In politics, don’t ever let your opponents have a chance “to define” you before you have defined yourself. Thats why politicians in the western world like to write books about their life stories. It gives them a chance to “set the records straight” before their political opponents hijack their stories and paint them however they see fit.
Considering his background, Makonda should have dealt with his past a while ago……! And he still can……..
He has a personal story to tell….of a guy who…despite many obstacles….swam against the tide to reach where he is…..a story that can resonate with a lot of aspiring young men and women…..from all those failures in school and yet be able to pick up yourself and get going…..thats inspiring….! Of course, he will have to start by admitting his blunder and failure to be honest with Tanzanians upfront……My wish is that, there were good PR (public relations) experts in Tanzania….
Well….what can we do?!