" It's with deep sorrow that my family and I announce the death of our lovely mother who passed on this morning. May her soul rest in peace, May Allah forgive you your sins and grant you Jana. You will forever be loved our Old Sun, us as your kids were given the best from God as our mother. We appreciate all you did for us. We will forever cherish you Mama. Sleep well? " >>> Announced the BossLady through her Instergram A/CZari my dear, just know there are so many of us who have been touched with the death of your mother, we mourn with you and your family!...... I imagined how will I feel and what will I do if I was in your position right now; the feeling is unexplainable, terrifying to say the least! Just keep the faith, believe that if God brings you to it, He will bring you through it! Stay strong darling!

Sending my deepest condolences to your family, your 4 soldiers, and beloved daughter- Tiffah! May mama's soul R.I.P ......... Bwana alitoa na Bwana ametwaa libarikiwe jina lake milele zote ?