??? hii kazi ya uwalimu naona imekufaa haswa! Naona unapendeza pia kuwa mtoa ushauri nasaa ?? Haya asante Mwalimu tutafata ushauri wako japo number 8 sijajua kwanini umesema “mama tu” kwani wakina baba hawapendi maendeleo ya watoto wao? Funguka basi!
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Mmbando
Happy belated Anniversary to both of you. Nawatakieni maisha marefu zaidi yaliyo jaa furaha na amani zaidi ya sasa……… Mkwe asante sana kwa kumtunza vyema binti yangu naona anazidi kupendeza tu siku hadi siku! Mke mwema asante kwa kumtunza mkwe wangu vizuri. Mbarikiwe sana. Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Mmbando ???
*jamani single ladies na newly wed mmesoma hapo juu ? kuna TIPS ya ndoa njema. Mie nisha copy, haya ngoja nijifunze kumvumilia huyu Muhaya wangu ???*
About Tanzania
Wanawake wa Mkoa wa Mara ni nguzo ya chuma!
Yes, Maria! We make things happen! Hatutaki mchezo siye. Tuna stahimili mikimiki na changamoto zote za maisha just to make them happen. Wanawake wa mkoa wa Mara ni nguzo ya chuma hata tukiwekwa kwenye tanuru la moto hatuyeyuki kirahisi rahisi!….. Baba na kaka zetu wakiwa nyuma yetu wakitulinda na kuwa tayari kutunyanyua pale tunapo jikwaa au kuanguka! Na hata tukianguka huwa tunasimama like Ndi Ndi Ndi! In Lady Jadee’s voice ??……… Hongereni dada zangu for making it happened. Mara ladies rock! Omg! We need to start an event for Mara Women Rock!
Kutoka Facebook
Mother and son moment
Nawapendaje hawa watu! Mama na kijana wake! Kwa msiyo wajua hapa ni mama yangu mzazi ambaye ni mama mlezi / mama mdogo wa Mzee William (pembeni yake). Mzee William yeye ni mtoto wa marehemu baba yangu mkubwa. Yeye amekulia nyumbani kwetu toka ana miaka 4; ameanzia chekechea akiwa kwetu hivyo amelelewa na wazazi wangu…… tunamuita “mzee” kwa heshima ya kupewa jina la babu mzaa baba “William”.
Hapa ilikuwa ni 2012 huko maeneo ya Kunduchi beach nyumbani kwa kaka yangu mkubwa. It’s not a throwback day but since it’s his birthday I decided to be nice by throwing back this ?? Happy birthday brother!❤❤
A word of wisdom: The sin of Presumption!
Touching Story. Don’t Judge Until you know the whole Truth!
A cat was so faithful that the woman could leave her baby with it and go out to attend other matters. She always returned to find the child soundly asleep with the cat faithfully watching over him.
One day something tragic happened. The woman as usual, left the baby in the “hands” of this faithful cat and went out shopping. When she returned, she discovered rather a nasty scene, there was a total mess. The baby’s cot was dismantled; his nappies and clothes torn to shreds with blood stains all over the bedroom where she left the child and the cat. Shocked, the woman wailed as she began looking for the baby.
All of a sudden, she saw the faithful cat emerging from under the bed. It was covered with blood and licking its mouth as it had just finished a delicious meal. The woman went berserk and assumed that the cat had devoured her baby.
Without much thought she beat the cat with a wood to death. But as she continued searching for the”remains” of her child, she beheld another scene.
Close to the bed was the baby, who although lying bare on the floor, was safe and under the bed the body of a snake torn to pieces in what must have been a fierce battle between it and the cat, which was now dead.
Then reality dawned on the woman who now began to understand what took place in her absence. The cat fought to protect the baby from the ravenous snake. It was too late for her now to make amends because in her impatience and anger, she had killed the faithful cat.
How often have we misjudged people, judge them and torn them to shreds with harsh words and deeds before we have had time to evaluate the situation? It is called SIN OF PRESUMPTION!
