Regrann from @cheyennebbostock – Yes, we descend from Africa, yes our ancestors were brought here against their free will, yes they were raped, tortured and killed, yes they were sold into slavery, yes they were not paid for their labor, yes we are still affected mentally, emotionally, and financially as a result of their wrong doings, yes racism still exists, BUT… what was done to our ancestors is nothing in comparison to what was done to Jesus and he forgave them, and he died for us. Are you willing to forgive and love again? Not just black people, but ALL people. Even your enemies.

Once you stop hating, you’ll start loving. Once you stop loving, you’ll start hating. Make love your choice! We all have sins we wish could be forgiven and forgotten. Extend the same grace you would want others to extend to you. Everyday should be Love Day! Everyday is Black History and ALL History! Make love your choice! Not hate. ?? – #regrann