Regrann from @jokatemwegelo -From a regular girl to beauty queen to pan-african media personality to one of the top university graduates at the University of Dar Es Salaam- with honors to owning my own business, landing on Forbes Africa @forbesafrica to being a politician to being appointed by the President of Tanzania as District Commissioner - Kisarawe and to many more accolades, Amen. Dear Girl child let no one tell you can not do it all and achieve greatness on your own terms.
Many congratulations to our newly crowned Miss Tanzania @queenelizabethtanzania Go fly the Tanzanian flag ?? higher. You have all our blessings. To all the contestants of Miss TZ this year, congrats for making it this far. You now have a platform to make a difference in your life and our country. The choice for greatness is in your hands. And to you my sister @basillamwanukuzi , thank you for restoring the respect of Miss Tanzania. Through you, girls will be inspired to go after their dreams. As the saying goes, ‘When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor’.. You organized a great show even without enough sponsors and resources, but you my sister did it! Well done to you ????Looking forward to what the future holds for Miss Tanzania under your leadership and thank you for making that contribution for education in Kisarawe @newmisstanzania @mac_couture @the_queen_of_fabrics @americannailstz @kisarawe_mpya #kisarawempya #jokatekisarawe
- #regrann