Presuming things without taking the trouble to find out exactly what the situation really is. Little patience can drastically reduce major life long mistakes.
Who are you misjudging right now. Who are you humiliating and ignore for they are? Who do you hate just because you feel they are just bad and you don’t like them for no reason? Don’t think what you think others are thinking. Take time to get the whole truth.
The bosslady herself!
Je hii ni kweli!
Inasikitisha sana! Miaka mitatu (3 yrs) ya kufanya kazi TRA ndo mtu anakuwa na nyumba ya namna hii at 32 yrs old?! Labda kama chanzo cha pesa yake ni familia yake lasivyo basi hili ni jipu kubwa sana! Nimesema “kama chanzo cha pesa ni familia” kwani sina huwakika wa hii story wala muhusika mwenyewe hivyo sitaki kumuonea mtu! Kuna wengine wazazi wao wanawapa nyumba na kila kitu hivyo huwezi make a conclusion kwa information nusu nusu! Lakini hawa wafanyakazi waTRA only God knows what to do with them! Je hii ni kweli?
Happy birthday mzee William!
Kheri ya siku ya kuzaliwa kwako mdogo wangu kipenzi mzee William! Nakutakia maisha marefu yaliyojaa upendo wa dhati na furaha ya kweli! Ukabarikiwe mpaka ushangae ?? japo bado ninenuna mwenzio nilikuwa nimejiandaa na kiwalo changu halafu wewe umenikatili hivyo ?? ………Happy birthday baby brother, I love you so much?❤
We ????????????????????You!
Please read this!
This is Officer Tyler with the Houston Police Department.
I have asked all of the witnesses to please not discuss details of the shooting with others.
It has come to my attention that threats and other comments have been made in person, on the phone (voice/text messages) and in social media.
All witnesses have been fully cooperating with us, the police, and we have asked them all not to discuss this case with others for the integrity of this investigation.
Can you please pass the information on to family and friends?
Angalizo: Tuwe waungwana, tuache kusambaza video clip ambayo marehemu amekuwa recorded akiwa chini damu zikimwagika kabla ya kupelekwa hospital. Nimetumiwa hiyo clip na Mzimbabwe mmoja anaishi Michigan! Inasikitisha sana kuona watu wameondokewa na UTU kwasababu ya mitandao! Si uungwana hata kidogo! Utu ni bora kuliko mali!
Hot shot of the day
Kheri ya kutimiza miaka 10 ya kuzaliwa kwako mwanangu Chaulo
Happy birthday my darling mtani
#FBF: In loving memory of Andrew Sanga
Marehemu Andrew na mama yake mzazi
Marehemu Andrew Sanga (aliye simama juu) akiwa na na wana Houston
Hapa akiwa na watoto wa nduguze / rafiki
akifurahia maisha na rafiki yake
great memories, happy as usual
Sorrounded himself with love and greatness as usual
“Amri mpya nawapa, mpendane. Kama vile nilivyowapenda ninyi, mpendane vivyo hivyo” Yohana 13:34………….Bwana Alitoa Bwana ametwaa jina lake lihimidiwe milele zote!
Father and daughter moment: In loving memory of Andrew ‘Drew’ Nicky Sanga
Father is daughter’s first love, best friend, providers, protecter etc
The gap is big and deep no one would be able to fix it…..only God knows how!
If she could have another date with her father surely she wouldn’t mind at all! #LoveOnTheFisrtSight.
Every step I take… Every move I make…Every single day Every time I pray I’ll be missing you
Thinking of the day when you went away……
what a life to take what bond to break I’ll be missing you
In my heart is where I’ll keep you dad….
Memories give me the strength I need to proceed, Strength I need to believe, and sweet love to endure great loss forever!
If tomorrow is judgment day and I’m standing on the front line and the Lord asks me what I did with my life I will say I spent it with you
If I lose my fame and fortune and I’m homeless on the street and I’m sleeping in Grand Central Station it’s okay if you’re sleeping with me
If I should die this very day, please don’t cry, ’cause on Earth we weren’t meant to stay and no matter what the people say I’ll be waiting for you after the judgment day
‘Cause your love is my love! And my love is your love! It would take an eternity to break us and the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us
Sorry I never told you all I wanted to say…… And now it’s too late to hold you ‘Cause I’ve flown away so far away……. I assumed I’d always be there. I took my presence for granted but I always cared and you will miss the love we shared …..
