao inakuja! Nafikiri mimi nitakuwa mteja/ fan wao mkubwa! I just love them hata sababu sina ??
Isn’t that beautiful! Huwa nawafananishaga na Tim McGraw na Faith Hill ?
nawapenda sana hawa love birds halafu mie ni shabiki mkubwa wa country music hivyo imenifanya nizidi kuwapenda
Zari si kwa macho hayo ati ?? too much love around here ??
Diamond better have insurance coverage for those legs ?? hiyo miguu huwa hawapewi watu ovyo ovovyo; miguu adimu hiyo!
lovely! Ngoja niwasindikize na wimbo huu toka kwa Faith Hill “The Way You Love Me”!