I’ve been hearing this since my childhood that ‘true friends are very rare and hard to find’; well, the longer I live the more I realize it’s so true!
I am very thankful to God to have the family of Dr. Thomas Ongwela as my true friend!
We met as strangers at Trinity Temple SDA church in Kalamazoo, by the grace of God we became friends and now we are family!
Thank you so much Dr. Thomas for allowing me and my lovely daughter to be part of your family. May God keep blessing you more and more and more!!
Rose, simply you are the best! I love you more than what you think. Will always miss your company 😘
Precious, my love, I will always miss your silliness 😊 you are so beautiful my daughter 😍 love you so much
awwii! Going to miss you ladies! Love you so deep!
My babies! Love you big big 🙂 Missing you girls😍
Dr. Thomas Ongwela, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! and again Thank you so much!
Rose, I’ll miss your healthy delicious food 😯
My dear readers, when you find a real-true friend(s) hold them so tight, because you can hardly and rarely find them in this 21st century world!! The Ongwelas, I love you guys. God bless you 😍
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