Like so many friends we’ve lost along the way and I know eventually we’ll be together one sweet day Evenetually I’ll see you in heaven
Although the sun will never shine the same again, I’ll always look to a brighter day. Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep. You will always listen as I pray
R.I.P baba Zoe. She will miss you dearly ?
Watajwe hadharani!
Nimefurahi sana kuona kuwa Rais wa Tanzania Dr. Magufuli anasema atawataja hadharani “majipu” yote yanayo takiwa kutumbuliwa. Kwakweli hata mimi nakubaliana naye kwani ni haki ya Mtanzania kujua hawa watu walioifikisha inchi yetu hapa! Hawa ni watu walikula na kutanua kwa pesa za wanyonge bila huruma yoyote! Sasa kwanini waonewe huruma eti wasitajwe hadharani?! Kisa! Mbona walitanua mbele ya macho yetu mchana kweupe?! #WatajweHadharani
Hivi karibuni nilikuwa na chat na mdogo wangu kuhusu mtu fulani ambaye juzi juzi amewekwa gerezani (ni jipu lile la bank ya $6m). Nilisema almost the same thing ambacho Dr. Magufuli amesema! Soma ? Kwakweli hawa mafisadi walifanya hata wale watu wanao tafuta pesa zao kihalali waonekane nao ni mafisadi. Tena hawa mafisadi wa TRA ndo sitaki hata kuwasikia waliona kama wao ndio wana hati miliki ya Tanzania! Viburi, dharau, na majivuno yasiyo semeka!! #WatajweHadharani maana hakuna namna!
Bwana alitoa na Bwana ametwaa jina lake lihimidiwe milele zote: R.I.P Andrew Nicky Sanga
—With our deep sorrow, we are sad to let you all know that Andrew’s heart suddenly stopped.05.45pm Leading to his death.
—We thank you all for all the prayers, and we should please continue praying for his and our peace as family, friend’s, employer’s, co-workers, Houston community and All his friend’s and family from all over the world are acknowledged as well.
From Andrew’s Family
–Daudi Mayocha
THC President
(Tanzania Houston Community)
Keep on praying! Faith is a victory don’t let it go!
Wapendwa na wanajumuia wote, Maombi kwa ajili kaka Andrew Sanga aliyepigwa risasi siku chache zilizopita, yataendelea leo saa moja kamili jioni (7:00 PM USCST AU 8 PM USEST). Maombi ni nusu saa tu. Tafadhali, jiunge pamoja nasi kwa kupiga simu namba 218-339-8459 ikifuatiwa na Pass code 256445#.
Kwa wale walio nje ya USA anza na ‘+1’.
Mbarikiwe sana. Tafadhali tuma message hii kwa ndugu, jamaa na marafiki na vikundi mbali mbali. Zaburi 30:2 “Ee BWANA, Mungu wangu, Nalikulilia ukaniponya.” The prayer line is open all day. Please feel free to join and pray for our brother Andrew.
Update on brother Andrew Sanga’s condition
Dear Community members,
Update on Andrew’s condition as of today April 20th 2016, the condition has not changed and it is turning to be worse. Andrew is now depending 100% on ventilator.
Andrew suffered brain injury which led to massive brain damage. There were multiple brain and neurological tests conducted and detected that there was no brain activity. As family we have tried several options from different level one trauma care facilities. Now we need prayers nonstop, prayers for God’s miracles in his healing.
We as family we thank other families, friends, co-workers, employers and Houston Community for your prayers and massive support. We still need you to continue praying and worshiping for his condition to get better.
From Andrew’s Family.
Cassius Pambamaji
Faith is a victory, we won’t lose it Andrew! Get well soon in Jesus name. …Amen!